Thx Sasha, I was looking for that Release Schedule all over gentoo site but couldn't find it.
About the updates, it's easy,, I left my computer all night downloading and installing updates,, ;-) when I have one or two, not when I have to update the whole distribution, that's why I want to start as updated as I can.. ;-)
On 2/8/06, b.n. <> wrote:
> Jorge Martín wrote:
> > Exactly, what I don't want is to Install 2005.1-r1 stage3 and then have
> > to update the stage3 it takes too much time to compile the updated
> > version of glib and gcc.
> >
> > I also like to have GRP packages for Gnome and so, my Home Internet
> > conection is not too fast so I prefer to update the less packages I can.
> Ehm... So, what's the purpose of running Gentoo in your case?
> m.
Gentoo has many advantages, the whole "compile from source" of course
is the main stream, but add to it: control over the system,
dependencies and software by using emerge, either with GRP or
downloading source elsewhere, scripts for updating, config file
protection, a extense (the best) documentation, glsa check and fix,
special gentoo patches for a lot of apps, the feeling that you're not
alone (this list ilustrates it), and so much more, I am pretty sure
there are dozens more, but I got tired...
> --
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Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++
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