Mark Knecht wrote:

On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 12:03 AM Dale <> wrote:
> Update.  I played around a bit.  I figured I didn't have a lot to lose
> here.  It either works, or it doesn't.  After playing around a bit, I
> got it to work.  I have not restarted it to see if it will work again,
> yet.  I wanted to grab some log info first, while it is working.  So,
> this part is about when KDE comes up completely but could include some
> attempts that failed.  Comes up completely means, in the correct
> resolution, background image and the panel thing on the bottom, which
> means plasma is running as it should.  I'm doing these inside the email
> instead of as attachments.  Sorry for the length.  I just want to share
> this while I have it available.
> This first one, I had a few failures before it succeeded.  I couldn't
> figure out when the working bit started so it is the complete log.

Hi Dale,
   I have returned home and can once again bottom post.

   There's no way I'm going to read and understand this
whole thread but I did have one question and one comment:

1) Did you ever actually try the Kubunu option that didn't
require an install? I saw you mentions Knoppix and maybe
one other option. Just curious as to what the results were.

2) I see you discussing xorg.conf file which I don't use
here but did you generate this file - if you are really using
it - using the nvidia-settings app, or by hand? 

   If your system will stay up I believe nvidia-settings is
recommended by NVidia, or was anyway. It does a good
job of showing the layout and handling options that NVidia
says make their cards work better.

Good luck,

I booted the Gentoo live image and Knoppix.  Knoppix is old.  I don't think it is being maintained anymore but even on this new hardware, even it worked.  I've booted other things to and all work fine except the Gentoo install, the one thing I need to work.  I checked, I did download Kubuntu but I don't remember trying it.  With my memory tho, I may have and just don't remember it.  :/  I'll add it to my Ventoy stick and try it shortly.  It's hot, humid and my energy level isn't much.  The family visit to the hospital drained me good.  And she is still sick.  I took her some tomatoes this morning and she likes the peaches I got for her too.  Not much she can eat. 

I've tried with no xorg.conf at first.  Then I tried with one that tells it to use the nvidia driver, even tho lsmod shows it loaded and lspci -k shows it being used.  Then I used nvidia-xconfig to create a conf file.  Then I tried some options that Michael suggested.  On occasion, it works.  Most of the time, it doesn't.  To be honest, I'm not sure if anything we do is affecting it.  I think sometimes things just drop into place and it works.  Most of the time, things don't drop into place and it fails or only partially works. 

Given I've used different boot media, a different video card and different config options, I'm thinking it is the monitor and it just clashes with this one install but works with others, which may figure out to ignore what the monitor fails to do.  I find it odd but it is logical. 

I've tried to use nvidia-settings but the man page is like Greek.  The one thing I did figure out, -q all.  On my main rig, it spits out TONS of info.  On the new rig, it just says something like no display found or something.  It's like two lines, maybe one. 

Had several interruptions so managed to try Kubuntu "Try" option.  It comes up just fine, correct resolution, plasma is working and all.  I'm attaching the Xorg log from Kubuntu. 

Maybe the Kubuntu log will shed some light. 


:-)  :-)