> I've noticed lately on the ML that people have been talking about using
> package sets, such as @world and @installed. I figured it was a part of
> portage 2.1.6* since using @world with 2.1.4* would result in an error
> message about an invalid package atom. However, after upgrading to
> portage, I still get the same error when doing something like
> 'emerge -up @world'.
> What are these package sets? What is the difference between 'emerge -up
> world' and 'emerge -up @world'? Why don't these package sets ever work
> for me?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> A set is basically just group of packages, you can either define you own
> using /etc/portage/ or using gentoo provided ones like @world and
> @system (which will replace the current emerge system/world usage
> eventually), aswell as useful sets such as @live-rebuild (any package
> that uses a cvs/svn/git eclass, so basically any -9999 ebuild) and
> @module-rebuild which is handy for rebuilding kernel modules. Also id
> imagine meta-packages will eventually move over to sets as it makes
> rebuilding everything or removing it much easier, currently theres only
> kde4 that makes large usage of sets but id imagine once portage 2.20
> goes stable we'l see great set adoption.
> An easy way to see what sets are available is to use the emerge
> --list-sets command.
> -Nick
Thanks for the info. The @module-rebuild should come in handy. Any