* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-07-27 12:44 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-07-27 12:44 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 7839486f0128a3ec5bae6962624ee4d3f141c651
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Fri Jul 27 12:33:37 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Fri Jul 27 12:33:37 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=7839486f
catalyst -- fixes FreeBSD support code, bug #363577
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 4 +
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- | 104 +++++++++++++++
dev-util/catalyst/files/ | 36 ++++++
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 133 ++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26fe9ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+AUX 1551 RMD160 20b47d803443136ab511ef5ad5b7d5b2ea0e0715 SHA1 c51b4dc05bffaed7911d447bea7993400854152e SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc
+AUX catalyst- 5415 RMD160 481b6eccbac39d389443a7907ea36e47fe05db15 SHA1 47a03f8ead1b72714da89bdf4b7881293d88c4fc SHA256 a071a7e6816b0df2e5f658b2d2ff086bf8630f705dbf3fa37858ca7e16579bc5
+DIST catalyst- 909073 RMD160 48d4eeb7e3dfd14f1c1f04542371580999d97e63 SHA1 c8cc79c635b531fdc5592a8cf230706817a8458a SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed
+EBUILD catalyst- 3440 RMD160 751e7cf35536bcbbf3f6ef1d9ab1792eb7fe9a32 SHA1 35af1d15ee5557e65103155a3847fc7f6f0c3557 SHA256 14b53f8a934c12a9f08e91f9f80de6d65799e8bc9e606408a26fbb0f28f5b0fa
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf9d830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-,v 1.1 2012/07/27 05:14:07 jmbsvicetto Exp $
+# catalyst-9999 -> latest Git
+# catalyst-2.9999 -> catalyst_2 branch from Git
+# catalyst-VER -> normal catalyst release
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999* || ${PV} == 2.9999* ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI=""
+ S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
+ SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
+ http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+inherit eutils multilib python
+DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
+IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
+ virtual/cdrtools
+ ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
+ ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
+ kernel_linux? ( app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use ccache ; then
+ einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
+ else
+ ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
+ ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
+ ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
+ fi
+ echo
+ einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
+ einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
+ einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
+ einfo "on catalyst."
+ echo
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999* || ${PV} == 2.9999* ]]; then
+ ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
+ ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
+ ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
+ ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
+ ewarn "have asked you to do so."
+ fi
+ python_set_active_version 2
+src_prepare() {
+ python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/
+ use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
+src_install() {
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
+ doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
+ else
+ doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
+ fi
+ for x in targets/*; do
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
+ doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
+ done
+ make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
+ insinto /etc/catalyst
+ doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
+ doins examples/* || die
+ dodoc README ChangeLog AUTHORS
+ doman files/catalyst.1
+ # Here is where we actually enable ccache
+ use ccache && \
+ dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
+ /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
+ dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
+ /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
+ einfo "catalyst project page at:"
+ einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
+ echo
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51ae1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff -ur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-07 20:28:46.788719269 +0200
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-07 20:29:28.099721112 +0200
+@@ -67,28 +67,28 @@
+ "Builder class for armv6j target"
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
+- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6j-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
++ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6j-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
+ self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv6j -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
+ class arch_armv6z(generic_arm):
+ "Builder class for armv6z target"
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
+- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6z-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
++ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6z-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
+ self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv6z -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
+ class arch_armv6zk(generic_arm):
+ "Builder class for armv6zk target"
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
+- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6zk-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
++ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6zk-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
+ self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv6zk -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
+ class arch_armv7a(generic_arm):
+ "Builder class for armv7a target"
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
+- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
++ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv7a-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
+ self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp"
+ class arch_armv6j_hardfp(generic_arm):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..406ddd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:36:35.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1078,9 +1078,14 @@
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
+ cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
+ "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
+- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
+- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
++ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
+ """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:36:35.000000000 +0900
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ export clst_buildpkgs="$(/tmp/build.py)"
+ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
+ # Setup our environment
+ BOOTSTRAP_USE="$(portageq envvar BOOTSTRAP_USE)"
+@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
+ [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && \
+ echo 'USE="${USE} -build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
+ run_merge "--oneshot --nodeps sys-apps/baselayout"
+-sed -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ # Next, we install the package manager
+ clst_root_path=/ setup_pkgmgr
+@@ -34,5 +35,5 @@
+ echo "USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"" \
+ >> /etc/portage/make.conf
+ run_merge "--oneshot ${clst_buildpkgs}"
+-sed -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
++${SED} -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${STAGE1_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
+ /etc/portage/make.conf
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:36:35.000000000 +0900
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
++${SED} -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ update_env_settings
+ show_debug
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:38:07.000000000 +0900
+@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
+ }
+ setup_myfeatures(){
++ sed_selector
+ setup_myemergeopts
+ export FEATURES="-news"
+ if [ -n "${clst_CCACHE}" ]
+@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
+ else
+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --noreplace sys-devel/distcc || exit 1
+ fi
+- sed -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ mkdir -p /etc/distcc
+ echo "${clst_distcc_hosts}" > /etc/distcc/hosts
+@@ -168,7 +169,8 @@
+ # Use --update or portage won't reinstall the same version.
+ [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && echo 'USE="${USE} build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
+ run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --update sys-apps/portage
+- sed -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++ sed_selector
++ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ }
+ cleanup_distcc() {
+@@ -234,7 +236,8 @@
+ make_destpath() {
+ # ROOT is / by default, so remove any ROOT= settings from make.conf
+- sed -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++ sed_selector
++ ${SED} -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ export ROOT=/
+ if [ "${1}" != "/" -a -n "${1}" ]
+ then
+@@ -410,6 +413,14 @@
+ Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
+ }
++sed_selector() {
++ if [ -e "/usr/bin/gsed" ]; then
++ SED="gsed"
++ else
++ SED="sed"
++ fi
+ # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
+ run_default_funcs
+diff -Nur catalyst.orig- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:43:34.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:50:19.000000000 +0900
+@@ -87,10 +87,14 @@
+ # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
++ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
++ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
+ # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
++ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
++ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
+ def register(foo):
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-07-28 15:45 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-07-28 15:45 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 9c0aa7a0d10d93e0ead66eec9109ffeb499b049f
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Sat Jul 28 15:39:19 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Sat Jul 28 15:39:19 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=9c0aa7a0
update catalyst-
stage1, remove PORTAGE_OVERLAY from /tmp/stage1root/etc/make.conf
stage2, fixes cannot run sed /etc/portage/make.conf
stage3, change to enable the option chost
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 4 +-
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- | 2 +-
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 99 ++++++++++++--------
3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 26fe9ee..dcf9114 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
AUX 1551 RMD160 20b47d803443136ab511ef5ad5b7d5b2ea0e0715 SHA1 c51b4dc05bffaed7911d447bea7993400854152e SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc
-AUX catalyst- 5415 RMD160 481b6eccbac39d389443a7907ea36e47fe05db15 SHA1 47a03f8ead1b72714da89bdf4b7881293d88c4fc SHA256 a071a7e6816b0df2e5f658b2d2ff086bf8630f705dbf3fa37858ca7e16579bc5
+AUX catalyst- 6248 RMD160 c5bf9c3ef1ab84dc02a57c30163aad102dc5985c SHA1 2a5d2b268fc96a293d00df3e25df23f2a50890d0 SHA256 958e7f773121eb6a10e9f6b4c551216658221985e2487b8f62a0c601164fd666
DIST catalyst- 909073 RMD160 48d4eeb7e3dfd14f1c1f04542371580999d97e63 SHA1 c8cc79c635b531fdc5592a8cf230706817a8458a SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed
-EBUILD catalyst- 3440 RMD160 751e7cf35536bcbbf3f6ef1d9ab1792eb7fe9a32 SHA1 35af1d15ee5557e65103155a3847fc7f6f0c3557 SHA256 14b53f8a934c12a9f08e91f9f80de6d65799e8bc9e606408a26fbb0f28f5b0fa
+EBUILD catalyst- 3331 RMD160 544075a6dce9a081035403c5adf2159b389d166a SHA1 923f804f2e715235e89aa0d29d33ff546de14d9f SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
index cf9d830..f5da4f3 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-,v 1.1 2012/07/27 05:14:07 jmbsvicetto Exp $
+# $Header: $
# catalyst-9999 -> latest Git
# catalyst-2.9999 -> catalyst_2 branch from Git
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
index 406ddd8..45d8744 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
@@ -1,27 +1,64 @@
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:36:35.000000000 +0900
-@@ -1078,9 +1078,14 @@
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1075,9 +1075,15 @@
if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
"Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
-+ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
++ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
++ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
""" Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:36:35.000000000 +0900
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
+@@ -90,10 +90,14 @@
+ # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
++ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
++ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
+ # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
++ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
++ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
+ def register(foo):
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:17:10.000000000 +0900
+@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
+ """
+ def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
+ self.required_values=[]
+- self.valid_values=[]
++ self.valid_values=["chost"]
+ generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
++ def override_chost(self):
++ if self.settings.has_key("chost"):
++ self.settings["CHOST"]=list_to_string(self.settings["chost"])
+ def set_portage_overlay(self):
+ generic_stage_target.set_portage_overlay(self)
+ if self.settings.has_key("portage_overlay"):
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
export clst_buildpkgs="$(/tmp/build.py)"
@@ -46,21 +83,21 @@ diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
-sed -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
+${SED} -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${STAGE1_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:36:35.000000000 +0900
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
-+${SED} -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++${SED} -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' /etc/make.conf
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-05-12 05:19:57.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:38:07.000000000 +0900
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
@@ -113,21 +150,3 @@ diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-2.0
# We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
-diff -Nur catalyst.orig- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:43:34.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-06-04 00:50:19.000000000 +0900
-@@ -87,10 +87,14 @@
- # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
-+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
-+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
- # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
- self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
- self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
-+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
-+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
- def register(foo):
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-10-12 15:25 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-10-12 15:25 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: c7f71c4823b1cf76bf415e97f44cbcd5f5a90f82
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Fri Oct 12 15:25:30 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Fri Oct 12 15:25:30 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=c7f71c48
added catalyst-2.0.11 and catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 11 +-
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild | 109 +++++++++++
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch | 188 ++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 304 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 491ad89..377b4e5 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-AUX 1551 RMD160 20b47d803443136ab511ef5ad5b7d5b2ea0e0715 SHA1 c51b4dc05bffaed7911d447bea7993400854152e SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc
-AUX catalyst- 7223 RMD160 c084ddbd41a53c4d9f9e2087978419ca630c0ab1 SHA1 c7b1b05e3e7c86f06278bc34fa16fe9fb1aecda7 SHA256 ea4d2ee2cc2dae5f2d3b12109fbe11ab930db926d00618279a76ce4cf11980ef
-DIST catalyst- 909073 RMD160 48d4eeb7e3dfd14f1c1f04542371580999d97e63 SHA1 c8cc79c635b531fdc5592a8cf230706817a8458a SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed
-EBUILD catalyst- 3331 RMD160 544075a6dce9a081035403c5adf2159b389d166a SHA1 923f804f2e715235e89aa0d29d33ff546de14d9f SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111
+AUX 1551 SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc SHA512 93b90a36a1c9d737a06b5b78df583f0b99ef26704b6fd615bb01dda4e101d3287ae4c4d65df2d51ce1b1ed21a2a267d6c32c7c26de785fc5b4f83b7ed480b49d WHIRLPOOL 6de731b98cec1c28280992b0228885a03beab7d281582ad27f3980771c3e521178bd88cb33791ab15be2ccd9e2d1e169c6158967fdc614cfba3b528cdcfa2bfd
+AUX catalyst- 7223 SHA256 ea4d2ee2cc2dae5f2d3b12109fbe11ab930db926d00618279a76ce4cf11980ef SHA512 2e13ee67ef4bfed1433ab02a200908321effba3bcf6ad82396cf6df7116f21dbadea7e1c88c40ccec506a5d9f3edc51db703ba07f108f5584a38d6aa8d16f8f0 WHIRLPOOL b206dbc0bd7567eea2f9172ea9dad3e67946c669b67814d3dfe0b1a24c5cdf1b5abaa2c707ade9b209911601fab6a1a3e89bb2cd7c56b00e0fb8ccfa0defc0c0
+AUX catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch 8054 SHA256 fedfca6a7472bf2821cae642cf0b9ac0b4f5c2a732079b22ac272dab8d7c4988 SHA512 510cd04fa31d9ab5c4cebe1935c3a2b2326f58792de23c0c7a1616977270803d4f77809d3b05f1d90be5e31b1ad449121c8de0d925387e4c9f9a713076e346bd WHIRLPOOL 9d300c280ed2967d926a4d7ca38f4463f2d5e4cfb251105366627c448eb938908ac3ce3d7a1a8f104cd11275c56301f45c4efee48e30a08b5d13510ff5e1452d
+DIST catalyst- 909073 SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed SHA512 b21e576a41926b8f71a76410c2e3e593267994cb5bdb39639add001a610f6c481ac7506ec88caf6016f65ecc09c86bae9a78812b3dc2879e32046e118c0e5671 WHIRLPOOL 168d20e1ff19005b647230852d249552fd98d50e9ece0ca19b5e3b743a971255f9065f8832fb7e29ef8f561ca8f40fe1f9f8732f54c4d9d233cd2df8ab7c42ad
+DIST catalyst-2.0.11.tar.bz2 909191 SHA256 6fed91ac834179f676905f6fa544fb642b18b95ec1c89420432ef05fb9fde7da SHA512 935d42f72bc5e181ef0eff4862e414a52914b7ac82d6e75c2d80c1a4d055b428da2c2d255c35cf851bcb729aca1a9c8ee0301923433d4c7fedb03bc1f06d5ca3 WHIRLPOOL e91a01b2d0f17e2d7c371d05362a658e7ddc7142982ae84efb71db9327e933227651d6efaeb8c86b0d5305e350632a2adac0ff81fed888588fe6078cb049ab7b
+EBUILD catalyst- 3331 SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111 SHA512 48f60b6350f567f028e6ca466eacbdafcdf2defc5f9fcc98f9be109aed871cab5b5c5f67a42b1fb1909160ded86fdb1451449aca0de7329765afbe536efa96a1 WHIRLPOOL 35efea44ffa1af504daacbf4202b7aa28b26a35f4bc0d9b0d351e88f48c575883170f1547a3f8d02d5e1f9d86f98302d3481f17e8f9cf50305eb0c6f21fa2801
+EBUILD catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild 3387 SHA256 5183cf2f1bfbfd3d3650090a6294dff6fd8f8cf1633c344f30efe986839d04a5 SHA512 f07297968a9a0a2af2c016f13cd7a4b162eb391c88da54cb43d6805682df35da5a467a57d71ded187829f131f82695104a9e5cd1e1d6e07681c67bafe40156f0 WHIRLPOOL 9a8807cf2ce2c88acc11db4521463f8acd9436c919841638c73bae6517ffa80e9d6cca0a2a5a4c3dc874b0315b636ad2eb9c4781af26ece0bacd321463616384
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c1503a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+# catalyst-9999 -> latest Git
+# catalyst-2.9999 -> catalyst_2 branch from Git
+# catalyst-3.9999 -> catalyst_3 branch from Git
+# catalyst-VER -> normal catalyst release
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI=""
+ S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
+ case ${PV} in
+ 2.9999) EGIT_BRANCH="catalyst_2" ;;
+ 3.9999) EGIT_BRANCH="catalyst_3" ;;
+ esac
+ SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
+ http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
+ KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+inherit eutils multilib python
+DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
+IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
+ virtual/cdrtools
+ ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
+ ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
+ kernel_linux? ( app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use ccache ; then
+ einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
+ else
+ ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
+ ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
+ ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
+ fi
+ echo
+ einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
+ einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
+ einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
+ einfo "on catalyst."
+ echo
+ if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
+ ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
+ ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
+ ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
+ ewarn "have asked you to do so."
