On 3/21/08, Mike Williams <mike@gaima.co.uk> wrote:
On Friday 21 March 2008 10:11:30 Vladimir Rusinov wrote:
> How can I fix this?
Sorry, I can't tell you how, but I can concur with your findings.
I've tried 3 different 3.2.0 release RPMs and rpmoffset/rpm2targz can't parse
any of them. However the 3.0.5 suse10 RPM does work.
I'm going to look for a newer rpm2targz.
Well, I've noticed that rpm.eclass tries to use rpm2cpio first. I've installed rpm package and it unpacks and installs now.
I have not yet tested installed packages, but anyway I'll submit the ebuild and comments to bugzilla after few hours.