I keep getting a load of messages daily from this gentoo group. I must have pressed something anyway do you know how I can stop getting all these messages.

Sent from my Android phone with mail.com Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
On 06/04/2020, 15:09 Daniel Frey <djqfrey@gmail.com> wrote:
On 4/5/20 11:21 PM, tuxic@posteo.de wrote:
> Hi,
> Currentlu my newly created system is installed on a harrdisk, which
> sit in a docking station connect via USB to my PC.
> The system is intended to be complete in the sense, that can
> boot bu itsself without accessing any other storage device.
> What is the most common behaviour here:
> If I change to boot sequence in the BIOS to boot the
> harddisk from the docking station...will it become /dev/sda ?
> Fstab depends on this...

It's not supposed to, but in my direct experience, it can rearrange the
naming of the boot devices.

I had to use PARTUUID in fstab/grub.cfg to get around this problem.
