2009/1/27 Mark Knecht <markknecht@gmail.com>
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:11 PM, Paul Hartman
<paul.hartman+gentoo@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Mark Knecht <markknecht@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My dad is interested in some sort of an Internet Radio app for his
>> Gnome desktop. He was thinking of buying a Slingbox but has backed off
>> the idea. For a while we played with iTunes under Wine but that's sort
>> of a mess so I'm looking for something native to Linux.
> I don't understand what Slingbox has to do with internet radio. Amarok
> 2 (not gnome) has hundreds of internet radio stations in it...
> I think most of them are just mp3 streams, so if you get the URL from
> anywhere out there on the web you should be able to play it with any
> media player I would think. Check out shoutcast.com.

Am I wrong about the product name? It was specifically a stand alone
Internet radio player. It looks like a clock radio almost that sits by
the bed. I'm not finding it on their site now. Wonder if they
discontinued it? Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong company. It used to
show up on the Pandora site but I don't see it there either.

Anyway, I should have stated that he has almost no interest in
listening to music. He wants to listen to news form around the world.
BBC, NPR and whatever he can find.

I was looking at Amarok 2 based on your other thread and that reminded
me about this topic. I didn't want to hijack that thread though.

What keywords are required to get Amarok 2 to build? I'm not clear
what ~* means.


Be aware that amarok2 is currently broken on amd64 (hence the mask) due to problems with mysql (which it now requires by default). If you look back in the archives there have been threads explaining how to work around it and get mysql working so amarok2 builds ok.

- Nick