I'm sorry about sending this huge email again, but the first one I sent from the wrong account and I'm almost sure that it didn't reach the list (but, how can I be sure?). <br>Below is the email:<br><br><div><div> <div><span class="q"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><br>> Something else that I wanted to ask: this backup that I made after the <br>> screwup but before rebuild-tree, do you think it is reliable? <br><br>not really, no. Damaged files are damaged files. Some stuff might be usable<br>but that has to be checked on a case to case basis.</blockquote></span><div><br>But I have no prior backups... the *only* information I have came from the filesystem after the screw up... <br>The "backup" I have was made *after* the screw up but before the rebuild-tree. <br>I'm asking if this backup is reliable.<br><br>I have chosen one of the files that were zeroed in my filesystem and the corresponding file from the backup was OK. So at least in this case, *it was the rebuild-tree that corrupted the file*. This suggests that the *backup is reliable*. <br><br>Oh, and I found useful information in the output of rebuild-tree. Turns out that the output was huge because it prints status information in the screen and erases it with ^H. So the information that stays on the screen is far smaller than total information that is printed on the screen. I here show you the information that stays in the screen (I hope this 44KB text does not violate some limit of the gentoo-user mailing list). You can see that the corrupted files are mentioned here: <br><br>####### Pass 0 #######<br>block 9201872: The number of items (15) is incorrect, should be (1) - corrected<br>block 9201872: The free space (0) is incorrect, should be (3792) - corrected<br>pass0: vpf-10210: block 9201872, item 0: The item with wrong offset or length found [4608 16778752 0x500120063030000 DRCT (2)], len 256 - deleted <br>block 11173978: The number of items (8) is incorrect, should be (7) - corrected<br>block 11173978: The free space (544) is incorrect, should be (612) - corrected<br>325827 directory entries were hashed with "r5" hash. <br>####### Pass 1 #######<br>####### Pass 2 #######<br>####### Pass 3 #########<br>/bin/duvpf-10680: The file [4 101209] has the wrong block count in the StatData (120) - corrected to (0)<br>/rmvpf-10680: The file [4 100717] has the wrong block count in the StatData (72) - corrected to (0) <br>/trvpf-10680: The file [4 101347] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/wcvpf-10680: The file [4 101431] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/dirvpf-10680: The file [4 101194] has the wrong block count in the StatData (160) - corrected to (0) <br>/cutvpf-10680: The file [4 101180] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/envvpf-10680: The file [4 101223] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/pwdvpf-10680: The file [4 100696] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (16) <br>/seqvpf-10680: The file [4 101305] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/ttyvpf-10680: The file [4 101359] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/yesvpf-10680: The file [4 101443] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/exprvpf-10680: The file [4 101224] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/headvpf-10680: The file [4 101250] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/tailvpf-10680: The file [4 101310] has the wrong block count in the StatData (72) - corrected to (8) <br>/sortvpf-10680: The file [4 103533] has the wrong block count in the StatData (128) - corrected to (0)<br>/sttyvpf-10680: The file [4 100753] has the wrong block count in the StatData (80) - corrected to (0)<br>/syncvpf-10680: The file [4 100762] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/truevpf-10680: The file [4 100774] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (0)<br>/vdirvpf-10680: The file [4 101391] has the wrong block count in the StatData (160) - corrected to (0)<br>/dirnamevpf-10680: The file [4 101207] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/rmdirvpf-10680: The file [4 100721] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/sleepvpf-10680: The file [4 101306] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/touchvpf-10680: The file [4 101338] has the wrong block count in the StatData (72) - corrected to (0) <br>/unamevpf-10680: The file [4 100789] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/chrootvpf-10680: The file [4 101151] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/mkfifovpf-10680: The file [4 101253] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/readlinkvpf-10680: The file [4 101300] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/basenamevpf-10680: The file [4 101150] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br> /etc/enlightenment/sysactions.confvpf-10680: The file [6035 6036] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.confvpf-10680: The file [328445 328462] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/lm-profiler.confvpf-10680: The file [328445 328461] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/portage/package.keywords/wanted~vpf-10680: The file [6609 130550] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/var/db/pkg/dev-perl/XML-Parser-2.34-r1/environment.bz2vpf-10680: The file [1173086 1173089] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (56)<br>/var/lib/scrollkeeper/scrollkeeper_docsvpf-10680: The file [20671 35164] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/lib/aspell-0.60/nroff-filter.infovpf-10680: The file [41919 955062] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-1.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955441] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (24) <br>/iso-8859-1.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955446] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-2.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955448] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (16) <br>/iso-8859-2.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955450] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-3.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955454] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (48) <br>/cp1250.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955070] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0)<br>/cp1251.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955072] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (24) <br>/cp1251.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955077] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (8)<br>/cp1252.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955085] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (24) <br>/cp1252.