
there's no need for a flame war;

for some it's stable for others it's not, hence the reason it's still in


2009/7/3 Jesús Guerrero <>

> On Sat, July 4, 2009 03:17, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > On Freitag 03 Juli 2009, Jesús Guerrero wrote:
> >
> >> If I have to choose between one closed driver that works perfectly and
> >> one close driver that works bad+2 open ones that simply don't work, I
> >> choose the closed driver that works.
> >
> > go to nvnews - and you'll see that there are more than enough people
> > where the driver does not work. So with amd you have 3 drivers to choose
> > from - with nvidia 1.
> Fair enough :)
> > And please - the open ones aren't that bad. When did
> > you try them the last time?
> Some days ago. During months for now.
> I've tried every single version of the drivers, mesa, Xorg and whatever
> you can think of. From older to newer to live.
> They simply don't work with my card. I don't want to taint the thread so
> I will just say that one of the latest thread about that is this:
> >>> Besides - if you use the ebuild, even 2.6.30 works. Yes, dmesg is
> >>> spammed with ugly messages. But who cares? Do you really monitor dmesg
> >>> non stop?
> >>
> >> Who cares?!? mmmm, my /var partition gets filled with +1gb logs
> >> everyday,
> >
> > hm - really? maybe you have stupid logging settings? because /var/log is
> > 286M
> > here - and I never remove any log ...
> No. I haven't. My logs have always been perfectly sane until I've used
> fglrx with .30. Besides the fact that the logs don't reach the disk if
> you filter them don't fix anything about the real problem.
> >> the sys logger because while the files are open the space won't be
> >> freed. The driver does that, and the rest of my programs fail. But, who
> >> cares... The cpu usage is insane when using fglrx on .30, 60-100% on X
> >> when I play something in mplayer, so while watching a movie I can't do
> >> anything else, with the same fglrx version on linux 2.6.28 it takes
> >> around 10%.
> >
> > root      3913  1.7  3.8 347992 195588 tty7    Ss+  Jul03  11:08
> > /usr/bin/X -
> > br -novtswitch -qu
> >
> > 1000     24706  5.4  0.3 174936 15288 pts/1    S+   03:15   0:00 mplayer
> > /mnt/filme/YuGiOh! The
> >
> >
> >
> > I suspect your system has other problems then the driver.
> >
> >
> > Like a bad setup.
> >
> You are of course free to think that. I'm not going into that line
> of discussion though. My system works perfectly ok without that fatal
> combo, always did ;)
> >> Who cares? I do. The driver just doesn't work, these are not minor
> >> annoyances, as you paint them, these are big problems. And the ebuild
> >> should be eliminated, and the old one depending on <2.6.29 should be
> >> restored.
> >>
> >> I really advice to stay in .28 if you are going to use fglrx.
> >>
> >
> > and people who want to use an actual kernel punished just because YOU are
> > too lazy to use package.mask?
> And people who find these problems punished because a buggy driver has been
> forced into your system by emerge. Sir, the problem with logs is not mine,
> I've seen other persons having it. The amount of spam just depends on the
> use you do of the graphics card. If you use 3d intensive apps you will see
> how the spam grows, exponentially. At least for me it's that way.
> Maybe you should relax instead presupposing that all the bad things about
> fglrx+.30 are my fault. Just because it works for you it doesn't mean that
> .30+fglrx is a stable combo. Or... maybe everyone having problems is just
> idiot.
> > I really advice you to rethink your position before you make anti-social
> > demands.
> Thanks for your concern.
> --
> Jesús Guerrero

Hazen Valliant-Saunders
IT/IS Consultant
(613) 355-5977