+ fi
+ python_set_active_version 2
+src_prepare() {
+ python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
+ use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
+src_install() {
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
+ if [[ ${PV} == 3.9999* ]]; then
+ doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
+ else
+ doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
+ fi
+ for x in targets/*; do
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
+ doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
+ done
+ make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
+ insinto /etc/catalyst
+ doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
+ doins examples/* || die
+ dodoc README ChangeLog AUTHORS
+ doman files/catalyst.1
+ # Here is where we actually enable ccache
+ use ccache && \
+ dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
+ /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
+ dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
+ /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
+ einfo "catalyst project page at:"
+ einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
+ echo
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07201d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
+ if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
+- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
+- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
+- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
++ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
++ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
++ else:
++ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
+ self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
+ else:
+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1083,9 +1083,15 @@
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
+ cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
+ "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
+- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
+- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
++ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
++ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
+ """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -92,10 +92,14 @@
+ # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
++ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
++ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
+ # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
++ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
++ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
+ def set_update_seed(self):
+ if self.settings.has_key("update_seed"):
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage3_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage3_target.py
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage3_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage3_target.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
+ """
+ def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
+ self.required_values=[]
+- self.valid_values=[]
++ self.valid_values=["chost"]
+ generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
++ def override_chost(self):
++ if self.settings.has_key("chost"):
++ self.settings["CHOST"]=list_to_string(self.settings["chost"])
+ def set_portage_overlay(self):
+ generic_stage_target.set_portage_overlay(self)
+ if self.settings.has_key("portage_overlay"):
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh 2012-10-12 23:36:40.000000000 +0900
+@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+ #!/bin/bash
+ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
+ # We do this first, so we know our package list for --debug
+ export clst_buildpkgs="$(/tmp/build.py)"
+@@ -32,7 +33,13 @@
+ echo 'USE="${USE} -build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
+ run_merge "--oneshot --nodeps sys-apps/baselayout"
+-sed -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++## dirty fix
++#The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
++#required by dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.410.0-r1, required by dev-util/intltool-0.50.2, required by x11-misc/shared-mime-info-1.0, required by dev-libs/glib-2.32.4-r1, required by dev-util/pkgconfig-0.27.1[-internal-glib], required by virtual/pkgconfig-0, required by net-misc/wget-1.14, required by wget (argument)
++#>=dev-lang/perl-5.16.1 -build
++ROOT=/ emerge -q "dev-util/gtk-doc-am"
++${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ # Next, we install the package manager
+ clst_root_path=/ setup_pkgmgr
+@@ -43,5 +50,5 @@
+ echo "USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"" \
+ >> /etc/portage/make.conf
+ run_merge "--oneshot ${clst_buildpkgs}"
+-sed -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
++${SED} -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${STAGE1_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
+ /etc/portage/make.conf
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
+ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
++${SED} -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ update_env_settings
+ show_debug
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-10-12 23:40:02.000000000 +0900
+@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@
+ setup_pkgmgr
+ run_merge "-e system"
++## dirty fix
++# bug 438112
++emerge -q "app-admin/eselect"
+diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
+--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
+ }
+ setup_myfeatures(){
++ sed_selector
+ setup_myemergeopts
+ export FEATURES="-news"
+ if [ -n "${clst_CCACHE}" ]
+@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
+ else
+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --noreplace sys-devel/distcc || exit 1
+ fi
+- sed -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ mkdir -p /etc/distcc
+ echo "${clst_distcc_hosts}" > /etc/distcc/hosts
+@@ -171,7 +172,8 @@
+ # Use --update or portage won't reinstall the same version.
+ [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && echo 'USE="${USE} build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
+ run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --update sys-apps/portage
+- sed -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++ sed_selector
++ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ }
+ cleanup_distcc() {
+@@ -237,7 +239,8 @@
+ make_destpath() {
+ # ROOT is / by default, so remove any ROOT= settings from make.conf
+- sed -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
++ sed_selector
++ ${SED} -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
+ export ROOT=/
+ if [ "${1}" != "/" -a -n "${1}" ]
+ then
+@@ -413,5 +416,13 @@
+ Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
+ }
++sed_selector() {
++ if [ -e "/usr/bin/gsed" ]; then
++ SED="gsed"
++ else
++ SED="sed"
++ fi
+ # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
+ run_default_funcs
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-10-13 9:33 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-10-13 9:33 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: c3979c22715756d7d1ffda9153bd66f760411057
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Sat Oct 13 09:32:56 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Sat Oct 13 09:32:56 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=c3979c22
update catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch, added GNU sed wrapper, fix bug 438112
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 2 +-
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch | 154 +++++---------------
2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 377b4e5..b8ded41 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AUX 1551 SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc SHA512 93b90a36a1c9d737a06b5b78df583f0b99ef26704b6fd615bb01dda4e101d3287ae4c4d65df2d51ce1b1ed21a2a267d6c32c7c26de785fc5b4f83b7ed480b49d WHIRLPOOL 6de731b98cec1c28280992b0228885a03beab7d281582ad27f3980771c3e521178bd88cb33791ab15be2ccd9e2d1e169c6158967fdc614cfba3b528cdcfa2bfd
AUX catalyst- 7223 SHA256 ea4d2ee2cc2dae5f2d3b12109fbe11ab930db926d00618279a76ce4cf11980ef SHA512 2e13ee67ef4bfed1433ab02a200908321effba3bcf6ad82396cf6df7116f21dbadea7e1c88c40ccec506a5d9f3edc51db703ba07f108f5584a38d6aa8d16f8f0 WHIRLPOOL b206dbc0bd7567eea2f9172ea9dad3e67946c669b67814d3dfe0b1a24c5cdf1b5abaa2c707ade9b209911601fab6a1a3e89bb2cd7c56b00e0fb8ccfa0defc0c0
-AUX catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch 8054 SHA256 fedfca6a7472bf2821cae642cf0b9ac0b4f5c2a732079b22ac272dab8d7c4988 SHA512 510cd04fa31d9ab5c4cebe1935c3a2b2326f58792de23c0c7a1616977270803d4f77809d3b05f1d90be5e31b1ad449121c8de0d925387e4c9f9a713076e346bd WHIRLPOOL 9d300c280ed2967d926a4d7ca38f4463f2d5e4cfb251105366627c448eb938908ac3ce3d7a1a8f104cd11275c56301f45c4efee48e30a08b5d13510ff5e1452d
+AUX catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch 4763 SHA256 35cb646dd3a12142bfe25e2f7f4f99b067ca18d948291f3391bee0208423209f SHA512 9fc2d595825e8b07b77d1a06862c04b8c58517a4e86bebe922c442e7fdabe834c6331936f8b8002aa220d7110595e1c7b14df50df08f544bfad3ab52dc522fdc WHIRLPOOL 1358eacd093678b48fe190d43d7048ec4d325350dca04509790ce26522e405185260c8fcd7884ba68f57912a63553b6356462c481babf28dc4b96670fdf39653
DIST catalyst- 909073 SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed SHA512 b21e576a41926b8f71a76410c2e3e593267994cb5bdb39639add001a610f6c481ac7506ec88caf6016f65ecc09c86bae9a78812b3dc2879e32046e118c0e5671 WHIRLPOOL 168d20e1ff19005b647230852d249552fd98d50e9ece0ca19b5e3b743a971255f9065f8832fb7e29ef8f561ca8f40fe1f9f8732f54c4d9d233cd2df8ab7c42ad
DIST catalyst-2.0.11.tar.bz2 909191 SHA256 6fed91ac834179f676905f6fa544fb642b18b95ec1c89420432ef05fb9fde7da SHA512 935d42f72bc5e181ef0eff4862e414a52914b7ac82d6e75c2d80c1a4d055b428da2c2d255c35cf851bcb729aca1a9c8ee0301923433d4c7fedb03bc1f06d5ca3 WHIRLPOOL e91a01b2d0f17e2d7c371d05362a658e7ddc7142982ae84efb71db9327e933227651d6efaeb8c86b0d5305e350632a2adac0ff81fed888588fe6078cb049ab7b
EBUILD catalyst- 3331 SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111 SHA512 48f60b6350f567f028e6ca466eacbdafcdf2defc5f9fcc98f9be109aed871cab5b5c5f67a42b1fb1909160ded86fdb1451449aca0de7329765afbe536efa96a1 WHIRLPOOL 35efea44ffa1af504daacbf4202b7aa28b26a35f4bc0d9b0d351e88f48c575883170f1547a3f8d02d5e1f9d86f98302d3481f17e8f9cf50305eb0c6f21fa2801
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
index 07201d3..0fa2321 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py
--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
def __init__(self,myspec):
@@ -19,7 +19,16 @@ diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py
diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py
--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-10-13 17:32:58.000000000 +0900
+@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
+ def set_cleanables(self):
+ self.settings["cleanables"]=["/etc/resolv.conf","/var/tmp/*","/tmp/*",\
+- "/root/*","/usr/portage"]
++ "/root/*","/usr/portage","/etc/portage/make.conf.catalyst"]
+ def set_snapshot_path(self):
+ self.settings["snapshot_path"]=normpath(self.settings["storedir"]+\
@@ -1083,9 +1083,15 @@
if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
@@ -41,7 +50,7 @@ diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/m
if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py
--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
@@ -92,10 +92,14 @@
# stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
@@ -57,130 +66,43 @@ diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/
def set_update_seed(self):
if self.settings.has_key("update_seed"):
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage3_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage3_target.py
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage3_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage3_target.py 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
- """
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=[]
-- self.valid_values=[]
-+ self.valid_values=["chost"]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
-+ def override_chost(self):
-+ if self.settings.has_key("chost"):
-+ self.settings["CHOST"]=list_to_string(self.settings["chost"])
- def set_portage_overlay(self):
- generic_stage_target.set_portage_overlay(self)
- if self.settings.has_key("portage_overlay"):
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh 2012-10-12 23:36:40.000000000 +0900
-@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
- #!/bin/bash
- source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
- # We do this first, so we know our package list for --debug
- export clst_buildpkgs="$(/tmp/build.py)"
-@@ -32,7 +33,13 @@
- echo 'USE="${USE} -build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
- run_merge "--oneshot --nodeps sys-apps/baselayout"
--sed -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+## dirty fix
-+#The following USE changes are necessary to proceed:
-+#required by dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.410.0-r1, required by dev-util/intltool-0.50.2, required by x11-misc/shared-mime-info-1.0, required by dev-libs/glib-2.32.4-r1, required by dev-util/pkgconfig-0.27.1[-internal-glib], required by virtual/pkgconfig-0, required by net-misc/wget-1.14, required by wget (argument)
-+#>=dev-lang/perl-5.16.1 -build
-+ROOT=/ emerge -q "dev-util/gtk-doc-am"
-+${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- # Next, we install the package manager
- clst_root_path=/ setup_pkgmgr
-@@ -43,5 +50,5 @@
- echo "USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"" \
- >> /etc/portage/make.conf
- run_merge "--oneshot ${clst_buildpkgs}"
--sed -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
-+${SED} -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${STAGE1_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
- /etc/portage/make.conf
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage1/stage1-preclean-chroot.sh 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
- source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
-+${SED} -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- update_env_settings
- show_debug
diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-10-12 23:40:02.000000000 +0900
-@@ -6,3 +6,8 @@
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
+@@ -5,4 +5,11 @@
- run_merge "-e system"
-+## dirty fix
-+# bug 438112
-+emerge -q "app-admin/eselect"
+-run_merge "-e system"
++if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
++ # workaround fix bug 438112
++ run_merge "-e @system --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
++ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
++ run_merge "-e system"
diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
--- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-10-12 23:34:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
- }
- setup_myfeatures(){
-+ sed_selector
- setup_myemergeopts
- export FEATURES="-news"
- if [ -n "${clst_CCACHE}" ]
-@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@
- else
- clst_root_path=/ run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --noreplace sys-devel/distcc || exit 1
- fi
-- sed -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- mkdir -p /etc/distcc
- echo "${clst_distcc_hosts}" > /etc/distcc/hosts
-@@ -171,7 +172,8 @@
- # Use --update or portage won't reinstall the same version.
- [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && echo 'USE="${USE} build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
- run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --update sys-apps/portage
-- sed -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+ sed_selector
-+ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- }
- cleanup_distcc() {
-@@ -237,7 +239,8 @@
- make_destpath() {
- # ROOT is / by default, so remove any ROOT= settings from make.conf
-- sed -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+ sed_selector
-+ ${SED} -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- export ROOT=/
- if [ "${1}" != "/" -a -n "${1}" ]
- then
-@@ -413,5 +416,13 @@
++++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
+@@ -413,5 +413,22 @@
Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
-+sed_selector() {
-+ if [ -e "/usr/bin/gsed" ]; then
-+ SED="gsed"
++# GNU sed wrapper
++ if [ -e /usr/bin/gsed ]
++ then
++ /usr/bin/gsed "$@"
++ elif [ -e /bin/sed ]
++ then
++ /bin/sed "$@"
++ elif [ -e /usr/bin/sed ]
++ then
++ /usr/bin/sed "$@"
+ else
-+ SED="sed"
++ echo "ERROR: failed the selection of sed."