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955101] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-7.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955694] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (16) <br>/sgml-filter.sovpf-10680: The file [41919 955019] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (24)<br>/cp1253.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955397] has the wrong block count in the StatData (80) - corrected to (32) <br>/cp1253.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955399] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-8.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955905] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/iso-8859-8.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955917] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/cp1254.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955409] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (16) <br>/iso-8859-9.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955918] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (24)<br>/iso-8859-9.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955919] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (8) <br>/cp1255.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955412] has the wrong block count in the StatData (72) - corrected to (0)<br>/cp1255.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955415] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (16) <br>/cp1256.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955419] has the wrong block count in the StatData (88) - corrected to (72)<br>/cp1256.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955423] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/cp1257.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955424] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0)<br>/cp1257.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955425] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (8) <br>/cp1258.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955426] has the wrong block count in the StatData (72) - corrected to (8)<br>/cp1258.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955427] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/nroff-filter.sovpf-10680: The file [41919 587511] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (16)<br>/context-filter.sovpf-10680: The file [41919 954991] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/email-filter.sovpf-10680: The file [41919 587502] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (32)<br>/texinfo-filter.sovpf-10680: The file [41919 955023] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (40) <br>/iso-8859-10.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955931] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-10.csetvpf-10680: The file [41919 955935] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/texinfo-filter.infovpf-10680: The file [41919 955069] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/iso-8859-11.cmapvpf-10680: The file [41919 955943] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (24) <br>/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pysqlite2/test/regression.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950591] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/dbapi.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950588] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (8) <br>/hooks.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950590] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/types.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950593] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/userfunctions.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950594] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/factory.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950589] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (0) <br>/__init__.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950587] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/transactions.pyovpf-10680: The file [53326 1950592] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/lib/portage/pym/xpak.pyovpf-10680: The file [58805 2145846] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (8)<br>/cvstree.pyovpf-10680: The file [58805 362089] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (0) <br>/portage.pyvpf-10680: The file [58805 2144984] has the wrong block count in the StatData (560) - corrected to (488)<br>/portage_dep.pyvpf-10680: The file [58805 2144976] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (32) <br>/output.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 110265] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (24)<br>/portage_versions.pyvpf-10680: The file [58805 2144989] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (16) <br>/portage_data.pyvpf-10680: The file [58805 2144974] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (8)<br>/portage_dep.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 122519] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/portage_const.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 122463] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/portage_util.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 122516] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0) <br>/portage_exception.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 122517] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/portage_versions.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 122520] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (8) <br>/portage_manifest.pyvpf-10680: The file [58805 2144983] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (40)<br>/portage.pyovpf-10680: The file [58805 50208] has the wrong block count in the StatData (456) - corrected to (256) <br>/portage_locks.pycvpf-10680: The file [58805 644193] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (16)<br>/portage_util.pyvpf-10680: The file [58805 2144987] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (24) <br>/usr/share/gimp/2.0/gradients/Pastels.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115185] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/Purples.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115214] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/Radial_Rainbow_Hoop.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115168] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/Cold_Steel_2.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115238] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/Abstract_1.