On 9/15/06, Remy Blank wrote: > > David Grant wrote: > > I did and I totally screwed up my system. I managed to fix it eventually > > by booting to a live CD and untaring the quickpkg I made into the / > > directory. > > Yes, I saw your posts on bug 125868 [1]. > > > ... and secondly, don't > > do it until you get some responses back from others who did it > succesfully. > > Well, I did it anyway (had a bit of time on my hands). And surprise, I > had the exact same symptoms as the bug above, i.e. a relocation error > before unmerging the previous glibc-2.3.6-r4. But everything was still > working ok. > > So I did *not* panic ;-) and just emerged glibc-2.4-r3 a second time (I > had made a binary package, so this was quite fast), and this time the > previous glibc was unmerged correctly. I suppose an emerge --prune would > also have worked. Your problem was most likely due to your having > unmerged glibc-2.4, which left you with a system without glibc. Is that what I said I did in the bug report? Ok, I did do something wrong. :-) Well for my MythTV box (the one I screwed up) I'll be waiting probably 6 months to a year to upgrade just to make sure there are no problems. Actually I'll probably just leave the new glibc and gcc hard-masked until I am forced to upgrade due to the old one being removed from portage or due to a dependancy. -- David Grant http://www.davidgrant.ca