2007/4/14, dsewnr <dsewnr@gmail.com>:
Nistor Andrei wrote:
> On Friday 13 April 2007, Kellystewart00@yahoo.com.au wrote:
>> What is the average age of the gentoo user here?
>> Sent via BlackBerry® from Vodafone
> I'm 17 :D First tasted linux back in the days of RedHat 7.3 (I think) Then
> dual-booted with windows until 4 years ago when linux became the only OS
> living inside my PC.
I'm 22 years old, I've used Linux about half year since 2006,
Windows XP >> Ubuntu >> Fedora Core >> Debian >> and now I'm using Gentoo.
What a good operation system Gentoo is :P
Sorry for my poor english, it 's "operating" *NOT* "operation" :p
I very very like it !
// dsewnr