* [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
@ 2017-12-06 7:00 Raffaele Belardi
2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
` (2 more replies)
0 siblings, 3 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Raffaele Belardi @ 2017-12-06 7:00 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other (~amd64) built all
except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with gcc-7.2 even before the
switch to 17.0.
Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I can say that the
switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major compiler version.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 7:00 [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless Raffaele Belardi
@ 2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
2017-12-06 8:25 ` Neil Bothwick
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 15:36 ` Daniel Frey
2017-12-09 1:36 ` Marc Joliet
2 siblings, 2 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Dale @ 2017-12-06 7:18 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other (~amd64) built all
> except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with gcc-7.2 even before the
> switch to 17.0.
> Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I can say that the
> switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major compiler version.
> raffaele
I'm having trouble with these:
Those three, I've had to adjust the USE flags and it may or may not be
profile switch related. If I had to guess, it just happened to pop up
and isn't related to the switch. They are back in the rear compiling as
I type.
I still have a issue with openshot and I think my nvidia drivers to deal
with too. It has some sort of issue but I haven't looked into what the
cause is for it yet. However, that will be fixed before my next full
rebuild. Once I get all these little issues dealt with, I plan to do a
emerge -e world again just to be sure. It's cool here so the heat will
be good. ;-)
Over all tho, it went fairly well here too. The issues I have ran into
are most likely not related to the switch. Generally speaking, some of
the switches in the past have been pretty major changes. This one seems
to fall into that category to me at least. As you said, not to painful
really. Just a little time consuming at times.
:-) :-)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
@ 2017-12-06 8:25 ` Neil Bothwick
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
1 sibling, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Neil Bothwick @ 2017-12-06 8:25 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 585 bytes --]
On Wed, 6 Dec 2017 01:18:02 -0600, Dale wrote:
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3
> net-libs/webkit-gtk
> Those three, I've had to adjust the USE flags and it may or may not be
> profile switch related. If I had to guess, it just happened to pop up
> and isn't related to the switch.
I did too, but webkit-gtk was failing a rebuild before the switch, so I
think you're right. Solutions for them can be found on bgo.
Neil Bothwick
SITCOM: Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage
[-- Attachment #2: OpenPGP digital signature --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 833 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 7:00 [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless Raffaele Belardi
2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
@ 2017-12-06 15:36 ` Daniel Frey
2017-12-06 16:41 ` Mick
2017-12-09 1:36 ` Marc Joliet
2 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread
From: Daniel Frey @ 2017-12-06 15:36 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
On 12/05/17 23:00, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other (~amd64) built all
> except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with gcc-7.2 even before the
> switch to 17.0.
> Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I can say that the
> switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major compiler version.
> raffaele
I've done two machines now (6 more to go!) and it's been mostly
painless. I had the grub and cdrdao rebuild problems, solved by
upgrading to grub2 and applying a patch to lame for cdrdao. I also had
pygtk fail, but once the `emerge -e world` finished, I just had to
rebuild it and it was fine.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
2017-12-06 8:25 ` Neil Bothwick
@ 2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 15:49 ` Dale
` (3 more replies)
1 sibling, 4 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Andrés Becerra Sandoval @ 2017-12-06 15:38 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1039 bytes --]
2017-12-06 2:18 GMT-05:00 Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com>:
> Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> > One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other
> (~amd64) built all
> > except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with gcc-7.2
> even before the
> > switch to 17.0.
> >
> > Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> >
> > I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I
> can say that the
> > switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major compiler
> version.
> >
> > raffaele
> >
> >
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3
> net-libs/webkit-gtk
> Those three, I've had to adjust the USE flags and it may or may not be
> profile switch related. If I had to guess, it just happened to pop up
> and isn't related to the switch. They are back in the rear compiling as
> I type.
How did you merge qtwebengine?
Andrés Becerra Sandoval
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 1992 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
@ 2017-12-06 15:49 ` Dale
2017-12-06 16:19 ` Helmut Jarausch
` (2 subsequent siblings)
3 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Dale @ 2017-12-06 15:49 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1538 bytes --]
Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:
> 2017-12-06 2:18 GMT-05:00 Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com
> <mailto:rdalek1967@gmail.com>>:
> Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> > One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the
> other (~amd64) built all
> > except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with
> gcc-7.2 even before the
> > switch to 17.0.