++ exit 1
+ fi
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-11-22 12:26 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-11-22 12:26 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 936fadf862479f1b171f96497ce654e5e3f0c3ed
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Thu Nov 22 11:49:44 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Thu Nov 22 11:49:44 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=936fadf8
catalyst- -- drop lbzip2 support and add tmpfs function on FreeBSD
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 3 +-
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- | 12 +++++--
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 390543b..85aaad7 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
AUX 1551 SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc SHA512 93b90a36a1c9d737a06b5b78df583f0b99ef26704b6fd615bb01dda4e101d3287ae4c4d65df2d51ce1b1ed21a2a267d6c32c7c26de785fc5b4f83b7ed480b49d WHIRLPOOL 6de731b98cec1c28280992b0228885a03beab7d281582ad27f3980771c3e521178bd88cb33791ab15be2ccd9e2d1e169c6158967fdc614cfba3b528cdcfa2bfd
AUX catalyst- 7223 SHA256 ea4d2ee2cc2dae5f2d3b12109fbe11ab930db926d00618279a76ce4cf11980ef SHA512 2e13ee67ef4bfed1433ab02a200908321effba3bcf6ad82396cf6df7116f21dbadea7e1c88c40ccec506a5d9f3edc51db703ba07f108f5584a38d6aa8d16f8f0 WHIRLPOOL b206dbc0bd7567eea2f9172ea9dad3e67946c669b67814d3dfe0b1a24c5cdf1b5abaa2c707ade9b209911601fab6a1a3e89bb2cd7c56b00e0fb8ccfa0defc0c0
AUX catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch 4763 SHA256 35cb646dd3a12142bfe25e2f7f4f99b067ca18d948291f3391bee0208423209f SHA512 9fc2d595825e8b07b77d1a06862c04b8c58517a4e86bebe922c442e7fdabe834c6331936f8b8002aa220d7110595e1c7b14df50df08f544bfad3ab52dc522fdc WHIRLPOOL 1358eacd093678b48fe190d43d7048ec4d325350dca04509790ce26522e405185260c8fcd7884ba68f57912a63553b6356462c481babf28dc4b96670fdf39653
+AUX catalyst- 1392 SHA256 d8641861c4a8631f28c49493ee27afbc4904b807f47cce8fa2af1f4197ca9e62 SHA512 53ec18ad967ca7fd60390ab58f5d742ec1d685383afc7c5442be16162a0e5e98124fb839f71145bfcc3152782e193518cb463d38710fe27def5b60b0a939f2a9 WHIRLPOOL 2efc6284d7999284649c65563fc17c13938c18cfb1f9cef6da40138ec2f06871175b8d95e27e5f5dcbff3f3701b2a61c6dc0f1a767235995e9a58d55d4bc0d65
DIST catalyst- 909073 SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed SHA512 b21e576a41926b8f71a76410c2e3e593267994cb5bdb39639add001a610f6c481ac7506ec88caf6016f65ecc09c86bae9a78812b3dc2879e32046e118c0e5671 WHIRLPOOL 168d20e1ff19005b647230852d249552fd98d50e9ece0ca19b5e3b743a971255f9065f8832fb7e29ef8f561ca8f40fe1f9f8732f54c4d9d233cd2df8ab7c42ad
DIST catalyst-2.0.11.tar.bz2 909191 SHA256 6fed91ac834179f676905f6fa544fb642b18b95ec1c89420432ef05fb9fde7da SHA512 935d42f72bc5e181ef0eff4862e414a52914b7ac82d6e75c2d80c1a4d055b428da2c2d255c35cf851bcb729aca1a9c8ee0301923433d4c7fedb03bc1f06d5ca3 WHIRLPOOL e91a01b2d0f17e2d7c371d05362a658e7ddc7142982ae84efb71db9327e933227651d6efaeb8c86b0d5305e350632a2adac0ff81fed888588fe6078cb049ab7b
DIST catalyst- 908119 SHA256 91bc71a0140da9977fda4969a137a25ed04c3dd6fa2c038404806b7f562eda62 SHA512 1f448b4c849567d5097246f0c6e140e25781b0c3f093bec8c616cf83d2ad86af5dbebfaf4bafd1e240db41c3213e0f3ea9da77a22b1ee73480a0d1c39d6d0a8f WHIRLPOOL 9c2c3f491611c0cb99694aabb24af1f2b45576e6c5f056335fb5f028a93e9d91e1beba652bf7aaf3a93f54a1abb6bdb827624659845dfb01f8ea4bee6868e48e
EBUILD catalyst- 3331 SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111 SHA512 48f60b6350f567f028e6ca466eacbdafcdf2defc5f9fcc98f9be109aed871cab5b5c5f67a42b1fb1909160ded86fdb1451449aca0de7329765afbe536efa96a1 WHIRLPOOL 35efea44ffa1af504daacbf4202b7aa28b26a35f4bc0d9b0d351e88f48c575883170f1547a3f8d02d5e1f9d86f98302d3481f17e8f9cf50305eb0c6f21fa2801
EBUILD catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild 3387 SHA256 5183cf2f1bfbfd3d3650090a6294dff6fd8f8cf1633c344f30efe986839d04a5 SHA512 f07297968a9a0a2af2c016f13cd7a4b162eb391c88da54cb43d6805682df35da5a467a57d71ded187829f131f82695104a9e5cd1e1d6e07681c67bafe40156f0 WHIRLPOOL 9a8807cf2ce2c88acc11db4521463f8acd9436c919841638c73bae6517ffa80e9d6cca0a2a5a4c3dc874b0315b636ad2eb9c4781af26ece0bacd321463616384
-EBUILD catalyst- 3402 SHA256 94f183b11bad05d5de4ae8bc7f002ca47765425ee305aeb6278c67999ff98279 SHA512 c3b9bfb8c48f9eb0a5e6996fa9b59b2adf04f2cd8dcb8ffba0ff02359aef5a8b9e94251d95aae4f80dd43ddd0c9746e70f5fbcffd12c243dcd42fb14b505d942 WHIRLPOOL 1516ab9919e903b9a9fa275dc7b30a322dbdb4d791cb2ac94240413e11933cbee933ab929629d728f12f84db5bbc36d27801dbbe5ca8107076bf5b1834749288
+EBUILD catalyst- 3561 SHA256 9ad5a45a59c49f767baf5220a82c6262b5038cf8e3b869e2ab8d63be25b2c2a8 SHA512 e6de9ce5b5931666980d70764792ffe933384c94c74b3b8b63c9fce717a449481b1dbb26496d60ea0b8b3f47767e6c007080035fac4e61b9429210bae1beedd6 WHIRLPOOL f3e79136337be9602f8aee4cb2a84108ee2de9bf30cc590786da08dec8f2cd6312d431229dac057a2ce58f2fbed3f0c7ef43df8b86ae3e55edbd7da2e8356f97
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
index d876cb5..c766851 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
@@ -37,12 +37,11 @@ RESTRICT=""
IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
- app-crypt/shash
ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- kernel_linux? ( app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
+ kernel_linux? ( app-arch/lbzip2 app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
pkg_setup() {
if use ccache ; then
@@ -71,7 +70,12 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_prepare() {
python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
+ if use elibc_FreeBSD ; then
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
+ # BSD's tar doesn't support lbzip2
+ find . -type f -exec gsed -i 's:tar -I lbzip2:tar:g' {} \;
+ fi
src_install() {
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cd8751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-22 20:03:11.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-22 20:07:05.000000000 +0900
+@@ -901,18 +901,18 @@
+ src=self.mountmap[x]
+ if self.settings.has_key("SNAPCACHE") and x == "/usr/portage":
+ self.snapshot_lock_object.read_lock()
+- if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
+- if src == "/dev":
+- retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
+- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
+- else:
+- retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
++ if src == "tmpfs":
++ if self.settings.has_key("var_tmpfs_portage"):
++ retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
++ self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
+ else:
+- if src == "tmpfs":
+- if self.settings.has_key("var_tmpfs_portage"):
+- retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
+- self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
++ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
++ if src == "/dev":
++ retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
++ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
++ else:
++ retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
+ else:
+ retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+\
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-11-23 13:06 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-11-23 13:06 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 054b239319dfca3b9de0ad329b4785eb422ea163
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Fri Nov 23 13:05:58 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Fri Nov 23 13:05:58 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=054b2393
catalyst- -- correctly fix lbzip2 support
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 4 +-
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- | 7 +-
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 193 +++++++++++++++++++-
3 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 85aaad7..9f141fe 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
AUX 1551 SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc SHA512 93b90a36a1c9d737a06b5b78df583f0b99ef26704b6fd615bb01dda4e101d3287ae4c4d65df2d51ce1b1ed21a2a267d6c32c7c26de785fc5b4f83b7ed480b49d WHIRLPOOL 6de731b98cec1c28280992b0228885a03beab7d281582ad27f3980771c3e521178bd88cb33791ab15be2ccd9e2d1e169c6158967fdc614cfba3b528cdcfa2bfd
AUX catalyst- 7223 SHA256 ea4d2ee2cc2dae5f2d3b12109fbe11ab930db926d00618279a76ce4cf11980ef SHA512 2e13ee67ef4bfed1433ab02a200908321effba3bcf6ad82396cf6df7116f21dbadea7e1c88c40ccec506a5d9f3edc51db703ba07f108f5584a38d6aa8d16f8f0 WHIRLPOOL b206dbc0bd7567eea2f9172ea9dad3e67946c669b67814d3dfe0b1a24c5cdf1b5abaa2c707ade9b209911601fab6a1a3e89bb2cd7c56b00e0fb8ccfa0defc0c0
AUX catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch 4763 SHA256 35cb646dd3a12142bfe25e2f7f4f99b067ca18d948291f3391bee0208423209f SHA512 9fc2d595825e8b07b77d1a06862c04b8c58517a4e86bebe922c442e7fdabe834c6331936f8b8002aa220d7110595e1c7b14df50df08f544bfad3ab52dc522fdc WHIRLPOOL 1358eacd093678b48fe190d43d7048ec4d325350dca04509790ce26522e405185260c8fcd7884ba68f57912a63553b6356462c481babf28dc4b96670fdf39653
-AUX catalyst- 1392 SHA256 d8641861c4a8631f28c49493ee27afbc4904b807f47cce8fa2af1f4197ca9e62 SHA512 53ec18ad967ca7fd60390ab58f5d742ec1d685383afc7c5442be16162a0e5e98124fb839f71145bfcc3152782e193518cb463d38710fe27def5b60b0a939f2a9 WHIRLPOOL 2efc6284d7999284649c65563fc17c13938c18cfb1f9cef6da40138ec2f06871175b8d95e27e5f5dcbff3f3701b2a61c6dc0f1a767235995e9a58d55d4bc0d65
+AUX catalyst- 9706 SHA256 6029c3d323bf1928727d807ecdf1f090732d5bd885269e0a8d9d0dc7e58aa0db SHA512 b1e6bd89fb947782c5386c4fdf6d0689800106c14c7281af2a4367d888f38b7b415873fdf71c46ca442a0e552858f8495342b77fa2511f63c7ca5ab744c489ca WHIRLPOOL a3ccee2d90222df0d6418d87a769ef96cd2818399deb754740a3dd867e4897eefe236b5318f49b78d09a0ab509abb3e2c80cd1fea2419bf37776d6711e81617c
DIST catalyst- 909073 SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed SHA512 b21e576a41926b8f71a76410c2e3e593267994cb5bdb39639add001a610f6c481ac7506ec88caf6016f65ecc09c86bae9a78812b3dc2879e32046e118c0e5671 WHIRLPOOL 168d20e1ff19005b647230852d249552fd98d50e9ece0ca19b5e3b743a971255f9065f8832fb7e29ef8f561ca8f40fe1f9f8732f54c4d9d233cd2df8ab7c42ad
DIST catalyst-2.0.11.tar.bz2 909191 SHA256 6fed91ac834179f676905f6fa544fb642b18b95ec1c89420432ef05fb9fde7da SHA512 935d42f72bc5e181ef0eff4862e414a52914b7ac82d6e75c2d80c1a4d055b428da2c2d255c35cf851bcb729aca1a9c8ee0301923433d4c7fedb03bc1f06d5ca3 WHIRLPOOL e91a01b2d0f17e2d7c371d05362a658e7ddc7142982ae84efb71db9327e933227651d6efaeb8c86b0d5305e350632a2adac0ff81fed888588fe6078cb049ab7b
DIST catalyst- 908119 SHA256 91bc71a0140da9977fda4969a137a25ed04c3dd6fa2c038404806b7f562eda62 SHA512 1f448b4c849567d5097246f0c6e140e25781b0c3f093bec8c616cf83d2ad86af5dbebfaf4bafd1e240db41c3213e0f3ea9da77a22b1ee73480a0d1c39d6d0a8f WHIRLPOOL 9c2c3f491611c0cb99694aabb24af1f2b45576e6c5f056335fb5f028a93e9d91e1beba652bf7aaf3a93f54a1abb6bdb827624659845dfb01f8ea4bee6868e48e
EBUILD catalyst- 3331 SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111 SHA512 48f60b6350f567f028e6ca466eacbdafcdf2defc5f9fcc98f9be109aed871cab5b5c5f67a42b1fb1909160ded86fdb1451449aca0de7329765afbe536efa96a1 WHIRLPOOL 35efea44ffa1af504daacbf4202b7aa28b26a35f4bc0d9b0d351e88f48c575883170f1547a3f8d02d5e1f9d86f98302d3481f17e8f9cf50305eb0c6f21fa2801
EBUILD catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild 3387 SHA256 5183cf2f1bfbfd3d3650090a6294dff6fd8f8cf1633c344f30efe986839d04a5 SHA512 f07297968a9a0a2af2c016f13cd7a4b162eb391c88da54cb43d6805682df35da5a467a57d71ded187829f131f82695104a9e5cd1e1d6e07681c67bafe40156f0 WHIRLPOOL 9a8807cf2ce2c88acc11db4521463f8acd9436c919841638c73bae6517ffa80e9d6cca0a2a5a4c3dc874b0315b636ad2eb9c4781af26ece0bacd321463616384
-EBUILD catalyst- 3561 SHA256 9ad5a45a59c49f767baf5220a82c6262b5038cf8e3b869e2ab8d63be25b2c2a8 SHA512 e6de9ce5b5931666980d70764792ffe933384c94c74b3b8b63c9fce717a449481b1dbb26496d60ea0b8b3f47767e6c007080035fac4e61b9429210bae1beedd6 WHIRLPOOL f3e79136337be9602f8aee4cb2a84108ee2de9bf30cc590786da08dec8f2cd6312d431229dac057a2ce58f2fbed3f0c7ef43df8b86ae3e55edbd7da2e8356f97
+EBUILD catalyst- 3403 SHA256 121f97286ce9d99de654f9e5c50ec399abf86f04d635490ae8b2e88580936b7c SHA512 b53c57bb61ceece3af690be8a05bee15cd9f83852cb7ce7d3d52cee2b6d1306135ad4141077c753a03b136f5b14f6a6392574d3a8a88830dc1b15e1346e0468e WHIRLPOOL b729ceead96c35ac3fa129c806c8be952e910de58b63705863787dc68061a49a99ac1fb37281f4d73778af68c451cf4e90bfdc7c52c6d77f96830484bd21939f
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
index c766851..655566e 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
@@ -70,12 +70,7 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_prepare() {
python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- if use elibc_FreeBSD ; then
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
- # BSD's tar doesn't support lbzip2
- find . -type f -exec gsed -i 's:tar -I lbzip2:tar:g' {} \;
- fi
+ use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
src_install() {
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
index 9cd8751..70d55d1 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
@@ -1,7 +1,78 @@
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:27:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
+ if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
+- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
+- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
+- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
++ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
++ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
++ else:
++ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
+ self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
+ else:
+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:37:39.000000000 +0900
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
+ #"find" :[calc_contents,"find %(path)s"],
+ "tar-tv":[calc_contents,"tar tvf %(file)s"],
+ "tar-tvz":[calc_contents,"tar tvzf %(file)s"],
+- "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar -I lbzip2 -tvf %(file)s"],
++ "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar tvjf %(file)s"],
+ "isoinfo-l":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -l -i %(file)s"],
+ # isoinfo-f should be a last resort only
+ "isoinfo-f":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -f -i %(file)s"],
diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-22 20:03:11.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-22 20:07:05.000000000 +0900
-@@ -901,18 +901,18 @@
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:34:08.000000000 +0900
+@@ -649,7 +649,8 @@
+ self.settings["source_path"]+"\nto "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+ " (This may take some time) ...\n"
+- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
++ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
++ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
+ unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]
+ else:
+@@ -664,7 +665,8 @@
+ self.settings["source_path"]+"\nto "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+ " (This may take some time) ...\n"
+- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
++ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
++ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
+ unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]
+ else:
+@@ -766,7 +768,8 @@
+ read_from_clst(self.settings["snapshot_cache_path"]+\
+ "catalyst-hash")
+ destdir=self.settings["snapshot_cache_path"]
+- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
++ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
++ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
+ unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
+ else:
+ unpack_cmd="tar xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
+@@ -785,7 +788,8 @@
+ cleanup_errmsg="Error removing existing snapshot directory."
+ cleanup_msg=\
+ "Cleaning up existing portage tree (This can take a long time)..."
+- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
++ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
++ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
+ unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr"
+ else:
+@@ -901,18 +905,18 @@
if self.settings.has_key("SNAPCACHE") and x == "/usr/portage":
@@ -30,3 +101,119 @@ diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-2.0.12
retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+\
+@@ -1111,9 +1115,15 @@
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
+ cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
+ "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
+- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
+- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
++ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
++ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
+ """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
+@@ -1207,9 +1217,14 @@
+ print "Creating stage tarball..."
+- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
+- self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
+- "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
++ self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
++ "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("tar cjpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
++ self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
++ "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
+ self.gen_contents_file(self.settings["target_path"])
+ self.gen_digest_file(self.settings["target_path"])
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:35:42.000000000 +0900
+@@ -50,8 +50,12 @@
+ self.settings["portdir"]+"/ "+mytmp+"/portage/","Snapshot failure",env=self.env)
+ print "Compressing Portage snapshot tarball..."
+- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
+- "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
++ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
++ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
+ self.gen_contents_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
+ self.gen_digest_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:29:03.000000000 +0900
+@@ -92,10 +92,15 @@
+ # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
++ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
++ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
+ # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
++ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
++ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
++ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
+ def set_update_seed(self):
+ if self.settings.has_key("update_seed"):
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:27:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -5,4 +5,11 @@
+ setup_pkgmgr
+-run_merge "-e system"
++if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
++ # workaround fix bug 425530, 438112
++ run_merge "-e @system --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
++ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
++ run_merge "-e system"
+diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
+--- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
++++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:27:15.000000000 +0900
+@@ -413,5 +413,22 @@
+ Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
+ }
++# GNU sed wrapper
++ if [ -e /usr/bin/gsed ]
++ then
++ /usr/bin/gsed "$@"
++ elif [ -e /bin/sed ]
++ then
++ /bin/sed "$@"
++ elif [ -e /usr/bin/sed ]
++ then
++ /usr/bin/sed "$@"
++ else
++ echo "ERROR: failed the selection of sed."
