messages from 2014-10-28 18:32:39 to 2014-10-29 12:16:31 UTC [more...]
[gentoo-commits] proj/gentoo-bsd:master commit in: dev-util/catalyst/files/, dev-util/catalyst/
2014-10-29 12:16 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/imagemagick: imagemagick- ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in virtual/perl-Data-Dumper: perl-Data-Dumper-2.154.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in perl-core/Data-Dumper: Data-Dumper-2.154.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/wget: wget-1.16.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/lcms: lcms-2.6-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/php: php-5.4.34.ebuild php-5.5.18.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-im/pidgin: pidgin-2.10.10.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 12:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/qt:master commit in: lxqt-base/lxqt-session/, lxqt-base/lxqt-common/
2014-10-29 11:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-cluster/mpich: mpich-3.0.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-backup/qt4-fsarchiver: qt4-fsarchiver- ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/aewm: aewm-1.3.12.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/ratpoison: ratpoison-1.4.8.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:56 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/kbibtex: kbibtex-0.5.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in kde-misc/customizable-weather: customizable-weather-1.11.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-office/kraft: kraft-0.55.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/putty: putty-0.63_p20141002.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-apps/pv: pv-1.5.7.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:55 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/isl: isl-0.14.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 11:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/leptonica: leptonica-1.71.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-process/htop: htop-1.0.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/gmpy: gmpy-2.0.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/devtodo: devtodo-0.1.20-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-devel/gdb: gdb-7.7.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-analyzer/lft: lft-3.73.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-news/rawdog: rawdog-2.19.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/ne: ne-2.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-devel/binutils: binutils-2.24-r3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-nds/ypbind: ypbind-1.37.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-boot/syslinux: syslinux-5.10.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in virtual/perl-podlators: perl-podlators-2.5.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in perl-core/podlators: podlators-2.5.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-emulation/free42: free42-1.5.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/mysql-python: mysql-python-1.2.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/lynx: lynx-2.8.8_p2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/fpc: fpc-2.6.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-crypt/shash: shash-0.2.6-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/focuswriter: focuswriter-1.5.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/minidlna: minidlna-1.1.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/python-ldap: python-ldap-2.4.15.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 10:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in perl-core/Data-Dumper: ChangeLog Data-Dumper-2.154.0.ebuild
2014-10-29 10:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in virtual/perl-Data-Dumper: ChangeLog perl-Data-Dumper-2.154.0.ebuild
2014-10-29 10:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-libs/octomap: octomap-9999.ebuild ChangeLog octomap-1.6.8.ebuild metadata.xml
2014-10-29 10:20 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-libs/octomap: - New directory
2014-10-29 10:19 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/lcms: ChangeLog lcms-2.6-r1.ebuild
2014-10-29 10:14 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-accessibility/brltty: ChangeLog brltty-5.0-r3.ebuild
2014-10-29 10:13 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/libQGLViewer: ChangeLog libQGLViewer-2.5.3.ebuild
2014-10-29 10:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/multitail: ChangeLog multitail-5.2.13.ebuild
2014-10-29 10:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/res: ChangeLog res-4.0.6.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:48 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/utop: metadata.xml ChangeLog utop-1.16.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:44 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-libs/libmnl: ChangeLog libmnl-1.0.3.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-analyzer/netperf: ChangeLog netperf-2.5.0-r1.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/rdesktop: rdesktop-1.8.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/genlop: genlop-0.30.9-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:39 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-vcs/git: git-2.0.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-wm/icewm: icewm-1.3.8.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-auth/pam_ldap: pam_ldap-186-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:38 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-auth/nss_ldap: nss_ldap-265-r5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/lambda-term: lambda-term-1.7.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-db/mysql-connector-c++: mysql-connector-c++-1.1.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/ufed: ufed-0.91.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/multitail: multitail-6.2.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:36 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-text/wgetpaste: wgetpaste-2.25-r3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:36 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/pax-utils: pax-utils-0.8.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:36 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/liblouis: liblouis-2.5.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-irc/irssi: irssi-0.8.16.