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115219] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/Abstract_2.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115173] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/Abstract_3.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115189] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/Radial_Eyeball_Blue.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115210] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/Radial_Eyeball_Brown.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115174] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/Radial_Eyeball_Green.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115175] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/Crown_molding.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115240] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/Pastel_Rainbow.ggrvpf-10680: The file [115166 115231] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/share/gtk-doc/data/gtk-doc.dclvpf-10680: The file [131823 131835] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/gtk-doc.dslvpf-10680: The file [131823 131826] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (24) <br>/gtk-doc.xslvpf-10680: The file [131823 131829] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/gtkdoc-common.plvpf-10680: The file [131823 131824] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (16) <br>/devhelp.xslvpf-10680: The file [131823 131834] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/right.pngvpf-10680: The file [131823 131827] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/left.pngvpf-10680: The file [131823 131836] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/home.pngvpf-10680: The file [131823 131830] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/devhelp2.xslvpf-10680: The file [131823 131832] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/gtk-doc.makevpf-10680: The file [131823 131831] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/version-greater-or-equal.xslvpf-10680: The file [131823 131833] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/share/pixmaps/emacs-w3m/open-up.xpmvpf-10680: The file [1064675 1949804] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/image-up.xpmvpf-10680: The file [1064675 1949823] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/include/qt4/QtGui/QTimeEditvpf-10680: The file [109438 338285] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QPushButtonvpf-10680: The file [109438 338289] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QAbstractScrollAreavpf-10680: The file [109438 338283] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QTabBarvpf-10680: The file [109438 338281] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QMenuvpf-10680: The file [109438 338298] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QAbstractSlidervpf-10680: The file [109438 338279] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QDialogButtonBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338276] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QLineEditvpf-10680: The file [109438 338280] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QLabelvpf-10680: The file [109438 338282] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QGraphicsItemAnimationvpf-10680: The file [109438 338300] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QRegExpValidatorvpf-10680: The file [109438 338253] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QAbstractSpinBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338290] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QStackedWidgetvpf-10680: The file [109438 338292] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QMdiSubWindowvpf-10680: The file [109438 338288] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QButtonGroupvpf-10680: The file [109438 338296] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QDockWidgetvpf-10680: The file [109438 338278] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QWorkspacevpf-10680: The file [109438 338297] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QCheckBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338299] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QGroupBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338277] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QMdiAreavpf-10680: The file [109438 338291] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QSpinBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338295] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QDoubleSpinBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338294] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QLCDNumbervpf-10680: The file [109438 338293] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QSplashScreenvpf-10680: The file [109438 338287] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QToolBarvpf-10680: The file [109438 338251] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QToolBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338250] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QDateTimeEditvpf-10680: The file [109438 338286] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QFocusFramevpf-10680: The file [109438 338258] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/QMainWindowvpf-10680: The file [109438 338275] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/QFontComboBoxvpf-10680: The file [109438 338252] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/include/gconf/2/gconf/gconf-enum-types.hvpf-10680: The file [1173743 1126615] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/gconf-client.hvpf-10680: The file [1173743 1126742] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (16)<br>/gconf.hvpf-10680: The file [1173743 1126910] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (24) <br>/usr/portage/dev-php/PEAR-Testing_Selenium/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2551293 1398636] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/PEAR-Testing_Selenium-0.3.2.ebuildvpf-10680: The file [2551293 1398637] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/metadata/cache/app-office/mozilla-sunbird-0.5vpf-10680: The file [2602580 2594463] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/planner-0.14.2vpf-10680: The file [2602580 2602684] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/planner-0.14vpf-10680: The file [2602580 2551667] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/metadata/cache/www-apps/bugzilla-2.22.2vpf-10680: The file [2609998 2569697] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/x11-misc/dxpc/files/dxpc-3.8.2-lzo2.patchvpf-10680: The file [2643903 