Yesterday I tried to switch my ~amd64 box from Gnome/systemd to Xfce/openrc. I followed the wiki [1], [2] to install Xfce from a Gnome terminal: - switch profile from 17.1/desktop/gnome/systemd to 17.1/desktop - emerge xfce4-meta and some xfce4 applications/panels/extras - unmerged systemd and emerged OpenRC - emerge -uDvN world to account for the different profile flags During the emerge I had to hard reset the system [3] which obviously did not boot so I found a PCLinuxOS live cd from 2014 and managed to chroot into the partially updated system. I resumed the emerge successfully, unmerged gnome and dependencies (this almost took more than building Xfce...), rebuilt the kernel with the init system set to OpenRC (make && make install), update the grub menu to no longer pass to the the kernel the systemd init. Now both emerge -uDvN world and emerge --depclean show a clean system. But the system won't boot... I attach a picture of the last kernel messages. I am not familiar with init systems but it seems to me that init has started but then hangs at some point. From the chroot I re-checked the /etc/runlevels contents, all links seem fine except a couple of stale ones which I removed (mpd, syklogd and few others from pre-Gnome days). /etc/inititab looks fine also. One thing I notice from the boot log is that the root FS requires recovery. My live CDs did not let me because they are too old so I'll try to find a more up to date live CD. Other ideas? Have I missed some obvious step in the process? thanks, raffaele [1] [2] [3] While emerge was ongoing I left the system alone for dinner time, when I got back gdm had kicked in and did not let me log back in, neither through the GUI nor in a terminal with CTRL-ALT-Fx. This is probably due to me having unmerged GDM before starting the emerge to fix some dependency, thus a vivid example of PEBCAK