On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Eric Martin <
freak4uxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
> Mark Knecht wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> From a thread on another list (pro-audio/music oriented) we're
>> thinking about creating our own Live CD. I'd like this at least
>> initially to be based on Gentoo. Are there any good, up-to-date
>> instructions around about how to do this?
>> In Google Books I found something called "Linux Live CDs:Building
>> and Customizing Bootables". It had the following link which is dead.
>> Did it move somewhere? I cannot find it yet.
>> I found this in the forums. Any idea about how well it might work?
>> There's a section talking about Catalyst. The first thing is says
>> is that it's not for the casual user. On a scale of 1-10 how difficult
>> is something like this? (I suspect that if I have to ask it's too
>> difficult.) ;-)
>> Also this for general info:
>> Most interesting to me would be something like cloning an already
>> up-and-running system. Is that possible?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Mark
> Cloning a live system is pretty easy. I'm using a live usb boot device
> based off of the gentoo-amd64 minimal cd (and I'm adding more as I go).
> The liveUSB howto [1] on
docs.gentoo.org is great and will answer most
> questions.
> [1]
> --
> Eric Martin
> Key fingerprint = D1C4 086E DBB5 C18E 6FDA B215 6A25 7174 A941 3B9F