++ exit 1
++ fi
+ # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
+ run_default_funcs
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-12-11 13:21 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-12-11 13:21 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: fd12286db2defd3beca83b48e23ffbde0f5f5d48
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 11 13:12:36 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Tue Dec 11 13:12:36 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=fd12286d
catalyst -- removed old, and added
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 11 +-
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- | 104 ------------
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild | 109 -------------
...st- => catalyst-} | 7 +-
dev-util/catalyst/files/ | 36 ----
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 171 --------------------
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch | 110 -------------
7 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 541 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 9f141fe..c69a3eb 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
-AUX 1551 SHA256 54ae43557d15bd51d6227aec8160d61c07e45b1cb6b6c8f11fe1c4804772afcc SHA512 93b90a36a1c9d737a06b5b78df583f0b99ef26704b6fd615bb01dda4e101d3287ae4c4d65df2d51ce1b1ed21a2a267d6c32c7c26de785fc5b4f83b7ed480b49d WHIRLPOOL 6de731b98cec1c28280992b0228885a03beab7d281582ad27f3980771c3e521178bd88cb33791ab15be2ccd9e2d1e169c6158967fdc614cfba3b528cdcfa2bfd
-AUX catalyst- 7223 SHA256 ea4d2ee2cc2dae5f2d3b12109fbe11ab930db926d00618279a76ce4cf11980ef SHA512 2e13ee67ef4bfed1433ab02a200908321effba3bcf6ad82396cf6df7116f21dbadea7e1c88c40ccec506a5d9f3edc51db703ba07f108f5584a38d6aa8d16f8f0 WHIRLPOOL b206dbc0bd7567eea2f9172ea9dad3e67946c669b67814d3dfe0b1a24c5cdf1b5abaa2c707ade9b209911601fab6a1a3e89bb2cd7c56b00e0fb8ccfa0defc0c0
-AUX catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch 4763 SHA256 35cb646dd3a12142bfe25e2f7f4f99b067ca18d948291f3391bee0208423209f SHA512 9fc2d595825e8b07b77d1a06862c04b8c58517a4e86bebe922c442e7fdabe834c6331936f8b8002aa220d7110595e1c7b14df50df08f544bfad3ab52dc522fdc WHIRLPOOL 1358eacd093678b48fe190d43d7048ec4d325350dca04509790ce26522e405185260c8fcd7884ba68f57912a63553b6356462c481babf28dc4b96670fdf39653
AUX catalyst- 9706 SHA256 6029c3d323bf1928727d807ecdf1f090732d5bd885269e0a8d9d0dc7e58aa0db SHA512 b1e6bd89fb947782c5386c4fdf6d0689800106c14c7281af2a4367d888f38b7b415873fdf71c46ca442a0e552858f8495342b77fa2511f63c7ca5ab744c489ca WHIRLPOOL a3ccee2d90222df0d6418d87a769ef96cd2818399deb754740a3dd867e4897eefe236b5318f49b78d09a0ab509abb3e2c80cd1fea2419bf37776d6711e81617c
-DIST catalyst- 909073 SHA256 3ed2217c579dcc01e13afc017dbfea869d2c99a0c169290e678fc113db6891ed SHA512 b21e576a41926b8f71a76410c2e3e593267994cb5bdb39639add001a610f6c481ac7506ec88caf6016f65ecc09c86bae9a78812b3dc2879e32046e118c0e5671 WHIRLPOOL 168d20e1ff19005b647230852d249552fd98d50e9ece0ca19b5e3b743a971255f9065f8832fb7e29ef8f561ca8f40fe1f9f8732f54c4d9d233cd2df8ab7c42ad
-DIST catalyst-2.0.11.tar.bz2 909191 SHA256 6fed91ac834179f676905f6fa544fb642b18b95ec1c89420432ef05fb9fde7da SHA512 935d42f72bc5e181ef0eff4862e414a52914b7ac82d6e75c2d80c1a4d055b428da2c2d255c35cf851bcb729aca1a9c8ee0301923433d4c7fedb03bc1f06d5ca3 WHIRLPOOL e91a01b2d0f17e2d7c371d05362a658e7ddc7142982ae84efb71db9327e933227651d6efaeb8c86b0d5305e350632a2adac0ff81fed888588fe6078cb049ab7b
-DIST catalyst- 908119 SHA256 91bc71a0140da9977fda4969a137a25ed04c3dd6fa2c038404806b7f562eda62 SHA512 1f448b4c849567d5097246f0c6e140e25781b0c3f093bec8c616cf83d2ad86af5dbebfaf4bafd1e240db41c3213e0f3ea9da77a22b1ee73480a0d1c39d6d0a8f WHIRLPOOL 9c2c3f491611c0cb99694aabb24af1f2b45576e6c5f056335fb5f028a93e9d91e1beba652bf7aaf3a93f54a1abb6bdb827624659845dfb01f8ea4bee6868e48e
-EBUILD catalyst- 3331 SHA256 e16830ca69796659ed19fb00121a920b3ef66a0be9db63d09261b08f76eeb111 SHA512 48f60b6350f567f028e6ca466eacbdafcdf2defc5f9fcc98f9be109aed871cab5b5c5f67a42b1fb1909160ded86fdb1451449aca0de7329765afbe536efa96a1 WHIRLPOOL 35efea44ffa1af504daacbf4202b7aa28b26a35f4bc0d9b0d351e88f48c575883170f1547a3f8d02d5e1f9d86f98302d3481f17e8f9cf50305eb0c6f21fa2801
-EBUILD catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild 3387 SHA256 5183cf2f1bfbfd3d3650090a6294dff6fd8f8cf1633c344f30efe986839d04a5 SHA512 f07297968a9a0a2af2c016f13cd7a4b162eb391c88da54cb43d6805682df35da5a467a57d71ded187829f131f82695104a9e5cd1e1d6e07681c67bafe40156f0 WHIRLPOOL 9a8807cf2ce2c88acc11db4521463f8acd9436c919841638c73bae6517ffa80e9d6cca0a2a5a4c3dc874b0315b636ad2eb9c4781af26ece0bacd321463616384
-EBUILD catalyst- 3403 SHA256 121f97286ce9d99de654f9e5c50ec399abf86f04d635490ae8b2e88580936b7c SHA512 b53c57bb61ceece3af690be8a05bee15cd9f83852cb7ce7d3d52cee2b6d1306135ad4141077c753a03b136f5b14f6a6392574d3a8a88830dc1b15e1346e0468e WHIRLPOOL b729ceead96c35ac3fa129c806c8be952e910de58b63705863787dc68061a49a99ac1fb37281f4d73778af68c451cf4e90bfdc7c52c6d77f96830484bd21939f
+DIST catalyst- 907893 SHA256 411d531b6de8c8c1bc9fa9502af3a4882e94e9db8b911bb48e4a0fcfc1efe7e8 SHA512 12349f6249363a94a72a71d05b2fe6ee13593b5ea67e1cb9a054c5ece896ff68f89d1af6341b98238ba6a6510e2737f81dcc2606649c10681235315663ab04ae WHIRLPOOL 1769a78f615c8e0eec2167dd9d6ab873e24801ecb5e4634037898933c6f5a1dbb189d967a628be6f8811f6769eadc91c5003ddbb6bd58eb05efbbd5110f740c7
+EBUILD catalyst- 3660 SHA256 4b0714dbb8eb96a9588f6b95e5e9021ddb62144c1a2e47f717111d70a84593a2 SHA512 f5ca61ec95864928d27e93ac72c2b441fdc04d30a27ebb3cedff6ec327147cee51a213b06d5f8e82bfda50ebc9e2eff51d77f43d3b699018459a4094b691ff4f WHIRLPOOL 1a558bd6eba2f278e4f6fcc4c846d884cf3fe79961204e6cf04bdb41889c96dd5f0af447eb14a6e8d17eac0622d8874cc6be20ff97e59d9632114495c77c2019
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
deleted file mode 100644
index f5da4f3..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# catalyst-9999 -> latest Git
-# catalyst-2.9999 -> catalyst_2 branch from Git
-# catalyst-VER -> normal catalyst release
-if [[ ${PV} == 9999* || ${PV} == 2.9999* ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
- inherit git-2
- SRC_URI=""
- S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-inherit eutils multilib python
-DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
-IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
- virtual/cdrtools
- ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
- ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- kernel_linux? ( app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ccache ; then
- einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
- else
- ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
- ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
- ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
- fi
- echo
- einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
- einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
- einfo "on catalyst."
- echo
- if [[ ${PV} == 9999* || ${PV} == 2.9999* ]]; then
- ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
- ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
- ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
- ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
- ewarn "have asked you to do so."
- fi
- python_set_active_version 2
-src_prepare() {
- python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/
- use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
- if [[ ${PV} == 9999* ]]; then
- doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
- else
- doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
- fi
- for x in targets/*; do
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
- doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
- done
- make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
- insinto /etc/catalyst
- doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- doins examples/* || die
- dodoc README ChangeLog AUTHORS
- doman files/catalyst.1
- # Here is where we actually enable ccache
- use ccache && \
- dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
- dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
- einfo "catalyst project page at:"
- einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
- echo
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c1503a..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.11.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# catalyst-9999 -> latest Git
-# catalyst-2.9999 -> catalyst_2 branch from Git
-# catalyst-3.9999 -> catalyst_3 branch from Git
-# catalyst-VER -> normal catalyst release
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
- inherit git-2
- SRC_URI=""
- S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
- case ${PV} in
- 2.9999) EGIT_BRANCH="catalyst_2" ;;
- 3.9999) EGIT_BRANCH="catalyst_3" ;;
- esac
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-inherit eutils multilib python
-DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
-IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
- virtual/cdrtools
- ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
- ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- kernel_linux? ( app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ccache ; then
- einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
- else
- ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
- ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
- ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
- fi
- echo
- einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
- einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
- einfo "on catalyst."
- echo
- if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
- ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
- ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
- ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
- ewarn "have asked you to do so."
- fi
- python_set_active_version 2
-src_prepare() {
- python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
- if [[ ${PV} == 3.9999* ]]; then
- doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
- else
- doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
- fi
- for x in targets/*; do
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
- doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
- done
- make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
- insinto /etc/catalyst
- doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- doins examples/* || die
- dodoc README ChangeLog AUTHORS
- doman files/catalyst.1
- # Here is where we actually enable ccache
- use ccache && \
- dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
- dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
- einfo "catalyst project page at:"
- einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
- echo
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
similarity index 91%
rename from dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
rename to dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
index 655566e..40ff2be 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_prepare() {
python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- use elibc_FreeBSD && epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
src_install() {
@@ -106,4 +105,8 @@ pkg_postinst() {
einfo "catalyst project page at:"
einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
+ elog "update_seed syntax has changed to make it more flexible."
+ elog "This is an optional setting supported by stage1 that runs an emerge"
+ elog "command on the seed stage before starting the stage1 build. (example:"
+ elog "`--update dev-libs/mpfr dev-libs/mpc dev-libs/gmp`)"
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51ae1e7..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-07 20:28:46.788719269 +0200
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-07 20:29:28.099721112 +0200
-@@ -67,28 +67,28 @@
- "Builder class for armv6j target"
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
-- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6j-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
-+ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6j-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
- self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv6j -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
- class arch_armv6z(generic_arm):
- "Builder class for armv6z target"
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
-- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6z-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
-+ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6z-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
- self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv6z -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
- class arch_armv6zk(generic_arm):
- "Builder class for armv6zk target"
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
-- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6zk-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
-+ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv6zk-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
- self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv6zk -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp"
- class arch_armv7a(generic_arm):
- "Builder class for armv7a target"
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- generic_arm.__init__(self,myspec)
-- self.settings["CHOST"]="armv7a-unknown-linux-gnueabi"
-+ self.settings["CHOST"]="armv7a-softfp-linux-gnueabi"
- self.settings["CFLAGS"]+=" -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp"
- class arch_armv6j_hardfp(generic_arm):
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
deleted file mode 100644
index 423cf79..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
-@@ -1075,9 +1075,15 @@
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
- "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
-- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
-+ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
-+ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
- """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
-@@ -90,10 +90,14 @@
- # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
-+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
-+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
- # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
- self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
- self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
-+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
-+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
- def register(foo):
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:17:10.000000000 +0900
-@@ -12,9 +12,13 @@
- """
- def __init__(self,spec,addlargs):
- self.required_values=[]
-- self.valid_values=[]
-+ self.valid_values=["chost"]
- generic_stage_target.__init__(self,spec,addlargs)
-+ def override_chost(self):
-+ if self.settings.has_key("chost"):
-+ self.settings["CHOST"]=list_to_string(self.settings["chost"])
- def set_portage_overlay(self):
- generic_stage_target.set_portage_overlay(self)
- if self.settings.has_key("portage_overlay"):
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- export clst_buildpkgs="$(/tmp/build.py)"
- source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
- # Setup our environment
- BOOTSTRAP_USE="$(portageq envvar BOOTSTRAP_USE)"
-@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
- [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && \
- echo 'USE="${USE} -build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
- run_merge "--oneshot --nodeps sys-apps/baselayout"
--sed -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- # Next, we install the package manager
- clst_root_path=/ setup_pkgmgr
-@@ -34,5 +35,5 @@
- echo "USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"" \
- >> /etc/portage/make.conf
- run_merge "--oneshot ${clst_buildpkgs}"
--sed -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
-+${SED} -i "/USE=\"-* bindist build ${STAGE1_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
- /etc/portage/make.conf
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
-@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
- source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
-+${SED} -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' /etc/make.conf
- update_env_settings
- show_debug
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-07-27 13:43:50.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-07-28 22:14:36.000000000 +0900
-@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
- }
- setup_myfeatures(){
-+ sed_selector
- setup_myemergeopts
- export FEATURES="-news"
- if [ -n "${clst_CCACHE}" ]
-@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
- else
- clst_root_path=/ run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --noreplace sys-devel/distcc || exit 1
- fi
-- sed -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- mkdir -p /etc/distcc
- echo "${clst_distcc_hosts}" > /etc/distcc/hosts
-@@ -168,7 +169,8 @@
- # Use --update or portage won't reinstall the same version.
- [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && echo 'USE="${USE} build"' >> /etc/portage/make.conf
- run_merge --oneshot --nodeps --update sys-apps/portage
-- sed -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+ sed_selector
-+ ${SED} -i '/USE="${USE} build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- }
- cleanup_distcc() {
-@@ -234,7 +236,8 @@
- make_destpath() {
- # ROOT is / by default, so remove any ROOT= settings from make.conf
-- sed -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
-+ sed_selector
-+ ${SED} -i '/ROOT=/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- export ROOT=/
- if [ "${1}" != "/" -a -n "${1}" ]
- then
-@@ -410,6 +413,14 @@
- Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
- }
-+sed_selector() {
-+ if [ -e "/usr/bin/gsed" ]; then
-+ SED="gsed"
-+ else
-+ SED="sed"
-+ fi
- # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
- run_default_funcs
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-08-23 23:03:36.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-08-23 23:07:27.000000000 +0900
-@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
- if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
-- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-+ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ else:
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
- self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
- else:
- self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa2321..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.11-fbsd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/arch/x86.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/arch/x86.py 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
-@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
- if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
-- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-+ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ else:
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
- self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
- else:
- self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/generic_stage_target.py 2012-10-13 17:32:58.000000000 +0900
-@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
- def set_cleanables(self):
- self.settings["cleanables"]=["/etc/resolv.conf","/var/tmp/*","/tmp/*",\
-- "/root/*","/usr/portage"]
-+ "/root/*","/usr/portage","/etc/portage/make.conf.catalyst"]
- def set_snapshot_path(self):
- self.settings["snapshot_path"]=normpath(self.settings["storedir"]+\
-@@ -1083,9 +1083,15 @@
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
- "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
-- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
-+ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
-+ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
- """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/modules/stage1_target.py 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
-@@ -92,10 +92,14 @@
- # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
-+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
-+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
- # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
- self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
- self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
-+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
-+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
- def set_update_seed(self):
- if self.settings.has_key("update_seed"):
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
-@@ -5,4 +5,11 @@
- setup_pkgmgr
--run_merge "-e system"
-+if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
-+ # workaround fix bug 438112
-+ run_merge "-e @system --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
-+ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
-+ run_merge "-e system"
-diff -Nur catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
---- catalyst-2.0.11.orig/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-09-09 06:38:02.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst-2.0.11/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh 2012-10-13 17:25:26.000000000 +0900
-@@ -413,5 +413,22 @@
- Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
- }
-+# GNU sed wrapper
-+ if [ -e /usr/bin/gsed ]
-+ then
-+ /usr/bin/gsed "$@"
-+ elif [ -e /bin/sed ]
-+ then
-+ /bin/sed "$@"
-+ elif [ -e /usr/bin/sed ]
-+ then
-+ /usr/bin/sed "$@"
-+ else
-+ echo "ERROR: failed the selection of sed."
