On 2/10/07, b.n. wrote: > > Alexandru Mincu ha scritto: > > First of all let's start with the clients... > > I am a Gnome fan and I think it is better and simpler to use, but them > > if you have windows users that you want to put to use linux, kde might > > be a better option... although this is a matter of taste I would accept > > some suggestions(without killing each other here), bu please take in > > consideration all the things i want to add. > > > > Things required: > > Email, > > Calendar sharing, > > IM, > > Office suite, > > other bullshit managers use to put you to work(suggestions accepted > here) :) > > Web browsing, > > A content management system > > You should be a bit more clear. > - What is the, let's say, noobness-level of users of the thin clients? > Will they be scared by anything not exactly Windows-like or not? Well they are all noobs ... I am talking about like 90% of the people there don't have any idea linux exists :). That's why usability is a key here... i want it to be easy to use even if you did not ever see a linux desktop in your life. - What do you mean *exactly* for CMS? A web based CMS, for an internal > blog for example? Is this centralized or maintained by users? Do you > instead need something for mutual information sharing and deposit? (in > this case, I'd advice for a Wiki) Or it is something local, user > specific, to take notes etc.? (in that case, Tomboy or basKet could be > nice apps) Well I was thinking about a web based cms, kind of like a wiki but i would also like the possibility to store versioned files and manage documents per task(i mean for this matter you have 5 written files). - Do you need connectivity with external Windows machines? MS Exchange > servers? Well i was thinking into configuring the server to be a VPN server and giving VNC clients that connet to a VNC server in the network ... this way they can access their hole desktop and not just 1 thing from the windows machines.... This is because I hope that the only windows machines there will be the laptops and not the desktops. Not exchange server there for the moment .... I would prefer an OS variant to exchange ... - Do you need to exchange data with MS Office users? Well ... you always need this... but i think OO dose a good job for that .... - IM is fully internal or need interoperability with external apps? well i will start with an internal server and mabe use gaim to let users access them all :). Which ones? Do you need VOIP? No voip. Only thing I can directly advice you is Firefox for web browsing (best > support). For everything else, I don't know. A general advice could be > to keep as much as possible applications belonging to the same desktop. > I'm quite on the KDE side, and I think that Konqueror (the file > manager), K3b and Kopete are truly superior apps that may make the > difference in your case. > > > I also think that some eye candy would be gr8 to have ... I tried both > > compiz and beryl, but none were stable for me... it's true i was using > > nvidia's beta driers but anyway. have any of you tried compiz or beryl? > > which one is really stable and ready to use for a company? Is the > > Xgl+(compiz|beryl) variant stable? I for one really liked beryl's > > features but it seems to be more unstable than compiz. > > I think compiz and beryl, in their current state, make little sense for > such a corporate network. However I understand they can impress your > boss in letting him think (rightly so, even if for partially wrong > reasons) that you are installing a technically superior solution. > > Well, it seems currently Beryl is the one gaining momentum. The recent > Wall plugin seems at the same time very useful and very visually > impressive. If you are sure about going that way, stick to *really* > useful plugins (basically the Exposè-like thing, I don't remember its > name, and the Wall). About stability, I can't say. Yes ... I also saw the Wall plugin ... and was thinking about the same thing ... I must do an XGL+beryl install and stress test it to see CPU usage and stability. > Now for updates .. which profile do you think would better suit a > > company .. should I use hardend gentoo? Is there a version of gentoo > > that keeps things down with the upgrades to stable packages or I should > > keep my own tree and sync only the stuff I want and test into it? > > I'd go for the second. Hardened gentoo could be an idea, but I truly > don't know what kind of problems it can have -personally I would put a > tight OpenBSD firewall between the server and the Internet. > > In every case, having a test machine where checking *every* package > upgrade extensively should be a must. Thought so ... hard work but it's worth it :). m. Thanks :) -- > gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list > > -- Alexandru Mincu Tel: +40745515505/+40723573761