> >
> > Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> >
> > I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up
> to now I can say that the
> > switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major
> compiler version.
> >
> > raffaele
> >
> >
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3
> net-libs/webkit-gtk
> Those three, I've had to adjust the USE flags and it may or may not be
> profile switch related. If I had to guess, it just happened to pop up
> and isn't related to the switch. They are back in the rear
> compiling as
> I type.
> Dale,
> How did you merge qtwebengine?
> --
> Andrés Becerra Sandoval
LOL. So far, I haven't been able to get it too. I'm starting to
disable USE flags to see if I can either get it to compile OR get rid of
the package. I don't think the later is possible since it has a wide
range of things depending on it.
If I get a fix, I'll post it and let you try it. I got my hammer out.
:-) :-)
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 3744 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 15:49 ` Dale
@ 2017-12-06 16:19 ` Helmut Jarausch
2017-12-06 16:40 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 16:20 ` Alan McKinnon
2017-12-07 4:40 ` Dale
3 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread
From: Helmut Jarausch @ 2017-12-06 16:19 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 428 bytes --]
On 12/06/2017 04:38:02 PM, Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
this needs an addtional patch webkit-gtk-2.4.11-icu59.patch which I've
> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3
This needs a tiny change, I've attached my ebuild
> net-libs/webkit-gtk
which version? Version 2.18.3 installed just fine here.
[-- Attachment #2: qtwebengine-5.9.3.ebuild --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Size: 3149 bytes --]
# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
inherit multiprocessing pax-utils python-any-r1 qt5-build
DESCRIPTION="Library for rendering dynamic web content in Qt5 C++ and QML applications"
if [[ ${QT5_BUILD_TYPE} == release ]]; then
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~x86"
IUSE="alsa bindist geolocation pax_kernel pulseaudio +system-ffmpeg +system-icu widgets"
alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib )
geolocation? ( ~dev-qt/qtpositioning-${PV} )
pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio:= )
system-ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
system-icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
widgets? ( ~dev-qt/qtwidgets-${PV} )
pax_kernel? ( sys-apps/elfix )
src_prepare() {
use pax_kernel && PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-5.9.0-paxmark-mksnapshot.patch" )
sed -i -e'/#if U_ICU_VERSION_MAJOR_NUM < 60/ s/60/60 || defined(TOOLKIT_QT)/' \
# bug 620444 - ensure local headers are used
find "${S}" -type f -name "*.pr[fio]" | xargs sed -i -e 's|INCLUDEPATH += |&$$QTWEBENGINE_ROOT/include |' || die
qt_use_disable_config alsa alsa src/core/config/linux.pri
qt_use_disable_config pulseaudio pulseaudio src/core/config/linux.pri
qt_use_disable_mod geolocation positioning \
mkspecs/features/configure.prf \
src/core/core_chromium.pri \
qt_use_disable_mod widgets widgets src/src.pro
src_configure() {
export NINJA_PATH=/usr/bin/ninja
export NINJAFLAGS="${NINJAFLAGS:--j$(makeopts_jobs) -l$(makeopts_loadavg "${MAKEOPTS}" 0) -v}"
local myqmakeargs=(
$(usex bindist '' 'WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_proprietary_codecs')
$(usex system-ffmpeg 'WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_ffmpeg' '')
$(usex system-icu 'WEBENGINE_CONFIG+=use_system_icu' '')
src_install() {
# bug 601472
if [[ ! -f ${D%/}${QT5_LIBDIR}/libQt5WebEngine.so ]]; then
die "${CATEGORY}/${PF} failed to build anything. Please report to https://bugs.gentoo.org/"
pax-mark m "${D%/}${QT5_LIBEXECDIR}"/QtWebEngineProcess
[-- Attachment #3: webkit-gtk-2.4.11-icu59.patch --]
[-- Type: text/x-patch, Size: 3082 bytes --]
diff -ruN webkitgtk-2.4.11.orig/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSStringRef.cpp webkitgtk-2.4.11/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSStringRef.cpp
--- webkitgtk-2.4.11.orig/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSStringRef.cpp 2016-04-10 08:48:36.000000000 +0200
+++ webkitgtk-2.4.11/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSStringRef.cpp 2017-06-11 19:26:55.263795188 +0200
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