2643904] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (24)<br>/usr/portage/x11-misc/xcompmgr/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2644702 2644703] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/x11-misc/afbinit/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2645061 2645063] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/ChangeLogvpf-10680: The file [2645061 2645071] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/app-mobilephone/smssend/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2529907 2144598] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/ChangeLogvpf-10680: The file [2529907 2144597] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/app-mobilephone/smstools/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2530031 2530032] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/app-arch/unzip/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2296286 2296287] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/ChangeLogvpf-10680: The file [2296286 2296294] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/app-accessibility/mbrola/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2293999 2294005] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/net-p2p/dctc/ChangeLogvpf-10680: The file [2623925 2623931] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/media-libs/libgphoto2/files/libgphoto2-2.3.1-udev-rules-fix3.diffvpf-10680 : The file [2580356 2540311] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/app-emulation/uade/files/uade-2.05-audacious-1.3api.patchvpf-10680: The file [2301949 2301950] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/app-emulation/crossover-office-pro-bin/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2302174 2302175] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/sys-cluster/vzctl/files/vz.initdvpf-10680: The file [2635773 2635776] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/net-voip/wengophone-bin/files/wengophone-bin.pngvpf-10680: The file [2625118 2625119] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (8)<br>/usr/portage/app-office/openoffice/openoffice-2.2.1.ebuildvpf-10680 : The file [2530543 2530553] has the wrong block count in the StatData (24) - corrected to (0)<br>/ChangeLogvpf-10680: The file [2530543 1386106] has the wrong block count in the StatData (144) - corrected to (120)<br>/usr/portage/dev-java/poi/filesrebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [2537636 2537772] (" poi-3.0-src-isDateFormat.patch") in directory [2537636 2537771] points to nowhere - is removed<br>vpf-10650: The directory [2537636 2537771] has the wrong size in the StatData (184) - corrected to (136)<br>/usr/portage/media-sound/museseq/files/museseq- 0.6.2-gcc34.patchvpf-10680: The file [2585525 2585527] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/museseq-0.6.2-int2ptr.patchvpf-10680: The file [2585525 2585531] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (16) <br>/usr/portage/media-sound/asunder/asunder-0.8.1.ebuildvpf-10680: The file [2586156 2586157] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/app-pda/synce-rra/files/synce-rra-0.9.1-textrel.patchvpf-10680 : The file [2530782 2530784] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (16)<br>/multisync/files/multisync-gcc4.patchvpf-10680: The file [2530813 2530815] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/usr/portage/app-vim/perl-support/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2534233 2534234] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br>/usr/portage/net-dialup/hsfmodem/Manifestvpf-10680: The file [2616182 2616189] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0) <br>/hsfmodem- The file [2616182 2616183] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/home/jorge/itarebuild_semantic_pass: The entry [328283 9083] ("catalogo.pdf ") in directory [328283 99741] points to nowhere - is removed<br>vpf-10650: The directory [328283 99741] has the wrong size in the StatData (112) - corrected to (80)<br>/home/jorge/Mail/inbox/orkut/459vpf-10680: The file [133713 50310] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/462vpf-10680: The file [133713 2649630] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/463vpf-10680: The file [133713 2649632] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br> /goianos/102vpf-10680: The file [96260 328644] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (8)<br>/104vpf-10680: The file [96260 46405] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (0)<br> /105vpf-10680: The file [96260 2696861] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (8)<br>/home/jorge/hda2/samba_publico/Chiptune2.oggvpf-10680: The file [357681 115892] has the wrong block count in the StatData (1000) - corrected to (144) <br>/home/jorge/hda2/samba_publico/apagao.mkvvpf-10680: The file [328283 50273] has the wrong block count in the StatData (527296) - corrected to (524328)<br>/home/jorge/.claws-mailvpf-10680: The directory [328283 9076] has the wrong block count in the StatData (5) - corrected to (4) <br>vpf-10650: The directory [328283 9076] has the wrong size in the StatData (2224) - corrected to (2008)<br>... nsions/{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}/components/dhIUtilService.xptvpf-10680: The file [344007 2753874] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>... ult/extensions/{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}/components/.cvsignorevpf-10680: The file [344007 2753872] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>... tensions/{b9db16a4-6edc-47ec-a1f4-b86292ed211d}/components/dhUtilService.jsvpf-10680: The file [344007 2753870] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>... 1.default/extensions/{D4DD63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}/chrome.manifestvpf-10680: The file [349636 2753710] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>... 8b021.default/extensions/{D4DD63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}/install.rdfvpf-10680: The file [349636 2753640] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>... -01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}/translations/0.9.5/pt-BR/downbarAboutText.dtdvpf-10680: The file [2753599 2753697] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>... D63FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}/translations/0.9.5/pt-BR/downbartext.dtdvpf-10680: The file [2753599 2753622] has the wrong block count in the StatData (16) - corrected to (8) <br>... FA-01E4-46a7-B6B1-EDAB7D6AD389}/translations/0.9.5/pt-BR/downbar.propertiesvpf-10680: The file [2753599 2753600] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0)<br>/home/jorge/arquivo.tar.7zvpf-10680: The file [328283 349968] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32128) - corrected to (20136) <br>/home/jorge/Saturday_Night_Live__Nancy_Grace.flvvpf-10680: The file [328283 2754290] has the wrong block count in the StatData (17744) - corrected to (17736)<br>/home/jorge/.thumbnails/normal/75cf25db52aee1645f444f68ff48704c.