Am Sun, Apr 16, 2023 at 05:26:15PM -0500 schrieb Dale:
I'm wanting to be able to boot something from the hard drive in the
event the OS itself won't boot. The other day I had to dig around and
find a bootable USB stick and also found a DVD. Ended up with the DVD
working best. I already have memtest on /boot. Thing is, I very rarely
use it. ;-)
So in the scenario you are suggesting, is grub working, giving you a
boot choice screen, and your new Gentoo install is not working so
you want to choose Knoppix to repair whatever is wrong with
Given I have a 500GB drive, I got plenty of space. Heck, a 10GB
partition each is more than enough for either Knoppix or LiveGUI. I
could even store info on there about drive partitions and scripts that I
use a lot. Jeez, that's a idea.
Back in the day, I was annoyed that whenever I needed $LIVE_SYSTEM, I had to
reformat an entire USB stick for that. In times when you don’t even get
sticks below 8 GB anymore, I found it a waste of material and useful storage
And then I found ventoy:
It is a mini-Bootloader which you install once to a USB device, kind-of a
live system of its own. But when booting it, it dynamically scans the
content of its device and creates a new boot menu from it. So you can put
many ISOs on one device as simple files, delete them, upgrade them,
whatever, and then you can select one to boot from. Plus, the rest of the
stick remains usable as storage, unlike sticks that were dd’ed with an ISO.
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