Hi folks. I have an gentoo-desktop box, with kde-3.5.5 running under 2.6.18kernel. Last week, I upgraded the kernel to the 2.6.20 version, and the kde takes a whole eternity to start, and another to run any program. I use nis(ypbind) and nfs(the home folders) to log on my network. The console show no error or warning messages after the startx program, only the "Starting KDE...". The xorg.log doesn't show nothing about Drivers error or something about the hardware. I downgraded the kernel versions until reach back my 2.6.18-r2 kernel, and it worked. So, any kernel above 2.6.18, seems to "crash" my kde. I tried to add an local user to my box and when I start the KDE logged as local user, everything works fine :(. I get another box, the same model, hardware, etc... and installed a fresh gentoo, with kde, and my nis/nfs mappings. Guess what ? KDE doesn' wok !!! :O. And, just to confirm, an local user on the fresh gentoo, starts kde normally. What could be happening. My NIS/NFS server is a gentoo 2.6.10-hardened-r3 with nfs-utils 1.0.6-r6. Any help is welcome !! :) Thanx -- ______________________________ Atenciosamente, Thiago Lüttig MSN: tluttig@hotmail.com ICQ: 194392373 ______________________________