Exactly, what I don't want is to Install 2005.1-r1 stage3 and then have to update the stage3 it takes too much time to compile the updated version of glib and gcc.

I also like to have GRP packages for Gnome and so, my Home Internet conection is not too fast so I prefer to update the less packages I can.

On 2/8/06, Nick Rout <nick@rout.co.nz> wrote:

On Wed, 8 Feb 2006 16:01:24 -0500
Ernie Schroder wrote:

> On Wednesday 08 February 2006 15:19, a tiny voice compelled Jorge Martín to
> write:
> > Is Gentoo 2006.0 going to be released anytime soon? I want to install
> > Gentoo on my home computer but I'm too lazy to insall 2005.1.r1 and upgrade
> > all packages so I'm waiting for 2006.0.
> Gentoo version numbers are not really very significant. Using the documented
> install instructions, you will install all the latest applications updated
> when you sync your portage tree.
> --
> Regards, Ernie

Very true, but what is useful is the GRP packages that are released with
every release point, enabling an up to date precompiled gentoo with kde
and/or gnome [1] to be up and running within an hour or two. I know
precompiled binaries are not for everyone, but they can be very useful.

[1] and/or XFCE? cannot recall off the top of my head.

> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Nick Rout < nick@rout.co.nz>

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

-"Se dueño de tu silencio y no esclavo de tus palabras."