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
- # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
- run_default_funcs
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2012-12-23 8:30 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2012-12-23 8:30 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 71b07f443c0da79abd5b762876baa3bf2e1a9c3f
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Sun Dec 23 08:30:38 2012 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Sun Dec 23 08:30:38 2012 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=71b07f44
updated catalyst-, fixed bug 448256
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 2 +-
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 4 ++--
2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index c69a3eb..30e0708 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-AUX catalyst- 9706 SHA256 6029c3d323bf1928727d807ecdf1f090732d5bd885269e0a8d9d0dc7e58aa0db SHA512 b1e6bd89fb947782c5386c4fdf6d0689800106c14c7281af2a4367d888f38b7b415873fdf71c46ca442a0e552858f8495342b77fa2511f63c7ca5ab744c489ca WHIRLPOOL a3ccee2d90222df0d6418d87a769ef96cd2818399deb754740a3dd867e4897eefe236b5318f49b78d09a0ab509abb3e2c80cd1fea2419bf37776d6711e81617c
+AUX catalyst- 9713 SHA256 c66f856b7f3b0b9988984cf7eac1ab332d6103ac4bbcc855dbfdb0f4de8e6692 SHA512 335b29e7bda61c1875a66694031924a3f04851b056651b6ee8f3572209bf216d5f63520513223ca996f3b9404eeefacf7cfe40d0feddbebd5c3782bf8db36d4d WHIRLPOOL b63adab3d5ead0950a06d9a6490cfbef9d07ca420e45eaee99b9bef87f3b96d93cdaada2212faa368c1473360f917db094f8319f34bdbc1dd673390fb55cc9bf
DIST catalyst- 907893 SHA256 411d531b6de8c8c1bc9fa9502af3a4882e94e9db8b911bb48e4a0fcfc1efe7e8 SHA512 12349f6249363a94a72a71d05b2fe6ee13593b5ea67e1cb9a054c5ece896ff68f89d1af6341b98238ba6a6510e2737f81dcc2606649c10681235315663ab04ae WHIRLPOOL 1769a78f615c8e0eec2167dd9d6ab873e24801ecb5e4634037898933c6f5a1dbb189d967a628be6f8811f6769eadc91c5003ddbb6bd58eb05efbbd5110f740c7
EBUILD catalyst- 3660 SHA256 4b0714dbb8eb96a9588f6b95e5e9021ddb62144c1a2e47f717111d70a84593a2 SHA512 f5ca61ec95864928d27e93ac72c2b441fdc04d30a27ebb3cedff6ec327147cee51a213b06d5f8e82bfda50ebc9e2eff51d77f43d3b699018459a4094b691ff4f WHIRLPOOL 1a558bd6eba2f278e4f6fcc4c846d884cf3fe79961204e6cf04bdb41889c96dd5f0af447eb14a6e8d17eac0622d8874cc6be20ff97e59d9632114495c77c2019
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
index 70d55d1..413235f 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@ diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-2.0.12
-run_merge "-e system"
+if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
-+ # workaround fix bug 425530, 438112
-+ run_merge "-e @system --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
++ # workaround fix bug 425530, 438112, 448256
++ run_merge "-e @world --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
+ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
+ run_merge "-e system"
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2013-08-29 15:34 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2013-08-29 15:34 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: fe88c29aebe9f2eec4679a34c12e9e0cdfc85300
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Thu Aug 29 15:33:43 2013 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Thu Aug 29 15:33:43 2013 +0000
URL: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=fe88c29a
added catalyst-2.0.14.ebuild and catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 3 +
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.14.ebuild | 100 +++++++++
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch | 236 +++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 339 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 30e0708..76dfea7 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
AUX catalyst- 9713 SHA256 c66f856b7f3b0b9988984cf7eac1ab332d6103ac4bbcc855dbfdb0f4de8e6692 SHA512 335b29e7bda61c1875a66694031924a3f04851b056651b6ee8f3572209bf216d5f63520513223ca996f3b9404eeefacf7cfe40d0feddbebd5c3782bf8db36d4d WHIRLPOOL b63adab3d5ead0950a06d9a6490cfbef9d07ca420e45eaee99b9bef87f3b96d93cdaada2212faa368c1473360f917db094f8319f34bdbc1dd673390fb55cc9bf
+AUX catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch 10559 SHA256 c4f53aa4a29eceb01a19b76b08b898efab1244b045b7657430c81ac796ebd8f3 SHA512 344193243bea083c8af3c641f69b70362635af7eaec9887cb0a5aa92957f951b53bbc8ea68f62e66395a2efa63b3b69bb2da7aeac489f88df70abf117a6108b7 WHIRLPOOL 3c54e14b0a05e272403ff738c2a5ba25eaa5c034148f35317809c5ccb758f245490ccead2d6554b36ef3f4e6a592faa2988974f901f01096eefe1466de058272
DIST catalyst- 907893 SHA256 411d531b6de8c8c1bc9fa9502af3a4882e94e9db8b911bb48e4a0fcfc1efe7e8 SHA512 12349f6249363a94a72a71d05b2fe6ee13593b5ea67e1cb9a054c5ece896ff68f89d1af6341b98238ba6a6510e2737f81dcc2606649c10681235315663ab04ae WHIRLPOOL 1769a78f615c8e0eec2167dd9d6ab873e24801ecb5e4634037898933c6f5a1dbb189d967a628be6f8811f6769eadc91c5003ddbb6bd58eb05efbbd5110f740c7
+DIST catalyst-2.0.14.tar.bz2 873415 SHA256 5a2f506026bde6df5d7ad5d94c3dbea0c151422b2201c347eafbaee135915586 SHA512 75e09be72e124ed4af1489af0688ed3858b36d25d76f331d8bfd1d45256fe068b9eb21c783541863f41786d9c91565695387582fc759bea5ef046ad2fa51eb1a WHIRLPOOL fd8c4660ccf11d6a6d89ebbdf20f69467e32984cd5a721c6d34ad3a0a94bb149e020ceefb7a21863aa30ebbdc27e3b5875b3d22fcb2381f6834ac56112335001
EBUILD catalyst- 3660 SHA256 4b0714dbb8eb96a9588f6b95e5e9021ddb62144c1a2e47f717111d70a84593a2 SHA512 f5ca61ec95864928d27e93ac72c2b441fdc04d30a27ebb3cedff6ec327147cee51a213b06d5f8e82bfda50ebc9e2eff51d77f43d3b699018459a4094b691ff4f WHIRLPOOL 1a558bd6eba2f278e4f6fcc4c846d884cf3fe79961204e6cf04bdb41889c96dd5f0af447eb14a6e8d17eac0622d8874cc6be20ff97e59d9632114495c77c2019
+EBUILD catalyst-2.0.14.ebuild 3166 SHA256 90063f74c89fa79969cfc35c695cadd20aadce8c922dd9d9444d8243b08f974e SHA512 1e0a83a4c65679c0f2c11b3ccbb96695a7f551f97c875bb0d81453db1f6803873a1ef8838eee884a9b34bb69dd97bbdb80344deac103301882d9e95dd61e8b55 WHIRLPOOL 6239a89daa41d5bc983cf020eb2fd6486c3e990ebc5cccd27260ce54ade5fb9a1e20c256d8a6861c728fa9286f54d0f6b7fa7e63949222147f178bcbd2e0a3b7
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.14.ebuild b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.14.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c17b60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.14.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
+ inherit git-2
+ SRC_URI=""
+ S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
+ SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
+ http://dev.gentoo.org/~mattst88/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
+ KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
+inherit eutils multilib python
+DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
+IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
+ virtual/cdrtools
+ x86? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
+ amd64? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
+ ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
+ ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
+ kernel_linux? ( app-arch/lbzip2 app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use ccache ; then
+ einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
+ else
+ ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
+ ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
+ ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
+ fi
+ echo
+ einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
+ einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
+ einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
+ einfo "on catalyst."
+ echo
+ if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
+ ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
+ ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
+ ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
+ ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
+ ewarn "have asked you to do so."
+ fi
+ python_set_active_version 2
+src_prepare() {
+ python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
+src_install() {
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
+ doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
+ if [[ ${PV} == 3.9999* ]]; then
+ doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
+ else
+ doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
+ fi
+ for x in targets/*; do
+ exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
+ doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
+ done
+ make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
+ insinto /etc/catalyst
+ doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
+ insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
+ doins examples/* || die
+ doman files/catalyst.1 files/catalyst-spec.5
+ # Here is where we actually enable ccache
+ use ccache && \
+ dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
+ /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
+ dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
+ /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
+ einfo "catalyst project page at:"
+ einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
+ echo
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56c8de6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py
+index 0391b79..2b67dba 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py
+@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ class generic_x86(builder.generic):
+ def __init__(self,myspec):
+ builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
+ if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
+- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
+- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
+- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
++ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
++ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
++ else:
++ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
+ self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
+ else:
+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py
+index 316dfa3..a5ae52f 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ contents_map={
+ #"find" :[calc_contents,"find %(path)s"],
+ "tar-tv":[calc_contents,"tar tvf %(file)s"],
+ "tar-tvz":[calc_contents,"tar tvzf %(file)s"],
+- "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar -I lbzip2 -tvf %(file)s"],
++ "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar tvjf %(file)s"],
+ "isoinfo-l":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -l -i %(file)s"],
+ # isoinfo-f should be a last resort only
+ "isoinfo-f":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -f -i %(file)s"],
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py
+index 848aca2..b81ccfc 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py
+@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ self.settings["crosscompile"]=(self.settings["hostarch"]!=\
+ self.settings["buildarch"])
++ """ FreeBSD's tar doesn't support -I lbzip2 option. """
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ self.settings["tar-cjpf"]="tar -I lbzip2 -cpf"
++ self.settings["tar-xjpf"]="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf"
++ else:
++ self.settings["tar-cjpf"]="tar cjpf"
++ self.settings["tar-xjpf"]="tar xjpf"
+ """ Call arch constructor, pass our settings """
+ try:
+ self.arch=self.subarchmap[self.settings["subarch"]](self.settings)
+@@ -654,10 +662,10 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+ " (This may take some time) ...\n"
+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
+- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
++ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]
+ else:
+- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
++ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]
+ error_msg="Tarball extraction of "+\
+ self.settings["source_path"]+" to "+\
+@@ -669,10 +677,10 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+ " (This may take some time) ...\n"
+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
+- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
++ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]
+ else:
+- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
++ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]
+ error_msg="Tarball extraction of "+self.settings["source_path"]+\
+ " to "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+" failed."
+@@ -771,7 +779,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ "catalyst-hash")
+ destdir=self.settings["snapshot_cache_path"]
+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
+- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
++ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
+ else:
+ unpack_cmd="tar xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
+ unpack_errmsg="Error unpacking snapshot"
+@@ -790,7 +798,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ cleanup_msg=\
+ "Cleaning up existing portage tree (This can take a long time)..."
+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
+- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
++ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr"
+ else:
+ unpack_cmd="tar xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
+@@ -905,18 +913,18 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ src=self.mountmap[x]
+ if "SNAPCACHE" in self.settings and x == "/usr/portage":
+ self.snapshot_lock_object.read_lock()
+- if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
+- if src == "/dev":
+- retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
+- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
+- else:
+- retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
++ if src == "tmpfs":
++ if "var_tmpfs_portage" in self.settings:
++ retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
++ self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
+ else:
+- if src == "tmpfs":
+- if "var_tmpfs_portage" in self.settings:
+- retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
+- self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
++ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
++ if src == "/dev":
++ retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
++ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
++ else:
++ retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
+ else:
+ retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+\
+@@ -1119,9 +1127,15 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
+ cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
+ "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
+- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
+- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
+- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
++ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
++ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
++ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
++ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
+ """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
+@@ -1215,7 +1229,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
+ print "Creating stage tarball..."
+- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
++ cmd(self.settings["tar-cjpf"]+" "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
+ self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
+ "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py
+index e93a86a..a665b94 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py
+@@ -50,8 +50,12 @@ class snapshot_target(generic_stage_target):
+ self.settings["portdir"]+"/ "+mytmp+"/portage/","Snapshot failure",env=self.env)
+ print "Compressing Portage snapshot tarball..."
+- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
+- "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
++ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
++ cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
++ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
++ else:
++ cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
++ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
+ self.gen_contents_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
+ self.gen_digest_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py
+index aa43926..3675bd5 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py
+@@ -86,10 +86,15 @@ class stage1_target(generic_stage_target):
+ # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
++ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
++ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
+ # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
++ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
++ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
++ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
+ def register(foo):
+ foo.update({"stage1":stage1_target})
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
+index 6cf9106..e96c7fd 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
+@@ -5,4 +5,11 @@ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
+ setup_pkgmgr
+-run_merge "-e @system"
++if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
++ # workaround fix bug 425530, 438112, 448256
++ run_merge "-e @world --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
++ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
++ run_merge "-e system"
+diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
+index 5c30537..848be40 100644
+--- a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
++++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
+@@ -414,5 +414,22 @@ Comment=This is a link to the local copy of the Gentoo Linux Handbook.
+ Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
+ }
++# GNU sed wrapper
++ if [ -e /usr/bin/gsed ]
++ then
++ /usr/bin/gsed "$@"
++ elif [ -e /bin/sed ]
++ then
++ /bin/sed "$@"
++ elif [ -e /usr/bin/sed ]
++ then
++ /usr/bin/sed "$@"
++ else
++ echo "ERROR: failed the selection of sed."
++ exit 1
++ fi
+ # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
+ run_default_funcs
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2014-10-29 12:16 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2014-10-29 12:16 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 12078ea6233fad9ae13bb1295daa73848edb3806
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
AuthorDate: Wed Oct 29 12:13:44 2014 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.gentoo <AT> 0x100 <DOT> com>
CommitDate: Wed Oct 29 12:13:44 2014 +0000
URL: http://sources.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/gentoo-bsd.git;a=commit;h=12078ea6
catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch: added x86-fbsd 9.0 stage3 and amd64-fbsd/clang 9.1 stage3 support.
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 2 +-
| 12 +++++++++---
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
index 522dc45..27df8a8 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
AUX catalyst- 9713 SHA256 c66f856b7f3b0b9988984cf7eac1ab332d6103ac4bbcc855dbfdb0f4de8e6692 SHA512 335b29e7bda61c1875a66694031924a3f04851b056651b6ee8f3572209bf216d5f63520513223ca996f3b9404eeefacf7cfe40d0feddbebd5c3782bf8db36d4d WHIRLPOOL b63adab3d5ead0950a06d9a6490cfbef9d07ca420e45eaee99b9bef87f3b96d93cdaada2212faa368c1473360f917db094f8319f34bdbc1dd673390fb55cc9bf
AUX catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch 10559 SHA256 c4f53aa4a29eceb01a19b76b08b898efab1244b045b7657430c81ac796ebd8f3 SHA512 344193243bea083c8af3c641f69b70362635af7eaec9887cb0a5aa92957f951b53bbc8ea68f62e66395a2efa63b3b69bb2da7aeac489f88df70abf117a6108b7 WHIRLPOOL 3c54e14b0a05e272403ff738c2a5ba25eaa5c034148f35317809c5ccb758f245490ccead2d6554b36ef3f4e6a592faa2988974f901f01096eefe1466de058272
-AUX catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch 3631 SHA256 9ff22dbe1e9a2289dd800fae9d61df391ba8b099f51988d6eb6946aeac3b4f7c SHA512 81757926891d27b3e78fa92ac1c26fa7b69dca488e4e7504ee83458a41cce72df93fb3a9443a27408c1388e4a40d03f03f0bb49291b0d70986b229ee21b7b534 WHIRLPOOL d97927a3eb264ed2c44758ad82092cbaa0126d71aff66dcabaf7594019ad9b4f33b813701b59e5a58142b96def2eab152562639f849750268279958b9491d56a
+AUX catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch 3972 SHA256 0f66298139b65fc46aaa198afe5bee6d2a7eb1c3e50a5b9d003967fe5467a9fe SHA512 7d5346fe10f24a10ddc4a933e523268300df5dfa5471df9e3ed4fbd68488d304f08631a5259b744f424a281b69020e7138311c057748740a033bfb205f94a0d4 WHIRLPOOL 4cdd3eb20a151ea8010047ce76ace4ca496ec62f8f9689d7495712d3034fb96ec9ccdd850a6a5d1473eb0b5bd71efb7036c1101266a53766e0662b1fb4eb05c0
DIST catalyst- 907893 SHA256 411d531b6de8c8c1bc9fa9502af3a4882e94e9db8b911bb48e4a0fcfc1efe7e8 SHA512 12349f6249363a94a72a71d05b2fe6ee13593b5ea67e1cb9a054c5ece896ff68f89d1af6341b98238ba6a6510e2737f81dcc2606649c10681235315663ab04ae WHIRLPOOL 1769a78f615c8e0eec2167dd9d6ab873e24801ecb5e4634037898933c6f5a1dbb189d967a628be6f8811f6769eadc91c5003ddbb6bd58eb05efbbd5110f740c7
DIST catalyst-2.0.15.tar.bz2 873335 SHA256 80fc39e6f6b7c32fb84f51333d8bf62a56a1ee068eb83cf2b03cb21c1f163e51 SHA512 9e61ba61eaa806424041f7edd1680b55dfd69bdea5b292aff305b4b3ef03349d82a47d8ab876baf7bf888e03810d79c6a00d74dc748082a1ed180ec1ed7043bd WHIRLPOOL 03c0f1137f59c57d106df4210104000c498a4c7ff2ae5bcc6e6c7a23d3d0c4c35ed125c036a0468859706da82af799641c1abe1b18c716c230c6ab657b4b765c
DIST catalyst-2.0.17.tar.bz2 861341 SHA256 5f4142598d921e5174ff06f9571856760a324e79db5f3b63caf0d1a16adc813c SHA512 9d7b9ad383dcc5d4ba058596c0b607eb9601b28025d9300f63e68d78cbd5bca8fa3f3e03a81dc6b233021e773ba4301df0bf5cec51ca4368eb3577a68d33a92c WHIRLPOOL e97fc120141cc4f9f5c297652d8b43313780f615429c0eb3d9b85cba40aeca01dcbc6efb0f8d388cc5e7debabb2563cfc9b5a5aa00e3d00d306aed0f799fc642
--git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch
index 596ce5f..87a7401 100644
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch
+++ b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh b/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
-index ed83f38..0819b2e
+index ed83f38..1f7137e
--- a/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
+++ b/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-@@ -21,17 +21,42 @@ then
+@@ -21,17 +21,48 @@ then
## Setup seed pkgmgr to ensure latest
+if [[ ! -e /usr/lib/python-exec ]]; then
+ emerge -p --nodeps dev-lang/python-exec
-+ [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n --newuse --nodeps dev-lang/python-exec"
++ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
++ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n --newuse --nodeps dev-lang/python-exec"
++ else
++ find /usr/portage/profiles -name eapi -exec bash -c 'echo 4 > {}' \;
++ fi
clst_root_path=/ setup_pkgmgr
++[[ 4 -eq $(cat /usr/portage/profiles/eapi) ]] && find /usr/portage/profiles -name eapi -exec bash -c 'echo 5 > {}' \;
# Update stage3
if [ -n "${clst_update_seed}" ]; then
@@ -34,6 +39,7 @@ index ed83f38..0819b2e
+ [[ -e /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask ]] && sed -i '/sys-freebsd/freebsd-libexec abi_x86_32/d' /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask
+ clst_root_path=/ USE="-build-kernel" run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse freebsd-bin freebsd-lib freebsd-libexec freebsd-mk-defs freebsd-pam-modules freebsd-sbin freebsd-share freebsd-ubin freebsd-usbin"
+ clst_root_path=/ USE="internal-glib" run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse dev-util/pkgconfig"
++ [[ -e /usr/lib/libc++.so ]] && clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse sys-libs/libcxx sys-libs/libcxxrt"
+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt dev-libs/glib app-arch/libarchive sys-libs/zlib"
+ unset CHOST
+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n sys-devel/libtool"
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
@ 2017-12-09 22:29 Yuta SATOH
0 siblings, 0 replies; 11+ messages in thread
From: Yuta SATOH @ 2017-12-09 22:29 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-commits
commit: 01e50adad417fadd8d4bc4546ba617b2e312d159
Author: Yuta SATOH <nigoro.dev <AT> gmail <DOT> com>
AuthorDate: Sat Dec 9 22:07:32 2017 +0000
Commit: Yuta SATOH <nigoro <AT> gentoo <DOT> gr <DOT> jp>
CommitDate: Sat Dec 9 22:07:32 2017 +0000
URL: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/gentoo-bsd.git/commit/?id=01e50ada
dev-util/catalyst: remove old.
