Lately since my fresh gentoo install, i've been having a lot of problems with the kernel locking up at random.
It's not a hard lockup, or a panic crash, it just stops running new processes, i get a lot of defuncts.. and dosn't let new users log in at all, sudo/su-ing either.
I've checked everything, even recompiled the kernel few times, including/excluding genkernel. Tried disabling APIC by passing noapic.
Nothing seems to work.
I'm running it on a AMD 64 Dual-Core 3800+, Asus A8N-SLI Deluxe Mobo,
4 modules of Kingston Hardcore 3 512MB.
NVIDIA 7800 GTX Vidoe Card/ with lastest nvidia-drivers
(Oh and I ran memcheck for 12 hours, nothing came up)
Basicly I tried everything and nothing worked.. and it appears tu run great on the livecd kernel.. and crashes at genkernel or a manually compiled kernel.
Any ideas?
(My current non-genkernel config file is attached)