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696557] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/86f85ff5e5002ba6df5d60f6f4992720.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696942] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/5c83f8e8feff0cce7c7b9a43c52c4d01.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394235] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/c0f76046511bc83dd45b56446edc3791.pngvpf-10680: The file [352016 103230] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/7b32c2264d4b655e696af470e02cf62f.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696919] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/b2d40c34ddf0d57b2d0ca85cc1f86f3a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1395458] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/5b69d6ff584bbdb46cdf134fa5959583.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696556] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/d9bbb59ae431a5f588cf99e78399f76a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696936] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/35e31cf32515f670766c4a44f2cfc29f.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333984] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0) <br>/dfbd2756cacc1e29f71a191f88b4b310.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1334034] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/5393b199d7fac4221bfe62e9dd677bae.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1395534] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/8a37a8e9d9189786212e152ed875a2bc.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333231] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/c3f6acad2fa2fb0b99baa0d8f0223766.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1384552] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0) <br>/14da797bf25a1c9529e0f0348d43abb8.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1979380] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/3b677a81e6cd3405c2221cc5692a54b8.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696945] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/79976f49f883259be4bb38b2eec0b075.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696541] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/f438c57639c05ff15a94d7950834a09d.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696546] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (24) <br>/26813808b6b2744647a44608953508d7.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333224] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/b285c4d77a31107afed70433bbe0d08a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696551] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/f7cba2b1206033616a1dfb92a576ae0a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696562] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0)<br>/711b741206eb3ca134ad0bb2dca38354.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696917] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/fd0dcf19a7e23360dbef7672050cfb0a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2242812] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/49a008b8deef9d8c226f8737a1080601.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696932] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/6fe524f9d86d5864799613f3140d2fb9.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333377] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/f822e979be1df8214a0894452fabd302.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696922] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/a91b7f30d5c6dfa015b16193c2f0a263.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1393373] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/2a6c26a73352c8d09f39695bae487a09.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394226] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/d0c40e9d4d731c568ee0cf7b25ca8b85.pngvpf-10680: The file [352016 1025065] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0)<br>/8b4ac2ed31ea78130763e2a9f6414189.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696559] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/ba816c9d90b5aeb83f5b71f8517af9fe.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1979364] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/402a4e0b7c11acf93d6ac149028c2067.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696552] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/e6fc38032b8250dd4018becd1ef01a0b.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696543] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (40)<br>/7a8479061e01407d70913fc45cd4bb18.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696548] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (16) <br>/78fff8fb91df82dbfa99d060d32284ea.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696938] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/343600adea3f008aa72ec1493bb0b3a6.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696920] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/1ad398f9d8564d982a305f0e2b21628d.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2145872] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/139fa7839bf1524586cdfc7f3ca9a073.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1393393] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/ac316fe1adf75da6175cb2c2e2c493bf.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696542] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/7d15d80b8c2520847c45641fd113b89e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696558] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/11b5173cf720ddc9be63339d888facbc.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696946] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/e7ce045fa55ada94b4d4fb8b664b1a43.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1395580] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/2c6df5b5b52110c83f166a5c3f5f9197.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394245] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/d1c0a370cf8bb0638e04026651eb89d7.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696934] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/380f08f8fbbab49afad9174a947469d1.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1981887] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/4db37e82f6c0c1d5d87f23037bf3f895.