dev-util/catalyst/Manifest | 12 -
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- | 112 --------
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.15.ebuild | 100 -------
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.17.ebuild | 115 --------
dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-9999.ebuild | 69 -----
.../catalyst/files/catalyst- | 219 ---------------
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch | 236 ----------------
| 106 --------
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-sed.patch | 302 ---------------------
dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-tmpfs.patch | 40 ---
10 files changed, 1311 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest b/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a8318f..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-AUX catalyst- 9713 SHA256 c66f856b7f3b0b9988984cf7eac1ab332d6103ac4bbcc855dbfdb0f4de8e6692 SHA512 335b29e7bda61c1875a66694031924a3f04851b056651b6ee8f3572209bf216d5f63520513223ca996f3b9404eeefacf7cfe40d0feddbebd5c3782bf8db36d4d WHIRLPOOL b63adab3d5ead0950a06d9a6490cfbef9d07ca420e45eaee99b9bef87f3b96d93cdaada2212faa368c1473360f917db094f8319f34bdbc1dd673390fb55cc9bf
-AUX catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch 10559 SHA256 c4f53aa4a29eceb01a19b76b08b898efab1244b045b7657430c81ac796ebd8f3 SHA512 344193243bea083c8af3c641f69b70362635af7eaec9887cb0a5aa92957f951b53bbc8ea68f62e66395a2efa63b3b69bb2da7aeac489f88df70abf117a6108b7 WHIRLPOOL 3c54e14b0a05e272403ff738c2a5ba25eaa5c034148f35317809c5ccb758f245490ccead2d6554b36ef3f4e6a592faa2988974f901f01096eefe1466de058272
-AUX catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch 5180 SHA256 3f9cfe533be0050e936d47f2d4392f7ca5110cecb4a5dcd68e7cb79c59b25efb SHA512 dc930e063cf3870048a395577ba5c7d8fce96a150345af7766c4156109ec9539455e05b59a7c5873dfc596ab240e9d7dde55dc954410054fd85eaf289def7a1c WHIRLPOOL 78be8967fdce9b2c247f720d3389a41ff056d9ce3d270f2951dbd2318e8c93519c91ea4b6c889aced17775ea187180899f7a8a13450334c1b7df76611f944f9f
-AUX catalyst-9999-sed.patch 12970 SHA256 279d0ba5b32bc7e921e9a6038a85981da2229773edc1b7519e144e05f34614c2 SHA512 f90d9e64079c88380508c42c5f408a106d7cc6fe07732d25722f92c94ddea84c9a592c61e403585b29e16612c2a8b59f1245e3259e7d7587aeb11881c6e84932 WHIRLPOOL 6e4db5701884eb976b2b893dbc3ec73297096ef30319ff7a2dbec43861403ad2444dc0af40fe5b03143f5694ccd7806b6e057a6ab7cc58d59c19aa245ae86eb1
-AUX catalyst-9999-tmpfs.patch 1531 SHA256 23cdf7e169129343d7a55e62870a70f971b8746c721cf6acf8b19027d8f9cf6e SHA512 1ff41b0c994336ff73e69c54258f6d0aa75b235eeeefbfe67ebc6c20322b9c27bf7554e6236b0f7376a06e115abdb80e6947b32afe94ff73755290f80b85a68d WHIRLPOOL 8715a0fb31c323ec76e30be6e4dd9fd864d5acdf61c3633e9a194c4355c250d6da6570d99de68bc487e7419eac396ce2f722d44aa639662f5032f3ca59b1c6cd
-DIST catalyst- 907893 SHA256 411d531b6de8c8c1bc9fa9502af3a4882e94e9db8b911bb48e4a0fcfc1efe7e8 SHA512 12349f6249363a94a72a71d05b2fe6ee13593b5ea67e1cb9a054c5ece896ff68f89d1af6341b98238ba6a6510e2737f81dcc2606649c10681235315663ab04ae WHIRLPOOL 1769a78f615c8e0eec2167dd9d6ab873e24801ecb5e4634037898933c6f5a1dbb189d967a628be6f8811f6769eadc91c5003ddbb6bd58eb05efbbd5110f740c7
-DIST catalyst-2.0.15.tar.bz2 873335 SHA256 80fc39e6f6b7c32fb84f51333d8bf62a56a1ee068eb83cf2b03cb21c1f163e51 SHA512 9e61ba61eaa806424041f7edd1680b55dfd69bdea5b292aff305b4b3ef03349d82a47d8ab876baf7bf888e03810d79c6a00d74dc748082a1ed180ec1ed7043bd WHIRLPOOL 03c0f1137f59c57d106df4210104000c498a4c7ff2ae5bcc6e6c7a23d3d0c4c35ed125c036a0468859706da82af799641c1abe1b18c716c230c6ab657b4b765c
-DIST catalyst-2.0.17.tar.bz2 861341 SHA256 5f4142598d921e5174ff06f9571856760a324e79db5f3b63caf0d1a16adc813c SHA512 9d7b9ad383dcc5d4ba058596c0b607eb9601b28025d9300f63e68d78cbd5bca8fa3f3e03a81dc6b233021e773ba4301df0bf5cec51ca4368eb3577a68d33a92c WHIRLPOOL e97fc120141cc4f9f5c297652d8b43313780f615429c0eb3d9b85cba40aeca01dcbc6efb0f8d388cc5e7debabb2563cfc9b5a5aa00e3d00d306aed0f799fc642
-EBUILD catalyst- 3660 SHA256 4b0714dbb8eb96a9588f6b95e5e9021ddb62144c1a2e47f717111d70a84593a2 SHA512 f5ca61ec95864928d27e93ac72c2b441fdc04d30a27ebb3cedff6ec327147cee51a213b06d5f8e82bfda50ebc9e2eff51d77f43d3b699018459a4094b691ff4f WHIRLPOOL 1a558bd6eba2f278e4f6fcc4c846d884cf3fe79961204e6cf04bdb41889c96dd5f0af447eb14a6e8d17eac0622d8874cc6be20ff97e59d9632114495c77c2019
-EBUILD catalyst-2.0.15.ebuild 3166 SHA256 90063f74c89fa79969cfc35c695cadd20aadce8c922dd9d9444d8243b08f974e SHA512 1e0a83a4c65679c0f2c11b3ccbb96695a7f551f97c875bb0d81453db1f6803873a1ef8838eee884a9b34bb69dd97bbdb80344deac103301882d9e95dd61e8b55 WHIRLPOOL 6239a89daa41d5bc983cf020eb2fd6486c3e990ebc5cccd27260ce54ade5fb9a1e20c256d8a6861c728fa9286f54d0f6b7fa7e63949222147f178bcbd2e0a3b7
-EBUILD catalyst-2.0.17.ebuild 3162 SHA256 1f9aacf9e56f5184fa791583ea7c9d332b7ab4a1504bde50ae77f7f879a17a2c SHA512 31ab393441dd34eeb030703e75c91c4b01ecb32354728e0bedff40ec1c2a6f70ba4868eeeb1e63ff4f68c500d62abea0d2e2d17743b89c37c000d6cb18b8aa7c WHIRLPOOL b424423dfaaf07b8df3317e93d0b93eac341d0b82fe201f9ed71ef8c7dda365434a5796cf9abbe5a2c9ef21c45702649220524675e8113e6ef76d7e05000bd62
-EBUILD catalyst-9999.ebuild 1758 SHA256 f5f551262785dfb504bc8f1b8fd37ed4db4c2e7b416a97c0bd3821ef7f07dc95 SHA512 f5a56f1d6f2ca9a91e398a20400c6fe40619a4aa32b8db17254203a849e9ef745efd1318ea15c069c4b893d7931205c52ec148ee70dca54f5261e16166ad9e1c WHIRLPOOL 58cc2bd7c78fd8cd11dca0ce64b125985972fe6e432802e7ed43be7fb7a6aa8e99ff521a747742cbc719ea6cfd73445a1475ae1a5dd152156f952706ed9f9afc
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
deleted file mode 100644
index 40ff2be..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# catalyst-9999 -> latest Git
-# catalyst-2.9999 -> catalyst_2 branch from Git
-# catalyst-3.9999 -> catalyst_3 branch from Git
-# catalyst-VER -> normal catalyst release
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
- inherit git-2
- SRC_URI=""
- S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
- case ${PV} in
- 2.9999) EGIT_BRANCH="catalyst_2" ;;
- 3.9999) EGIT_BRANCH="catalyst_3" ;;
- esac
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~zerochaos/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-inherit eutils multilib python
-DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
-IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
- virtual/cdrtools
- ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
- ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- kernel_linux? ( app-arch/lbzip2 app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ccache ; then
- einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
- else
- ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
- ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
- ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
- fi
- echo
- einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
- einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
- einfo "on catalyst."
- echo
- if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
- ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
- ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
- ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
- ewarn "have asked you to do so."
- fi
- python_set_active_version 2
-src_prepare() {
- python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
- if [[ ${PV} == 3.9999* ]]; then
- doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
- else
- doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
- fi
- for x in targets/*; do
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
- doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
- done
- make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
- insinto /etc/catalyst
- doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- doins examples/* || die
- dodoc README ChangeLog AUTHORS
- doman files/catalyst.1
- # Here is where we actually enable ccache
- use ccache && \
- dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
- dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
- einfo "catalyst project page at:"
- einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
- echo
- elog "update_seed syntax has changed to make it more flexible."
- elog "This is an optional setting supported by stage1 that runs an emerge"
- elog "command on the seed stage before starting the stage1 build. (example:"
- elog "`--update dev-libs/mpfr dev-libs/mpc dev-libs/gmp`)"
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.15.ebuild b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.15.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c17b60..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.15.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
- inherit git-2
- SRC_URI=""
- S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~mattst88/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-inherit eutils multilib python
-DESCRIPTION="release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
-IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
- virtual/cdrtools
- x86? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
- amd64? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
- ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
- ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- kernel_linux? ( app-arch/lbzip2 app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ccache ; then
- einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
- else
- ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
- ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
- ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
- fi
- echo
- einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
- einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
- einfo "on catalyst."
- echo
- if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- ewarn "The ${EGIT_BRANCH:-master} branch (what you get with this ${PV} ebuild) contains"
- ewarn "work-in-progress code. Be aware that it's likely that it will not"
- ewarn "be in a working state at any given point. Please do not file bugs"
- ewarn "until you have posted on the gentoo-catalyst mailing list and we"
- ewarn "have asked you to do so."
- fi
- python_set_active_version 2
-src_prepare() {
- python_convert_shebangs 2 catalyst modules/catalyst_lock.py
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
- if [[ ${PV} == 3.9999* ]]; then
- doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
- else
- doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
- fi
- for x in targets/*; do
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
- doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
- done
- make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
- insinto /etc/catalyst
- doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- doins examples/* || die
- doman files/catalyst.1 files/catalyst-spec.5
- # Here is where we actually enable ccache
- use ccache && \
- dosed 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
- dosed "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
- /etc/catalyst/catalyst.conf
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
- einfo "catalyst project page at:"
- einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
- echo
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.17.ebuild b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.17.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 90e2475..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-2.0.17.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- SRC_ECLASS="git-2"
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://git.overlays.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
- EGIT_MASTER="master"
- SRC_URI=""
- S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~mattst88/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~zerochaos/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2
- http://dev.gentoo.org/~dolsen/releases/catalyst/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit eutils multilib python-single-r1 ${SRC_ECLASS}
-DESCRIPTION="Release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
-IUSE="ccache kernel_linux"
- app-text/asciidoc
- app-crypt/shash
- virtual/cdrtools
- amd64? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
- ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- x86? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
- ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
- kernel_linux? ( app-arch/lbzip2 app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )
-pkg_setup() {
- if use ccache ; then
- einfo "Enabling ccache support for catalyst."
- else
- ewarn "By default, ccache support for catalyst is disabled."
- ewarn "If this is not what you intended,"
- ewarn "then you should add ccache to your USE."
- fi
- echo
- einfo "The template spec files are now installed by default. You can find"
- einfo "them under /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples"
- einfo "and they are considered to be the authorative source of information"
- einfo "on catalyst."
- echo
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch
-src_install() {
- insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- doexe catalyst || die "copying catalyst"
- if [[ ${PV} == 3.9999* ]]; then
- doins -r modules files || die "copying files"
- else
- doins -r arch modules livecd || die "copying files"
- fi
- for x in targets/*; do
- exeinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/$x
- doexe $x/* || die "copying ${x}"
- done
- # Here is where we actually enable ccache
- use ccache && \
- sed -i -e 's:options="autoresume kern:options="autoresume ccache kern:' \
- files/catalyst.conf
- sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib/catalyst:/usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst:" \
- files/catalyst.conf
- make_wrapper catalyst /usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/catalyst
- insinto /etc/catalyst
- doins files/catalyst.conf files/catalystrc || die "copying configuration"
- insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/examples
- doins examples/* || die
- doman files/catalyst.1 files/catalyst-spec.5
- python_fix_shebang "${ED}usr/$(get_libdir)/catalyst/catalyst"
- python_optimize "${ED}"
-pkg_postinst() {
- einfo "You can find more information about catalyst by checking out the"
- einfo "catalyst project page at:"
- einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/catalyst/index.xml"
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-9999.ebuild b/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-9999.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e19b49c..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/catalyst-9999.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-if [[ ${PV} == *9999* ]]; then
- SRC_ECLASS="git-2"
- EGIT_REPO_URI="git://anongit.gentoo.org/proj/catalyst.git"
- EGIT_BRANCH="master"
- S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}"
- SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2
- https://dev.gentoo.org/~dolsen/releases/catalyst/${P}.tar.bz2
- https://dev.gentoo.org/~jmbsvicetto/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2
- https://dev.gentoo.org/~zerochaos/distfiles/${P}.tar.bz2"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{3_4,3_5} )
-inherit distutils-r1 multilib ${SRC_ECLASS}
-DESCRIPTION="Release metatool used for creating releases based on Gentoo Linux"
-IUSE="ccache doc kernel_linux"
- app-text/asciidoc
- >=dev-python/snakeoil-0.6.5[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- =dev-python/pydecomp-9999[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- app-arch/lbzip2
- app-crypt/shash
- virtual/cdrtools
- amd64? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
- ia64? ( sys-fs/dosfstools )
- x86? ( >=sys-boot/syslinux-3.72 )
- ccache? ( dev-util/ccache )
- kernel_linux? ( app-arch/tar[xattr] app-misc/zisofs-tools >=sys-fs/squashfs-tools-2.1 )
-src_prepare() {
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-9999-sed.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-9999-tmpfs.patch
-python_prepare_all() {
- echo VERSION="${PV}" "${PYTHON}" setup.py set_version
- VERSION="${PV}" "${PYTHON}" setup.py set_version
- distutils-r1_python_prepare_all
-python_compile_all() {
- # build the man pages and docs
- emake
-python_install_all() {
- distutils-r1_python_install_all
- if use doc; then
- dodoc files/HOWTO.html files/docbook-xsl.css
- fi
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst- b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
deleted file mode 100644
index 413235f..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:27:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
- if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
-- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-+ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ else:
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
- self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
- else:
- self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:37:39.000000000 +0900
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
- #"find" :[calc_contents,"find %(path)s"],
- "tar-tv":[calc_contents,"tar tvf %(file)s"],
- "tar-tvz":[calc_contents,"tar tvzf %(file)s"],
-- "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar -I lbzip2 -tvf %(file)s"],
-+ "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar tvjf %(file)s"],
- "isoinfo-l":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -l -i %(file)s"],
- # isoinfo-f should be a last resort only
- "isoinfo-f":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -f -i %(file)s"],
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:34:08.000000000 +0900
-@@ -649,7 +649,8 @@
- self.settings["source_path"]+"\nto "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
- " (This may take some time) ...\n"
-- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
-+ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]
- else:
-@@ -664,7 +665,8 @@
- self.settings["source_path"]+"\nto "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
- " (This may take some time) ...\n"
-- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
-+ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]
- else:
-@@ -766,7 +768,8 @@
- read_from_clst(self.settings["snapshot_cache_path"]+\
- "catalyst-hash")
- destdir=self.settings["snapshot_cache_path"]
-- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
-+ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
- else:
- unpack_cmd="tar xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
-@@ -785,7 +788,8 @@
- cleanup_errmsg="Error removing existing snapshot directory."