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/freealut: freealut-1.1.0-r3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/libmikmod: libmikmod-3.3.6-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/jasper: jasper-1.900.1-r6.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-cpp/eigen: eigen-3.1.3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/markupsafe: markupsafe-0.23.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:34 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/lwt: metadata.xml ChangeLog lwt-2.4.6.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/pillow: pillow-2.5.3-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/python: python-3.4.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/paver: paver-1.2.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:33 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-sound/lash: lash-0.5.4-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-php/PEAR-Archive_Tar: PEAR-Archive_Tar-1.3.11.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-perl/DBI: DBI-1.628.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-video/mplayer2: mplayer2-2.0_p20130428-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/iperf: iperf-3.0.7.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/geoip: geoip-1.6.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-libs/libmnl: libmnl-1.0.3-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:31 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-analyzer/netperf: netperf-2.6.0-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-antivirus/clamav: clamav-0.98.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/newt: newt-0.52.15.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/phonon: phonon-4.7.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/chrony: chrony-1.31.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-ftp/lftp: lftp-4.5.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/sysstat: sysstat-11.0.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:29 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-kernel/linux-firmware: linux-firmware-20140603.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/openjpeg: openjpeg-2.1.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/xli: xli-1.17.0-r5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/sdl-image: sdl-image-1.2.12-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-libs/sdl-ttf: sdl-ttf-2.0.11-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/lwt: ChangeLog lwt-2.4.6.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/dillo: dillo-3.0.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/denyhosts: denyhosts-2.6-r10.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-crypt/gnupg: gnupg-2.0.26.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-process/at: at-3.1.14.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-libs/libmicrohttpd: libmicrohttpd-0.9.37.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-dns/avahi: avahi-0.6.31-r6.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-apps/help2man: help2man-1.45.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/sudo: sudo-1.8.11_p1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:25 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-shells/dash: dash- ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/lwt: ChangeLog lwt-2.4.6.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-fs/cryptsetup: cryptsetup-1.6.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-office/lyx: lyx- ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-dns/libidn: libidn-1.29.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/react: ChangeLog react-1.2.0.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-db/sqlite: sqlite-3.8.6.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-libs/pakchois: pakchois-0.4-r2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-libs/neon: neon-0.30.0-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:23 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-analyzer/fping: fping-2.4_beta2_p161-r2.ebuild fping-3.10.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in x11-libs/libQGLViewer: ChangeLog libQGLViewer-2.5.3.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-wireless/reaver/files: reaver-1.4_wps_registrar.patch
2014-10-29 9:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-wireless/reaver: ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/dose3: ChangeLog dose3-3.3_beta2-r2.ebuild dose3-3.3_beta2-r1.ebuild
2014-10-29 9:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/opam: opam-1.2.0.ebuild metadata.xml ChangeLog
2014-10-29 9:05 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/opam: - New directory
2014-10-29 9:03 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/blaze: blaze-0.6.5.ebuild blaze-0.6.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 8:44 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/jsonm: metadata.xml ChangeLog jsonm-0.9.1.ebuild
2014-10-29 8:45 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/jsonm: - New directory
2014-10-29 8:44 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/uutf: metadata.xml ChangeLog uutf-0.9.3.ebuild
2014-10-29 8:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/uutf: - New directory
2014-10-29 8:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/cmdliner: metadata.xml ChangeLog cmdliner-0.9.5.ebuild
2014-10-29 8:32 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/cmdliner: - New directory
2014-10-29 8:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/swi-prolog: ChangeLog swi-prolog-7.1.25.ebuild
2014-10-29 8:30 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/phantomjs: ChangeLog phantomjs-1.9.7.ebuild phantomjs-1.9.8.ebuild
2014-10-29 8:28 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-ml/dose3: dose3-3.3_beta2-r1.ebuild ChangeLog dose3-3.3_beta2.ebuild
2014-10-29 8:08 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in profiles: ChangeLog package.mask
2014-10-29 8:02 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/zsync: metadata.xml ChangeLog zsync-0.6.2-r1.ebuild