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696539] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (16) <br>/70b8565608ea3bd9a117cc82d1b92c1e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696537] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (16)<br>/29a85fe6cf29ae37970185fb9883c4c7.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696925] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/29f5f0aa8c58fdc99561867fb5bd6493.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1395558] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/d88b73cb04cd7e007336aa06d71e3699.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696555] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/9918632d609757550b28789d930f762c.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394995] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/210a62d4af4b825f407273b02eee7ebc.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696538] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/07e21a10faa6a28df3e12a66f12e3207.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696553] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/2021a2eda807d60d729274eea6c2b518.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2672619] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (24) <br>/5acd1aa3f3068fa2faaebc6e67f5b49e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696933] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/6f513e20f34b0ad826682be3e3909f82.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394282] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/45a99ae50fcb0f3a3b8ee920f42b158a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1979351] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/51b14e11cab9c01b70443ad1854ee222.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394198] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/11e8c47f7e80755ebaaf1aed5663a038.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394268] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0)<br>/fb7a6fb4ee4a765f824eed0121f94221.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696540] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/993dd161aa173b24d929e56e7098ae0b.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1393727] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/351930b29ba53ebb3c2f25decbcff4cd.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1334021] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/bdade56ac866e938d87e8279166c28fb.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696929] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/1e8e36c89cb05fd8f00b10fcb41f55ca.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394254] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/2a12563ada540f7447528a971b53baff.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696941] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/5d7b2dee22cc4cbb810218797c1027dd.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696926] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/88f28df8c4d071cbfd99fff60be85c3e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394277] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (8)<br>/3f39a7b3211105b3e4aee80bb743b3d3.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696923] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/9aa3d065b64fc66fee5492932b71324a.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333191] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/1c59d54b3633cdb05cef1b17d4249d2e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696947] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/d5fc4aac8cb50e3b4ab93ae22a0bf113.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696927] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/5f1aa73bd2ab40d63676ab5d65024d06.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696939] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/a8f06bfc21927471b523250c70ba12fb.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696931] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/9ba84f1360a5a29e7dc20bcf6521ebe1.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333186] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/db6640d3c0bba3db5ec896806e4e3bc6.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696944] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/f434c812a1b56c32bcda3e9a921b4f26.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696943] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/61d215637edee3c27106b63430ca0f35.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696549] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/82061b3f1ca9e58607d8c393c89ee3c5.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696563] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/d0d4c7ffbad8b78c59b279c5c0f8cfb2.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696930] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0)<br>/6ea092b457090bccdcce6782f14cbaf3.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333234] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/83f40bd56336a2cc74f3b2aab8b906ec.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696928] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/e49df82ad21de5db59be73dbe93e5ca1.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696554] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/7573ac9b4290f86da781512680f73b90.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696560] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/55b9cfb0b0d0d4df7d8c8ae230a5ff51.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696545] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (48) <br>/b661e5d3aa91721f826064a807000139.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696918] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/1066d664e7a1084bee738da8285fa278.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1386154] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/b3d2dea660b98abad4e9fcb444691e33.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696921] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/15a432482b3631e91232fc8383db4d1e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333212] has the wrong block count in the StatData (32) - corrected to (0) <br>/f012acd0f0ff04079e884bb41b591f8d.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1332998] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (24)<br>/3f6dd3d84d1bb18255fb03bcebb83b84.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696937] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/73393b64a42d40991c51f561b3b35788.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696924] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/c41f71bb0e29e9ebdb6659447ca56825.pngvpf-10680: The file [352016 1334463] has the wrong block count in the StatData (8) - corrected to (0) <br>/1c22b19e413850928e1a7c73d73545ff.