- cleanup_msg=\
- "Cleaning up existing portage tree (This can take a long time)..."
-- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-+ if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:] \
-+ and os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr"
- else:
-@@ -901,18 +905,18 @@
- src=self.mountmap[x]
- if self.settings.has_key("SNAPCACHE") and x == "/usr/portage":
- self.snapshot_lock_object.read_lock()
-- if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-- if src == "/dev":
-- retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
-- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
-- else:
-- retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
-+ if src == "tmpfs":
-+ if self.settings.has_key("var_tmpfs_portage"):
-+ retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
-+ self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- else:
-- if src == "tmpfs":
-- if self.settings.has_key("var_tmpfs_portage"):
-- retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
-- self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-+ if src == "/dev":
-+ retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
-+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
-+ else:
-+ retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- else:
- retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+\
-@@ -1111,9 +1115,15 @@
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
- "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
-- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
-+ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
-+ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
- """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
-@@ -1207,9 +1217,14 @@
- print "Creating stage tarball..."
-- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
-- self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
-- "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
-+ "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("tar cjpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
-+ "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
- self.gen_contents_file(self.settings["target_path"])
- self.gen_digest_file(self.settings["target_path"])
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:35:42.000000000 +0900
-@@ -50,8 +50,12 @@
- self.settings["portdir"]+"/ "+mytmp+"/portage/","Snapshot failure",env=self.env)
- print "Compressing Portage snapshot tarball..."
-- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
-- "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
-+ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
-+ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
- self.gen_contents_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
- self.gen_digest_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:29:03.000000000 +0900
-@@ -92,10 +92,15 @@
- # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
-+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
-+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
- # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
- self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
- self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
-+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
- def set_update_seed(self):
- if self.settings.has_key("update_seed"):
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:27:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -5,4 +5,11 @@
- setup_pkgmgr
--run_merge "-e system"
-+if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
-+ # workaround fix bug 425530, 438112, 448256
-+ run_merge "-e @world --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
-+ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
-+ run_merge "-e system"
-diff -Nur catalyst- catalyst-
---- catalyst- 2012-11-02 09:27:51.000000000 +0900
-+++ catalyst- 2012-11-23 21:27:15.000000000 +0900
-@@ -413,5 +413,22 @@
- Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
- }
-+# GNU sed wrapper
-+ if [ -e /usr/bin/gsed ]
-+ then
-+ /usr/bin/gsed "$@"
-+ elif [ -e /bin/sed ]
-+ then
-+ /bin/sed "$@"
-+ elif [ -e /usr/bin/sed ]
-+ then
-+ /usr/bin/sed "$@"
-+ else
-+ echo "ERROR: failed the selection of sed."
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
- # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
- run_default_funcs
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 56c8de6..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.14-fbsd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py
-index 0391b79..2b67dba 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/arch/x86.py
-@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ class generic_x86(builder.generic):
- def __init__(self,myspec):
- builder.generic.__init__(self,myspec)
- if self.settings["buildarch"]=="amd64":
-- if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-- raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-- self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ if not os.path.exists("/bin/linux32") and not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/linux32"):
-+ raise CatalystError,"required executable linux32 not found (\"emerge setarch\" to fix.)"
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="linux32 chroot"
-+ else:
-+ self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
- self.settings["crosscompile"] = False;
- else:
- self.settings["CHROOT"]="chroot"
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py
-index 316dfa3..a5ae52f 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/catalyst_support.py
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ contents_map={
- #"find" :[calc_contents,"find %(path)s"],
- "tar-tv":[calc_contents,"tar tvf %(file)s"],
- "tar-tvz":[calc_contents,"tar tvzf %(file)s"],
-- "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar -I lbzip2 -tvf %(file)s"],
-+ "tar-tvj":[calc_contents,"tar tvjf %(file)s"],
- "isoinfo-l":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -l -i %(file)s"],
- # isoinfo-f should be a last resort only
- "isoinfo-f":[calc_contents,"isoinfo -f -i %(file)s"],
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py
-index 848aca2..b81ccfc 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/generic_stage_target.py
-@@ -98,6 +98,14 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- self.settings["crosscompile"]=(self.settings["hostarch"]!=\
- self.settings["buildarch"])
-+ """ FreeBSD's tar doesn't support -I lbzip2 option. """
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ self.settings["tar-cjpf"]="tar -I lbzip2 -cpf"
-+ self.settings["tar-xjpf"]="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf"
-+ else:
-+ self.settings["tar-cjpf"]="tar cjpf"
-+ self.settings["tar-xjpf"]="tar xjpf"
- """ Call arch constructor, pass our settings """
- try:
- self.arch=self.subarchmap[self.settings["subarch"]](self.settings)
-@@ -654,10 +662,10 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
- " (This may take some time) ...\n"
- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]
- else:
-- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]
- error_msg="Tarball extraction of "+\
- self.settings["source_path"]+" to "+\
-@@ -669,10 +677,10 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
- " (This may take some time) ...\n"
- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]
- else:
-- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["source_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]
- error_msg="Tarball extraction of "+self.settings["source_path"]+\
- " to "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+" failed."
-@@ -771,7 +779,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- "catalyst-hash")
- destdir=self.settings["snapshot_cache_path"]
- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
-+ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
- else:
- unpack_cmd="tar xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+destdir
- unpack_errmsg="Error unpacking snapshot"
-@@ -790,7 +798,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- cleanup_msg=\
- "Cleaning up existing portage tree (This can take a long time)..."
- if "bz2" == self.settings["chroot_path"][-3:]:
-- unpack_cmd="tar -I lbzip2 -xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ unpack_cmd=self.settings["tar-xjpf"]+" "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr"
- else:
- unpack_cmd="tar xpf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+\
-@@ -905,18 +913,18 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- src=self.mountmap[x]
- if "SNAPCACHE" in self.settings and x == "/usr/portage":
- self.snapshot_lock_object.read_lock()
-- if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-- if src == "/dev":
-- retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
-- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
-- else:
-- retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
-+ if src == "tmpfs":
-+ if "var_tmpfs_portage" in self.settings:
-+ retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
-+ self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- else:
-- if src == "tmpfs":
-- if "var_tmpfs_portage" in self.settings:
-- retval=os.system("mount -t tmpfs -o size="+\
-- self.settings["var_tmpfs_portage"]+"G "+src+" "+\
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-+ if src == "/dev":
-+ retval=os.system("mount -t devfs none "+\
-+ self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
-+ else:
-+ retval=os.system("mount_nullfs "+src+" "+\
- self.settings["chroot_path"]+x)
- else:
- retval=os.system("mount --bind "+src+" "+\
-@@ -1119,9 +1127,15 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage"):
- cmd("rm -rf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/usr/local/portage",\
- "Could not remove /usr/local/portage",env=self.env)
-- cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-- "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-- "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ if os.path.exists(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/portage/make.conf"):
-+ if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/gsed"):
-+ cmd("gsed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("sed -i '/^PORTDIR_OVERLAY/d' "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+\
-+ "/etc/portage/make.conf",\
-+ "Could not remove PORTDIR_OVERLAY from make.conf",env=self.env)
- """ Clean up old and obsoleted files in /etc """
- if os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/etc"):
-@@ -1215,7 +1229,7 @@ class generic_stage_target(generic_target):
- print "Creating stage tarball..."
-- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cpf "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
-+ cmd(self.settings["tar-cjpf"]+" "+self.settings["target_path"]+" -C "+\
- self.settings["stage_path"]+" .",\
- "Couldn't create stage tarball",env=self.env)
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py
-index e93a86a..a665b94 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/snapshot_target.py
-@@ -50,8 +50,12 @@ class snapshot_target(generic_stage_target):
- self.settings["portdir"]+"/ "+mytmp+"/portage/","Snapshot failure",env=self.env)
- print "Compressing Portage snapshot tarball..."
-- cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
-- "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "Linux":
-+ cmd("tar -I lbzip2 -cf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
-+ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
-+ else:
-+ cmd("tar cjf "+self.settings["snapshot_path"]+" -C "+mytmp+" portage",\
-+ "Snapshot creation failure",env=self.env)
- self.gen_contents_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
- self.gen_digest_file(self.settings["snapshot_path"])
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py
-index aa43926..3675bd5 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/modules/stage1_target.py
-@@ -86,10 +86,15 @@ class stage1_target(generic_stage_target):
- # stage_path/proc probably doesn't exist yet, so create it
- if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc"):
- os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/proc")
-+ if not os.path.exists(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev"):
-+ os.makedirs(self.settings["stage_path"]+"/dev")
- # alter the mount mappings to bind mount proc onto it
- self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/proc")
- self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/proc"]="/proc"
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-+ self.mounts.append("/tmp/stage1root/dev")
-+ self.mountmap["/tmp/stage1root/dev"]="/dev"
- def register(foo):
- foo.update({"stage1":stage1_target})
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
-index 6cf9106..e96c7fd 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/stage3/stage3-chroot.sh
-@@ -5,4 +5,11 @@ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
- setup_pkgmgr
--run_merge "-e @system"
-+if [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] ; then
-+ # workaround fix bug 425530, 438112, 448256
-+ run_merge "-e @world --exclude=sys-apps/portage"
-+ run_merge "sys-apps/portage"
-+ run_merge "-e system"
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-index 5c30537..848be40 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.14/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-@@ -414,5 +414,22 @@ Comment=This is a link to the local copy of the Gentoo Linux Handbook.
- Icon=text-editor" > /usr/share/applications/gentoo-handbook.desktop
- }
-+# GNU sed wrapper
-+ if [ -e /usr/bin/gsed ]
-+ then
-+ /usr/bin/gsed "$@"
-+ elif [ -e /bin/sed ]
-+ then
-+ /bin/sed "$@"
-+ elif [ -e /usr/bin/sed ]
-+ then
-+ /usr/bin/sed "$@"
-+ else
-+ echo "ERROR: failed the selection of sed."
-+ exit 1
-+ fi
- # We do this everywhere, so why not put it in this script
- run_default_funcs
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f32ce0..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-2.0.15-fbsd-extra.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh b/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-index ed83f38..09bfee6 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
- #!/bin/bash
-+if [[ -e /usr/lib/portage/pym/portage/const.py ]] ; then
-+ if [[ $(grep EAPI /usr/lib/portage/pym/portage/const.py | awk '{print $3}') -eq 4 ]] ; then
-+ find /usr/portage/profiles -name eapi -exec bash -c 'echo 4 > {}' \;
-+ fi
- source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
- # We do this first, so we know our package list for --debug
-@@ -21,17 +25,53 @@ then
- fi
- ## Setup seed pkgmgr to ensure latest
-+if [[ ! -e /usr/lib/python-exec ]]; then
-+ emerge -p --nodeps dev-lang/python-exec
-+ if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
-+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n --newuse --nodeps dev-lang/python-exec"
-+ fi
- clst_root_path=/ setup_pkgmgr
-+[[ 4 -eq $(cat /usr/portage/profiles/eapi) ]] && find /usr/portage/profiles -name eapi -exec bash -c 'echo 5 > {}' \;
- # Update stage3
- if [ -n "${clst_update_seed}" ]; then
- if [ "${clst_update_seed}" == "yes" ]; then
- echo "Updating seed stage..."
-+ if [ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ] ; then
-+ if [ $(uname -p) == "amd64" ] && [ ! -e /libexec/ld-elf32.so.1 ] ; then
-+ [[ ! -e /etc/portage/profile ]] && mkdir -p /etc/portage/profile
-+ echo "sys-freebsd/freebsd-libexec abi_x86_32" >> /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask
-+ fi
-+ if [ $(uname -p) == "i386" ] ; then
-+ if [ ! -d /etc/portage/package.mask ] ; then
-+ echo ">app-misc/pax-utils-0.8" >> /etc/portage/package.mask
-+ else
-+ echo ">app-misc/pax-utils-0.8" >> /etc/portage/package.mask/pax-utils
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+ gcc -v &> /tmp/gccv.result
-+ export CHOST=`grep Target /tmp/gccv.result | awk '{print $2}'`
-+ [[ ! -e /usr/bin/cc ]] && cp /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc
-+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "-C dev-libs/libelf dev-libs/libexecinfo dev-libs/libiconv sys-freebsd/freebsd-sources"
-+ clst_root_path=/ USE="-build-kernel" run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse --nodeps sys-freebsd/freebsd-mk-defs sys-freebsd/freebsd-sources binutils"
-+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse --nodeps sys-freebsd/freebsd-libexec"
-+ clst_root_path=/ USE=build run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse --nodeps sys-freebsd/freebsd-lib sys-freebsd/freebsd-share"
-+ [[ -e /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask ]] && sed -i '/sys-freebsd/freebsd-libexec abi_x86_32/d' /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask
-+ clst_root_path=/ USE="-build-kernel" run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse freebsd-bin freebsd-lib freebsd-libexec freebsd-mk-defs freebsd-pam-modules freebsd-sbin freebsd-share freebsd-ubin freebsd-usbin"
-+ clst_root_path=/ USE="internal-glib" run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse dev-util/pkgconfig"
-+ [[ -e /usr/lib/libc++.so ]] && clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n --update --newuse sys-libs/libcxx sys-libs/libcxxrt"
-+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt dev-libs/glib app-arch/libarchive sys-libs/zlib"
-+ unset CHOST
-+ clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n sys-devel/libtool"
-+ fi
- if [ -n "${clst_update_seed_command}" ]; then
-- clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n ${clst_update_seed_command}"
-+ clst_root_path=/ USE="-build-kernel -fortran" run_merge "--buildpkg=n ${clst_update_seed_command}"
- else
-- clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--update --deep --newuse --complete-graph --rebuild-if-new-ver gcc"
-+ clst_root_path=/ USE="-build-kernel -fortran" run_merge "--update --deep --newuse --complete-graph --rebuild-if-new-ver gcc"
- fi
-+ [[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] && clst_root_path=/ run_merge "--buildpkg=n sys-devel/libtool"
- elif [ "${clst_update_seed}" != "no" ]; then
- echo "Invalid setting for update_seed: ${clst_update_seed}"
- exit 1
-@@ -57,6 +97,19 @@ sed -i '/USE="${USE} -build"/d' /etc/portage/make.conf
- [ -e /etc/portage/make.conf ] && \
- echo "USE=\"-* build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"" \
- >> /etc/portage/make.conf
-+[[ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ]] && run_merge "--oneshot sys-auth/openpam"
- run_merge "--oneshot ${clst_buildpkgs}"
- sed -i "/USE=\"-* build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
- /etc/portage/make.conf
-+if [ $(uname) == "FreeBSD" ] ; then
-+ if [ -n "${clst_update_seed}" ]; then
-+ if [ $(uname -p) == "i386" ] ; then
-+ if [ ! -d /etc/portage/package.mask ] ; then
-+ sed -i "/pax-utils/d" /etc/portage/package.mask
-+ else
-+ rm /etc/portage/package.mask/pax-utils
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+ fi
-diff --git a/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh b/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-index 848be40..d0212c5 100644
---- a/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-2.0.17/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
- # Set the profile
- eselect profile set ${clst_target_profile}
-+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-+ rm -rf /etc/make.profile /etc/portage/make.profile
-+ ln -s ../usr/portage/profiles/${clst_target_profile} /etc/make.profile
- # Trap these signals and kill ourselves if recieved
- # Force ourselves to die if any of these signals are recieved
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-sed.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-sed.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d7ef1b3..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-sed.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/defaults.py b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/defaults.py
-index a0e3ea8..67ad8f7 100644
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/defaults.py
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/defaults.py
-@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ confdefaults={
- "PythonDir": "./catalyst",
- "repo_basedir": "/usr",
- "repo_name": "portage",
-+ "sed": "sed",
- "sharedir": "/usr/share/catalyst",
- "shdir": "/usr/share/catalyst/targets/",
- "snapshot_cache": "/var/tmp/catalyst/snapshot_cache",
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/main.py b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/main.py
-index 6608b86..4a0e515 100644
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/main.py
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/catalyst/main.py
-@@ -343,6 +343,12 @@ def _main(parser, opts):
- conf_values['compress_definitions'] = COMPRESS_DEFINITIONS
- # TODO add capability to config/spec new definitions
-+ # detect GNU sed
-+ for sed in ('/usr/bin/gsed', '/bin/sed', '/usr/bin/sed'):
-+ if os.path.exists(sed):
-+ conf_values["sed"] = sed
-+ break
- # Start checking that digests are valid now that hash_map is initialized
- if "digests" in conf_values:
- digests = set(conf_values['digests'].split())
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-index fbda84b..28bd743 100755
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage1/stage1-chroot.sh
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ make_destpath /tmp/stage1root
- # First, we drop in a known-good baselayout
- [ -e ${clst_make_conf} ] && echo "USE=\"${USE} -build\"" >> ${clst_make_conf}
- run_merge "--oneshot --nodeps sys-apps/baselayout"
--sed -i "/USE=\"${USE} -build\"/d" ${clst_make_conf}
-+${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"${USE} -build\"/d" ${clst_make_conf}
- # Now, we install our packages
- if [ -e ${clst_make_conf} ]; then
-@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ if [ -e ${clst_make_conf} ]; then
- fi
- run_merge "--oneshot ${clst_buildpkgs}"
--sed -i "/USE=\"-* build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
-+${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"-* build ${BOOTSTRAP_USE} ${clst_HOSTUSE}\"/d" \
- ${clst_make_conf}
- for useexpand in ${clst_HOSTUSEEXPAND}; do
- x="clst_${useexpand}"
-- sed -i "/${useexpand}=\"${!x}\"/d" \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i "/${useexpand}=\"${!x}\"/d" \
- ${clst_make_conf}
- done
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh
-index 38dfea3..30dc47a 100755
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/stage2/stage2-chroot.sh
-@@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ fi
- ${clst_repo_basedir}/${clst_repo_name}/scripts/bootstrap.sh ${bootstrap_opts} || exit 1
- # Clean-up USE again
--sed -i "/USE=\"\${USE} bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
--sed -i "/USE=\"bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-+${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"\${USE} bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-+${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/bootloader-setup.sh b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/bootloader-setup.sh
-index d9e2620..ffe7be2 100755
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/bootloader-setup.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/bootloader-setup.sh
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ case ${clst_hostarch} in
- echo "message=/boot/boot.msg" >> ${icfg}
- # Here is where I fix up the boot.msg file.
