On 5/6/21 7:30 AM, n952162 wrote:
On 5/5/21 8:24 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote:
On Wed, 2021-05-05 at 20:11 +0200, n952162 wrote:

I update several machines every month.  This month, most of the machines
needed to update more than 300 packages.  But one, which isn't any
different than the others, has 0 to update, after running --sync.

Does anybody have an explanation for that?

The manifest verification failed during emerge --sync and you didn't
notice it. Happens to me every time.

Yes!  It did!  It does, every time!  But why?  I have enough disk space...

This forum entry from 2018:


lists various possible causes, all of which involve complicated or expensive fixes:

  1. with "hard-links"
  2. without "hard-links"
  3. /usr/portage is corrupted (/var/db/repos/gentoo in my case, I guess)
  4. rsync-excludes?
  5. use a different mirror (but it works for other machines)

Is there a consensus in the mean time?