friend nick,<br>
mainActor wants a serial no to work without the watermark sign. so anything have to...<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 7/27/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">Nick Rout</b> &lt;<a href="">
</a>&gt; wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">better still install main actor. heres how I did it:<br><br>1. Go to <a href=""></a> and download the SuSE rpm. The file I<br>downloaded is mainactor-5.5.7-suse_9.3.i686.rpm<br><br>2. emerge rpm if it is not already on your system<br><br>3. install mainactor:<br><br>rpm -Uvh --nodeps 
mainactor-5.5.7-suse_9.3.i686.rpm<br><br>4. run the binary:<br><br>mactor<br><br>5. There is a good manual for downloading in pdf format. It is worth<br>reading. There are also support forums.<br><br>This is a closed source package, but it is IMHO very good. It will
<br>work as per a licensed copy except it renders a message on your video<br>when doing final rendering. You can therefore get a good idea of what it<br>does, without the normal shareware &quot;die after 30 days&quot; or &quot;render only
<br>up to two minutes&quot; nonsense. The license is EUR177/USD199. Not super<br>cheap, but there is not a lot of choice of good video editing software<br>on linux.<br><br>kino is quite good, but limited in the file formats it will handle,
<br>basically dv (ie as captured from a digital video camera). it will<br>render to other formats, but will only import a rather limited range.<br><br>cinelerra should be good but is almost document-less.<br><br>avidemux is a good front end for basic cutting of scenes and trancoding
<br>to other formats, but doesn't have any ability to add effects or transitions,<br>so is not a real video editor of the sort you want. Its good for<br>bringing in a video track (eg recorded tv), cutting out the bits you
<br>don't want (ads, start &amp; finish overlap, sex etc) and then rendering to<br>something like xvid, although it will render to&nbsp;&nbsp;DVD compatible mpeg2<br>too.<br><br> You may want to present clients with well mastered dvd's once you have
<br>edited the scenes and added transitions and a soundtrack. I know that<br>some winders products offer a suite which does everything from DV camera import<br>through to burning the DVD. The linux approach will require more mix and
<br>match, especially putting together DVD menus and stuff which will<br>require a tool like dvdstyler.I have successfully used dvdstyler to make<br>dvd's of family movies, recorded TV etc complete with menus.<br><br>One thing to note too is that there is a bit of a trend for cameras to
<br>take mpeg or avi files instead of the more tradition digital video cam<br>DV format, It would pay to make sure that you will be able to use your<br>raw material in whatever software you decide to use. There are all sorts
<br>of possibilities for transcoding stuff to a usable format before you<br>edit it, but the more steps you put in the process the more quality you<br>can lose.<br><br><br>On Tue, 26 Jul 2005 16:44:46 -0400<br>David Miller wrote:
<br><br>&gt; Last time I tried Cinelerra it was not what I would call production<br>&gt; ready and feature wise it can not replace Premier.&nbsp;&nbsp;However if you<br>&gt; want to test it out see the following link for instructions on how to
<br>&gt; use portage and correctly deal with masked packages.<br>&gt; <a href=""></a><br>&gt;<br>&gt; In short you can do the following and then emerge normally.
<br>&gt;<br>&gt; echo &quot;media-video/cinelerra ~x86&quot; &gt;&gt; /etc/portage/package.keywords<br>&gt;<br>&gt; --<br>&gt; David<br>&gt;<br>&gt; On 7/26/05, simply change &lt;<a href="">
</a>&gt; wrote:<br>&gt; &gt; AybOwan! (=welcome)<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt;&nbsp;&nbsp; dear lu_zero,<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt;
&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;im a Sinhalease from Sri lanka. i have a small company
here in lanka (video filming company ex:- wedding, parties filming). my
editing tools are Adobe Premeir,after effect, etc like propriatary now i want to fully migrate to Gentoo Linux. today i just
try to emerge Cinelerra to my Gentoo box but it has been Masked. so
friends please be kind enought to advice me to setting up a full
professional video lab using Gentoo Linux.<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; --<br>&gt; &gt; ...<br>&gt; &gt; &quot;The future lies ahead.&quot;<br>&gt; &gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;_______________________<br>&gt; &gt; &lt; Have you mooed today? &gt;<br>
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||&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ||<br>&gt; &gt;<br>&gt; &gt; Gentoo Linux 2.6.12-gentoo-r4-Adapt-v1.1#<br>&gt;<br>&gt; --<br>&gt; <a href=""></a> mailing list<br><br>--<br>Nick Rout<br>Barrister &amp; Solicitor
<br>Christchurch<br>Contact details at <a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br><br>--<br><a href="">
</a> mailing list<br><br></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>...<br>&quot;The future lies ahead.&quot;<br> _______________________<br>&lt; Have you mooed today? &gt;<br> -----------------------<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;\&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;^__^
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||<br><br>Gentoo Linux 2.6.12-gentoo-r4-Adapt-v1.1#