JSStringRef JSStringCreateWithCharacters(const JSChar* chars, size_t numChars)
- return OpaqueJSString::create(chars, numChars).leakRef();
+ return OpaqueJSString::create(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(chars), numChars).leakRef();
JSStringRef JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString(const char* string)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
JSStringRef JSStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(const JSChar* chars, size_t numChars)
- return OpaqueJSString::create(StringImpl::createWithoutCopying(chars, numChars)).leakRef();
+ return OpaqueJSString::create(StringImpl::createWithoutCopying(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(chars), numChars)).leakRef();
JSStringRef JSStringRetain(JSStringRef string)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
const JSChar* JSStringGetCharactersPtr(JSStringRef string)
- return string->characters();
+ return reinterpret_cast<const JSChar*>(string->characters());
size_t JSStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(JSStringRef string)
diff -ruN webkitgtk-2.4.11.orig/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/DateConversion.cpp webkitgtk-2.4.11/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/DateConversion.cpp
--- webkitgtk-2.4.11.orig/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/DateConversion.cpp 2013-08-03 18:10:38.000000000 +0200
+++ webkitgtk-2.4.11/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/DateConversion.cpp 2017-06-11 19:24:18.494788666 +0200
@@ -107,7 +107,8 @@
TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION timeZoneInformation;
- const WCHAR* timeZoneName = t.isDST() ? timeZoneInformation.DaylightName : timeZoneInformation.StandardName;
+ const WCHAR* winTimeZoneName = t.isDST() ? timeZoneInformation.DaylightName : timeZoneInformation.StandardName;
+ String timeZoneName(reinterpret_cast<const UChar*>(winTimeZoneName));
struct tm gtm = t;
char timeZoneName[70];
diff -ruN webkitgtk-2.4.11.orig/Source/WebKit2/Shared/API/c/WKString.cpp webkitgtk-2.4.11/Source/WebKit2/Shared/API/c/WKString.cpp
--- webkitgtk-2.4.11.orig/Source/WebKit2/Shared/API/c/WKString.cpp 2016-04-10 08:48:37.000000000 +0200
+++ webkitgtk-2.4.11/Source/WebKit2/Shared/API/c/WKString.cpp 2017-06-11 19:31:59.544807847 +0200
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
size_t WKStringGetCharacters(WKStringRef stringRef, WKChar* buffer, size_t bufferLength)
COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(WKChar) == sizeof(UChar), WKStringGetCharacters_sizeof_WKChar_matches_UChar);
- return (toImpl(stringRef)->getCharacters(static_cast<UChar*>(buffer), bufferLength));
+ return (toImpl(stringRef)->getCharacters(reinterpret_cast<UChar*>(buffer), bufferLength));
size_t WKStringGetMaximumUTF8CStringSize(WKStringRef stringRef)
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 15:49 ` Dale
2017-12-06 16:19 ` Helmut Jarausch
@ 2017-12-06 16:20 ` Alan McKinnon
2017-12-06 23:09 ` Neil Bothwick
2017-12-07 4:40 ` Dale
3 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread
From: Alan McKinnon @ 2017-12-06 16:20 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
On 06/12/2017 17:38, Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:
> 2017-12-06 2:18 GMT-05:00 Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com
> <mailto:rdalek1967@gmail.com>>:
> Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> > One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the
> other (~amd64) built all
> > except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with
> gcc-7.2 even before the
> > switch to 17.0.
> >
> > Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> >
> > I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to
> now I can say that the
> > switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major
> compiler version.
> >
> > raffaele
> >
> >
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3
> net-libs/webkit-gtk
> Those three, I've had to adjust the USE flags and it may or may not be
> profile switch related. If I had to guess, it just happened to pop up
> and isn't related to the switch. They are back in the rear compiling as
> I type.
> Dale,
> How did you merge qtwebengine?
I had trouble with qtwebengine. It seemed to be an issue with icu-60.*
but I wasn't prepared to downgrade to icu-59.* just as a test (icu
changes here tend to trigger a rebuild of half of world), and a recent
bug on b.g.o. backed up with I was thinking.