-- sed -e 's/ARCH/PowerPC/' \
-+ ${clst_sed} -e 's/ARCH/PowerPC/' \
- -e 's/HARDWARE/Apple and IBM hardware/' \
- -i $kmsg
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-index 456ae4c..004e7c3 100755
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/chroot-functions.sh
-@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ setup_myfeatures(){
- else
- clst_root_path=/ run_merge --oneshot --noreplace sys-devel/distcc || exit 1
- fi
-- sed -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' ${clst_make_conf}
-+ ${clst_sed} -i '/USE="${USE} -avahi -gtk -gnome"/d' ${clst_make_conf}
- mkdir -p /etc/distcc
- echo "${clst_distcc_hosts}" > /etc/distcc/hosts
-@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ setup_pkgmgr(){
- echo "Adding USE=\"\${USE} $1\" to make.conf for portage build"
- [ -e "${clst_make_conf}" ] && echo "USE=\"\${USE} $1\"" >> "${clst_make_conf}"
- run_merge --oneshot --update --newuse sys-apps/portage
-- sed -i "/USE=\"\${USE} $1\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-+ ${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"\${USE} $1\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
- else
- run_merge --oneshot --update --newuse sys-apps/portage
- fi
-@@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ cleanup_stages() {
- # Remove bindist from use
- # this is handled independantly in stage2, changes here should be mirrored there
-- sed -i "/USE=\"\${USE} bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-- sed -i "/USE=\"bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-+ ${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"\${USE} bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
-+ ${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"bindist\"/d" "${clst_make_conf}"
- [ "${clst_target}" != "tinderbox" ] && rm -f /var/log/emerge.log /var/log/portage/elog/*
- }
-@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ die() {
- make_destpath() {
- # ROOT is / by default, so remove any ROOT= settings from make.conf
-- sed -i '/ROOT=/d' ${clst_make_conf}
-+ ${clst_sed} -i '/ROOT=/d' ${clst_make_conf}
- export ROOT=/
- if [ "${1}" != "/" -a -n "${1}" ]
- then
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/kmerge.sh b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/kmerge.sh
-index 3d4afea..68cd3f2 100755
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/kmerge.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/kmerge.sh
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ then
- if [ ! "${clst_kextraversion}" = "" ]
- then
- echo "Setting extraversion to ${clst_kextraversion}"
-- sed -i -e "s:EXTRAVERSION \(=.*\):EXTRAVERSION \1-${clst_kextraversion}:" /usr/src/linux/Makefile
-+ ${clst_sed} -i -e "s:EXTRAVERSION \(=.*\):EXTRAVERSION \1-${clst_kextraversion}:" /usr/src/linux/Makefile
- echo ${clst_kextraversion} > /tmp/kerncache/${clst_kname}/${clst_kname}-${clst_version_stamp}.EXTRAVERSION
- else
- touch /tmp/kerncache/${clst_kname}/${clst_kname}-${clst_version_stamp}.EXTRAVERSION
-@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ $(portageq contents / $(portageq best_visible / "${clst_ksource}" 2>/dev/null) 2
- if [ ! "${clst_kextraversion}" = "" ]
- then
- echo "Setting extraversion to ${clst_kextraversion}"
-- sed -i -e "s:EXTRAVERSION \(=.*\):EXTRAVERSION \1-${clst_kextraversion}:" /usr/src/linux/Makefile
-+ ${clst_sed} -i -e "s:EXTRAVERSION \(=.*\):EXTRAVERSION \1-${clst_kextraversion}:" /usr/src/linux/Makefile
- fi
- fi
-@@ -275,12 +275,12 @@ make_destpath
- build_kernel
--sed -i "/USE=\"\${USE} ${clst_kernel_use} \"/d" ${clst_make_conf}
-+${clst_sed} -i "/USE=\"\${USE} ${clst_kernel_use} \"/d" ${clst_make_conf}
- # grep out the kernel version so that we can do our modules magic
- VER=`grep ^VERSION\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | awk '{ print $3 };'`
- PAT=`grep ^PATCHLEVEL\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | awk '{ print $3 };'`
- SUB=`grep ^SUBLEVEL\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | awk '{ print $3 };'`
--EXV=`grep ^EXTRAVERSION\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | sed -e "s/EXTRAVERSION =//" -e "s/ //g"`
-+EXV=`grep ^EXTRAVERSION\ \= /usr/src/linux/Makefile | ${clst_sed} -e "s/EXTRAVERSION =//" -e "s/ //g"`
- clst_fudgeuname=${VER}.${PAT}.${SUB}${EXV}
- unset USE
-diff --git a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh
-index 31cdf04..2c551b4 100755
---- a/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh
-+++ b/catalyst-3.0_rc1/targets/support/livecdfs-update.sh
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ source /tmp/chroot-functions.sh
- # Allow root logins to our CD by default
- if [ -e /etc/ssh/sshd_config ]
- then
-- sed -i 's:^#PermitRootLogin\ yes:PermitRootLogin\ yes:' \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i 's:^#PermitRootLogin\ yes:PermitRootLogin\ yes:' \
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- fi
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ fi
- # Setup sudoers
- if [ -f /etc/sudoers ]
- then
-- sed -i '/NOPASSWD: ALL/ s/^# //' /etc/sudoers
-+ ${clst_sed} -i '/NOPASSWD: ALL/ s/^# //' /etc/sudoers
- fi
- # Setup links for ethernet devices
-@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ echo "####################################################" >> ${clst_make_conf}
- cat ${clst_make_conf}.old >> ${clst_make_conf}
- # devfs tweaks
--[ -e /etc/devfsd.conf ] && sed -i '/dev-state/ s:^:#:' /etc/devfsd.conf
-+[ -e /etc/devfsd.conf ] && ${clst_sed} -i '/dev-state/ s:^:#:' /etc/devfsd.conf
- # Add some helpful aliases
- echo "alias cp='cp -i'" >> /etc/profile
-@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@ fi
- # Setup configured display manager
- if [ -n "${clst_livecd_xdm}" ]
- then
-- sed -i \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i \
- -e "s:^#\\?DISPLAYMANAGER=.\+$:DISPLAYMANAGER=\"${clst_livecd_xdm}\":" \
- /etc/rc.conf
-- sed -i \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i \
- -e "s:^#\\?DISPLAYMANAGER=.\+$:DISPLAYMANAGER=\"${clst_livecd_xdm}\":" \
- /etc/conf.d/xdm
- fi
-@@ -175,21 +175,21 @@ case ${clst_livecd_type} in
- gentoo-release-universal)
- cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/universal.motd.txt \
- /etc/minimal.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-- sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux Universal Installation CD!:' /etc/motd
-+ ${clst_sed} -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux Universal Installation CD!:' /etc/motd
- ;;
- gentoo-release-minimal)
- cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/minimal.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-- sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux Minimal Installation CD!:' /etc/motd
-+ ${clst_sed} -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux Minimal Installation CD!:' /etc/motd
- ;;
- gentoo-release-live*)
- cat /etc/generic.motd.txt \
- /etc/minimal.motd.txt /etc/livecd.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-- sed -i -e 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux LiveCD!:' \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i -e 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux LiveCD!:' \
- -e "s:##DISPLAY_MANAGER:${clst_livecd_xdm}:" /etc/motd
- ;;
- gentoo-gamecd)
- cat /etc/generic.motd.txt /etc/gamecd.motd.txt > /etc/motd
-- sed -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux ##GAME_NAME GameCD!:' /etc/motd
-+ ${clst_sed} -i 's:^##GREETING:Welcome to the Gentoo Linux ##GAME_NAME GameCD!:' /etc/motd
- ;;
- esac
-@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ if [ -n "${clst_livecd_splash_theme}" ]
- then
- if [ -d /etc/splash/${clst_livecd_splash_theme} ]
- then
-- sed -i \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i \
- -e "s:# SPLASH_THEME=\"gentoo\":SPLASH_THEME=\"${clst_livecd_splash_theme}\":" \
- -e "/^# SPLASH_TTYS=/ s/^#//" \
- /etc/conf.d/splash
-@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ case ${clst_livecd_type} in
- rm /tmp/gamecd.conf
- # Here we replace out game information into several files
-- sed -i -e "s:##GAME_NAME:${GAME_NAME}:" /etc/motd
-+ ${clst_sed} -i -e "s:##GAME_NAME:${GAME_NAME}:" /etc/motd
- # Here we setup our xinitrc
- echo "exec ${GAME_EXECUTABLE}" > /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
-@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ case ${clst_livecd_type} in
- /etc/X11/gdm/custom.conf
- else
- cp -f /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf.old
-- sed -i \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i \
- -e 's:TimedLoginEnable=false:TimedLoginEnable=true:' \
- -e 's:TimedLoginDelay=30:TimedLoginDelay=10:' \
- -e 's:AllowRemoteRoot=true:AllowRemoteRoot=false:' \
-@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ case ${clst_livecd_type} in
- if [ -n "${clst_livecd_users}" ] && [ -n "${first_user}" ]
- then
-- sed -i \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i \
- -e "s:TimedLogin=:TimedLogin=${first_user}:" \
- /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf
- fi
-@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ case ${clst_livecd_type} in
- # This gives us our list of system packages for the installer
- mkdir -p /usr/livecd
- ### XXX: Andrew says we don't need this anymore
-- USE="-* $(cat /var/db/pkg/sys-libs/glibc*/USE)" emerge -eqp @system | grep -e '^\[ebuild' | sed -e 's:^\[ebuild .\+\] ::' -e 's: .\+$::' > /usr/livecd/systempkgs.txt
-+ USE="-* $(cat /var/db/pkg/sys-libs/glibc*/USE)" emerge -eqp @system | grep -e '^\[ebuild' | ${clst_sed} -e 's:^\[ebuild .\+\] ::' -e 's: .\+$::' > /usr/livecd/systempkgs.txt
- # This is my hack to reduce tmpfs usage
- cp -r ${clst_repo_basedir}/${clst_repo_name}/profiles /usr/livecd
-@@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ case ${clst_livecd_type} in
- /home/${username}/Desktop
- cp -f /usr/share/applications/installer-dialog.desktop \
- /home/${username}/Desktop
-- sed -i -e \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i -e \
- 's:Exec=installer-dialog:Exec=sudo installer-dialog:' \
- /home/${username}/Desktop/installer-dialog.desktop
-- sed -i -e 's:Exec=installer-gtk:Exec=installer:' \
-+ ${clst_sed} -i -e 's:Exec=installer-gtk:Exec=installer:' \
- /home/${username}/Desktop/installer-gtk.desktop
- fi
- chown -R ${username}:100 /home/${username}
-@@ -369,12 +369,12 @@ esac
- # We want the first user to be used when auto-starting X
- if [ -e /etc/startx ]
- then
-- sed -i "s:##STARTX:echo startx | su - '${first_user}':" /root/.bashrc
-+ ${clst_sed} -i "s:##STARTX:echo startx | su - '${first_user}':" /root/.bashrc
- fi
- if [ -e /lib/rcscripts/addons/udev-start.sh ]
- then
-- sed -i "s:\t\[\[ -x /sbin/evms_activate:\t\[\[ -x \${CDBOOT} \]\] \&\& \[\[ -x /sbin/evms_activate:" /lib/rcscripts/addons/udev-start.sh
-+ ${clst_sed} -i "s:\t\[\[ -x /sbin/evms_activate:\t\[\[ -x \${CDBOOT} \]\] \&\& \[\[ -x /sbin/evms_activate:" /lib/rcscripts/addons/udev-start.sh
- fi
- env-update
diff --git a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-tmpfs.patch b/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-tmpfs.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a41f49..0000000
--- a/dev-util/catalyst/files/catalyst-9999-tmpfs.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/catalyst/base/stagebase.py b/catalyst/base/stagebase.py
-index 68ccb79..966d872 100644
---- a/catalyst/base/stagebase.py
-+++ b/catalyst/base/stagebase.py
-@@ -935,21 +935,22 @@ class StageBase(TargetBase, ClearBase, GenBase):
- if "snapcache" in self.settings["options"] and x == "portdir":
- self.snapcache_lock.read_lock()
- _cmd = None
-- if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-- if src == "/dev":
-- _cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'devfs', 'none', target]
-- else:
-- _cmd = ['mount_nullfs', src, target]
-+ if src == "tmpfs":
-+ if "var_tmpfs_portage" in self.settings:
-+ _cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs',
-+ '-o', 'size=' + self.settings['var_tmpfs_portage'] + 'G',
-+ src, target]
- else:
-- if src == "tmpfs":
-- if "var_tmpfs_portage" in self.settings:
-- _cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs',
-- '-o', 'size=' + self.settings['var_tmpfs_portage'] + 'G',
-- src, target]
-- elif src == "shmfs":
-- _cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', '-o', 'noexec,nosuid,nodev', 'shm', target]
-+ if os.uname()[0] == "FreeBSD":
-+ if src == "/dev":
-+ _cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'devfs', 'none', target]
-+ else:
-+ _cmd = ['mount_nullfs', src, target]
- else:
-- _cmd = ['mount', '--bind', src, target]
-+ if src == "shmfs":
-+ _cmd = ['mount', '-t', 'tmpfs', '-o', 'noexec,nosuid,nodev', 'shm', target]
-+ else:
-+ _cmd = ['mount', '--bind', src, target]
- if _cmd:
- log.debug('bind(); _cmd = %s', _cmd)
- cmd(_cmd, env=self.env, fail_func=self.unbind)
^ permalink raw reply related [flat|nested] 11+ messages in thread
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Thread overview: 11+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
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2012-11-23 13:06 [gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/ Yuta SATOH
-- strict thread matches above, loose matches on Subject: below --
2017-12-09 22:29 Yuta SATOH
2014-10-29 12:16 Yuta SATOH
2013-08-29 15:34 Yuta SATOH
2012-12-23 8:30 Yuta SATOH
2012-12-11 13:21 Yuta SATOH
2012-11-22 12:26 Yuta SATOH
2012-10-13 9:33 Yuta SATOH
2012-10-12 15:25 Yuta SATOH
2012-07-28 15:45 Yuta SATOH
2012-07-27 12:44 Yuta SATOH
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