2014-10-29 7:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-python/bokeh: metadata.xml bokeh-0.5.0.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 6:40 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-board/kcheckers: kcheckers-0.8.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 5:27 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-fs/udev: udev-9999.ebuild udev-217.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 4:59 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-sound/mpd: mpd-0.19.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 3:48 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lang/opendylan: opendylan-2013.2.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 3:47 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sci-chemistry/pdb2pqr: pdb2pqr-1.9.0.ebuild pdb2pqr-1.9.0-r1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 2:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-crypt/yubikey-neo-manager: yubikey-neo-manager-0.2.4.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 2:35 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-laptop/hdapsd: hdapsd-20141024.ebuild metadata.xml ChangeLog
2014-10-29 2:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-laptop/hdapsd/files: hdapsd.init-20141024 hdapsd.conf-20141024
2014-10-29 2:12 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-dns/djbdns: djbdns-1.05-r30.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 2:06 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-portage/elogv: ChangeLog elogv-
2014-10-29 1:22 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-fs/eudev: eudev-2.1.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-29 1:00 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/lldpd/files: lldpd-0.7.11-bash-completion-dir.patch
2014-10-29 0:20 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-misc/lldpd: ChangeLog lldpd-0.7.11-r3.ebuild lldpd-0.7.11-r2.ebuild lldpd-0.7.11-r1.ebuild
2014-10-29 0:20 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in perl-core/Test-Simple: ChangeLog
2014-10-28 23:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-news/snownews: ChangeLog snownews-1.5.12-r1.ebuild
2014-10-28 23:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in perl-core/Test-Simple: ChangeLog Test-Simple-0.980.5-r1.ebuild
2014-10-28 23:24 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/ne: ne-2.5.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-28 22:49 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/ne: ne-2.5.ebuild ChangeLog metadata.xml ne-2.3.ebuild
2014-10-28 22:43 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/pal/files: pal-0.4.3-pkg_config.patch pal-0.4.3-prefix.patch 0.4.3-strip.patch 0.4.3-ldflags.patch
2014-10-28 22:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-misc/pal: ChangeLog pal-0.4.3-r1.ebuild
2014-10-28 22:11 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-process/atop: ChangeLog atop-2.0.2.ebuild
2014-10-28 21:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in sys-process/atop/files: atop-2.0.2-build.patch
2014-10-28 21:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lisp/clisp/files: clisp-2.49-tinfo.patch
2014-10-28 21:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in dev-lisp/clisp: clisp-2.49-r8.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-28 21:41 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/conky: conky-1.9.0-r3.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-28 20:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/conky/files: conky-1.9.0-tinfo.patch
2014-10-28 20:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/epiphany: epiphany-3.12.1.ebuild ChangeLog epiphany-3.12.0.ebuild epiphany-3.10.3.ebuild
2014-10-28 19:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in www-client/epiphany/files: epiphany-3.3.90-paxctl-introspection.patch epiphany-3.7.5-test-gwarning.patch gir-paxctl-lt-wrapper epiphany-3.6.1-test-gwarning.patch
2014-10-28 19:42 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in media-gfx/simple-scan: simple-scan-3.12.2.ebuild ChangeLog simple-scan-3.10.2.ebuild
2014-10-28 19:37 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-nntp/nzbget: nzbget-14.0_pre1145.ebuild ChangeLog
2014-10-28 19:36 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in net-nntp/nzbget/files: nzbget-14.0_pre1145-tinfo.patch
2014-10-28 19:36 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in games-rpg/sumwars: ChangeLog metadata.xml
2014-10-28 19:26 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-editors/xemacs: xemacs-21.4.22-r4.ebuild ChangeLog xemacs-21.5.34-r2.ebuild
2014-10-28 18:54 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/eselect-emacs: ChangeLog eselect-emacs-1.17.ebuild
2014-10-28 18:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] gentoo-x86 commit in app-admin/eselect-ctags: ChangeLog eselect-ctags-1.17.ebuild
2014-10-28 18:52 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.17
2014-10-28 18:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools:eselect-emacs commit in: /
2014-10-28 18:50 UTC
[gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: emacs-18.59-patches-6
2014-10-28 18:31 UTC (32+ messages)
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-0.4
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.14
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.1
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.10
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.11
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.13
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.12
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.10
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.9
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.3
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.15
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.13
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.11
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.12
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.4
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.7
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.6
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.8
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.2
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.17
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: eselect-emacs-1.5
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.14
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.16
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.19
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.6
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.9
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.20
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.7
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.8
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.18
` [gentoo-commits] proj/emacs-tools: New tag: gentoo-syntax-1.21
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