It built fine with this in package.use:
=dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3 -system-ffmpeg -system-icu
Yes, I did do it, favoured bundled libs instead of system ones. But I
was also having similar issues with bundled vs system ffmpeg for kodi,
and this was the easiest way to get past it and finish a 17.0 migration
Alan McKinnon
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 16:19 ` Helmut Jarausch
@ 2017-12-06 16:40 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
0 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Andrés Becerra Sandoval @ 2017-12-06 16:40 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 530 bytes --]
El dic 6, 2017 11:20 AM, "Helmut Jarausch" <jarausch@skynet.be> escribió:
On 12/06/2017 04:38:02 PM, Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
this needs an addtional patch webkit-gtk-2.4.11-icu59.patch which I've
This needs a tiny change, I've attached my ebuild
which version? Version 2.18.3 installed just fine here.
Thank you Helmut!
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 1368 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 15:36 ` Daniel Frey
@ 2017-12-06 16:41 ` Mick
2017-12-06 19:34 ` Daniel Frey
0 siblings, 1 reply; 14+ messages in thread
From: Mick @ 2017-12-06 16:41 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1039 bytes --]
On Wednesday, 6 December 2017 15:36:19 GMT Daniel Frey wrote:
> On 12/05/17 23:00, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> > One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other
> > (~amd64) built all except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not
> > build with gcc-7.2 even before the switch to 17.0.
> >
> > Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> >
> > I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I
> > can say that the switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching
> > major compiler version.
> >
> > raffaele
> I've done two machines now (6 more to go!) and it's been mostly
> painless. I had the grub and cdrdao rebuild problems, solved by
> upgrading to grub2 and applying a patch to lame for cdrdao. I also had
> pygtk fail, but once the `emerge -e world` finished, I just had to
> rebuild it and it was fine.
> Dan
Are the maintainers picking up these patches to release a version bump for
packages that won't emerge with profile 17.0?
[-- Attachment #2: This is a digitally signed message part. --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 833 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 16:41 ` Mick
@ 2017-12-06 19:34 ` Daniel Frey
0 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Daniel Frey @ 2017-12-06 19:34 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
On 12/06/17 08:41, Mick wrote:
> On Wednesday, 6 December 2017 15:36:19 GMT Daniel Frey wrote:
>> On 12/05/17 23:00, Raffaele Belardi wrote:
>>> One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other
>>> (~amd64) built all except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not
>>> build with gcc-7.2 even before the switch to 17.0.
>>> Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
>>> I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I
>>> can say that the switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching
>>> major compiler version.
>>> raffaele
>> I've done two machines now (6 more to go!) and it's been mostly
>> painless. I had the grub and cdrdao rebuild problems, solved by
>> upgrading to grub2 and applying a patch to lame for cdrdao. I also had
>> pygtk fail, but once the `emerge -e world` finished, I just had to
>> rebuild it and it was fine.
>> Dan
> Are the maintainers picking up these patches to release a version bump for
> packages that won't emerge with profile 17.0?
Well, I got the patch from the cdrdao bugreport. Someone sent the patch
for lame upstream, and of course they said you should be patching
cdrdao... so who knows.
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 16:20 ` Alan McKinnon
@ 2017-12-06 23:09 ` Neil Bothwick
0 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Neil Bothwick @ 2017-12-06 23:09 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 816 bytes --]
On Wed, 6 Dec 2017 18:20:54 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> I had trouble with qtwebengine. It seemed to be an issue with icu-60.*
> but I wasn't prepared to downgrade to icu-59.* just as a test (icu
> changes here tend to trigger a rebuild of half of world), and a recent
> bug on b.g.o. backed up with I was thinking.
> It built fine with this in package.use:
> =dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3 -system-ffmpeg -system-icu
> Yes, I did do it, favoured bundled libs instead of system ones. But I
> was also having similar issues with bundled vs system ffmpeg for kodi,
> and this was the easiest way to get past it and finish a 17.0 migration
Or you could have searched bgo...
Neil Bothwick
Synonym: a word you use when you can't spell the other one.
[-- Attachment #2: OpenPGP digital signature --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 833 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
` (2 preceding siblings ...)
