Hi guys,

I'm not sure if it's the best place to do this question but I hope somebody could help me...
well, I'm trying to make such a network diskless boot script for a amd64 machine, the target of this project is to boot an amd64 machine via network and mount nfs share as the root filesystem.
I'd created an initramfs wich mount the nfs share and do the pivot_root (actually switch_root from busybox) but the problem is exactly at this moment, 'cause when I try to do the switch_root and start the real init from the nfs share, the system appears to freeze but after some seconds it do print a message "Rebooting System" and just reboot the machine.
I'd tried to reinstall sysvinit (even a static version) but the problem persists, I als tried to change the sysinit script on inittab but again the same problem and it feels like the script is not executed, so for a last try I did changed the init binary with a script that just call /bin/bash and for my surprise it did work, but none system process run course.

What I want to know is if is there a way to change this "/sbin/rc sysinit" from inittab to a custom script wich will do some configurations like create some directories, mount some systems and later start the normal process from "default" rc?

tks in any advance,

Claudinei Matos