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 5783] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (24)<br>/5fad47d2ccbf42333021317c08a9b5aa.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1384735] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/7b5f72280413b91a25c719bc8df4adee.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1333092] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/c31b71be8f3fde0c94abbf37e6fc17f5.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696948] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/9836b0987d0caa7a6ce5d907c126ac06.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696550] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/65c140c2762439abb6e59320b2b8a542.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1395474] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/0bb37b090806c4013f43c77823b0ca69.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1393647] has the wrong block count in the StatData (64) - corrected to (0)<br>/da4a2cd66fd269dd27d504db82440529.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1384674] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0) <br>/9babb0958bc5434c3256e0d1ca6f2d5e.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2672609] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/f9d2fc2cfd142849037b27cf877b3404.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1396170] has the wrong block count in the StatData (40) - corrected to (0) <br>/71161843e20778cb601ff9d600fc2afa.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394210] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>/5615e0ab287d6ad2e5340c1e515365fb.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 2696935] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0) <br>/47d42d5010c35341f3eed82c67981ef4.jpgvpf-10680: The file [352016 1394952] has the wrong block count in the StatData (48) - corrected to (0)<br>/.recently-usedvpf-10680: The file [328283 354486] has the wrong block count in the StatData (144) - corrected to (0) <br>####### Pass 3a (lost+found pass) ######### <br>/9076_1250027get_next_directory_item: The entry ".." of the directory [9076 1250027] pointes to [328283 9076], instead of [2 6] - corrected <br>vpf-10680: The file [328283 355297] has the wrong block count in the StatData (31248) - corrected to (6120)<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 197198] moved to [2257391 11]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 211874] moved to [2257391 16] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 292028] moved to [2257391 19]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 292122] moved to [2257391 20]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 332208] moved to [2257391 22]<br> rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 352047] moved to [2257391 23] <br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 23] has the wrong block count in the StatData (120) - corrected to (0)<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 352204] moved to [2257391 24]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 352232] moved to [2257391 25] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 352238] moved to [2257391 26]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 352241] moved to [2257391 29]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 353282] moved to [2257391 30]<br> rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 420157] moved to [2257391 31] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 420159] moved to [2257391 32]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 420163] moved to [2257391 33]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 522090] moved to [2257391 36]<br> rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 579878] moved to [2257391 38] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 946271] moved to [2257391 39]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 946306] moved to [2257391 40]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 954199] moved to [2257391 41]<br> rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 964790] moved to [2257391 42] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 964796] moved to [2257391 49]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 964837] moved to [2257391 51]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 985325] moved to [2257391 53]<br> rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 985386] moved to [2257391 54] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 985394] moved to [2257391 55]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 1077917] moved to [2257391 56]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 1090409] moved to [2257391 58]<br> rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 1091213] moved to [2257391 59]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 1097192] moved to [2257391 60]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 1112452] moved to [2257391 61]<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 1113860] moved to [2257391 62] <br>rewrite_file: 1 items of file [2257391 1198481] moved to [2257391 63]<br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 63] has the wrong block count in the StatData (56) - corrected to (0)<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 2257239] moved to [2257391 66] <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 2257367] moved to [2257391 67]<br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 67] has the wrong block count in the StatData (80) - corrected to (16)<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 2257392] moved to [2257391 68] <br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 68] has the wrong block count in the StatData (264) - corrected to (200)<br>rewrite_file: 1 items of file [2257391 2257393] moved to [2257391 69]<br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 69] has the wrong block count in the StatData (7552) - corrected to (0) <br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 2257397] moved to [2257391 71]<br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 71] has the wrong block count in the StatData (296) - corrected to (192)<br>rewrite_file: 2 items of file [2257391 2257399] moved to [2257391 78] <br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 78] has the wrong block count in the StatData (216) - corrected to (80)<br>rewrite_file: 1 items of file [2257391 2257428] moved to [2257391 80]<br>vpf-10680: The file [2257391 80] has the wrong block count in the StatData (96) - corrected to (0) <br></div><br></div></div></div>