2017-12-06 16:20 ` Alan McKinnon
@ 2017-12-07 4:40 ` Dale
3 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Dale @ 2017-12-07 4:40 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1401 bytes --]
Andrés Becerra Sandoval wrote:
> 2017-12-06 2:18 GMT-05:00 Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com
> <mailto:rdalek1967@gmail.com>>:
> Raffaele Belardi wrote:
> > One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the
> other (~amd64) built all
> > except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not build with
> gcc-7.2 even before the
> > switch to 17.0.
> >
> > Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> >
> > I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up
> to now I can say that the
> > switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major
> compiler version.
> >
> > raffaele
> >
> >
> I'm having trouble with these:
> net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.4.11-r200
> dev-qt/qtwebengine-5.9.3
> net-libs/webkit-gtk
> Those three, I've had to adjust the USE flags and it may or may not be
> profile switch related. If I had to guess, it just happened to pop up
> and isn't related to the switch. They are back in the rear
> compiling as
> I type.
> Dale,
> How did you merge qtwebengine?
> --
> Andrés Becerra Sandoval
You may have already fixed this but the way I got it to work was this:
I added that to my make.conf USE line and it seems to compile fine, but
with that disabled for now.
:-) :-)
[-- Attachment #2: Type: text/html, Size: 3615 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless
2017-12-06 7:00 [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless Raffaele Belardi
2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
2017-12-06 15:36 ` Daniel Frey
@ 2017-12-09 1:36 ` Marc Joliet
2 siblings, 0 replies; 14+ messages in thread
From: Marc Joliet @ 2017-12-09 1:36 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-user
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 2136 bytes --]
Am Mittwoch, 6. Dezember 2017, 08:00:40 CET schrieb Raffaele Belardi:
> One (~x86) LXDE system completed the switch with no problem, the other
> (~amd64) built all except two packaged (sdlmame and torcs) which did not
> build with gcc-7.2 even before the switch to 17.0.
> Gentoo devs and arch testers did a good job as usual.
> I'll do the switch on the Gnome system in the next days but up to now I can
> say that the switch to 17.0 is a _lot_ less painful than switching major
> compiler version.
> raffaele
I'll add my support for this, the migration was almost completely painless on
all three of my systems. There were only a few exceptions:
- I hit the aforementioned cdrdao failure (which I opted to solve via USE
- On my laptop I hit the ICU incompatibility with qtwebengine because I had
firefox install with USE="system-icu" (which was masked at some point in the
13.0 profiles, which is why I didn't hit this until now), so I unset the USE
flag again, but that caused some post-migration emerging, which was annoying,
but not horrible.
- On my desktop rust failed for some reason (almost at the end, of course,
when building rustdoc), but simply emerging it again afterwards worked.
- On my desktop I also hit the mupen64plus-ui-console build failure.
Note that all of these have open bugs (except for the rust one, but I expect
that simply came from an inconsistency due to the unfinished "emerge -e
@world", or a random bitflip, or something similarly ephemeral).
(Oh, and libsidplay failed because its maintainer is apparently too busy to
fix its incompatibility with app-shells/dash, but that had nothing to do with
the migration per se.)
I'll also add -- not because I was worried about it but because the
possibility was mentioned in another thread -- that I can't say I'm noticing
any performance hits, even on my 11 year old Athlon64 X2. (IIUC, per the GCC
manual, PIC and PIE only affect startup time, not runtime, so this result
should be expected.)
Marc Joliet
"People who think they know everything really annoy those of us who know we
don't" - Bjarne Stroustrup
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^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 14+ messages in thread
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2017-12-06 7:00 [gentoo-user] switch to profile 17.0 complete, completely painless Raffaele Belardi
2017-12-06 7:18 ` Dale
2017-12-06 8:25 ` Neil Bothwick
2017-12-06 15:38 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 15:49 ` Dale
2017-12-06 16:19 ` Helmut Jarausch
2017-12-06 16:40 ` Andrés Becerra Sandoval
2017-12-06 16:20 ` Alan McKinnon
2017-12-06 23:09 ` Neil Bothwick
2017-12-07 4:40 ` Dale
2017-12-06 15:36 ` Daniel Frey
2017-12-06 16:41 ` Mick
2017-12-06 19:34 ` Daniel Frey
2017-12-09 1:36 ` Marc Joliet
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