James, I recently installed a firewall on Gentoo with 3 nics I used Firehol to configure it but I you want something kind of visual: Guardog is my second choice. On 8/26/05, James wrote: > > Hello, > > I've decided to take the plunge and build my first, full featured > firewall on Gentoo. At first I was going to use 'gnap' but further > reading reveals that this sort of derived firewall is stateless, > and I want a statefull firewall. It's also masked. > (feel free to correct me if I miss something). > > The firewall will have (3) nics, Outside(static IP) > DMZ for several web servers, mail server and DNS secondaries > and a private for a DNS server, PCs(doz) and assorted Linux systems. > So after googling for a while, I could not find any detailed documentation > on building a gentoo based robust firewall (I sure thought I'd ran across > such a page/document, but, nothing today). > > I did find some packages to 'ease the pain' on configuring iptables > and completing the firewall: Recommendations here? > fwbuilder > bastille > kmyfirewall > firestarter > > I did find this gentoo document: > http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml > This example is for a 2 nic basic firewall. > I need a dmz that will have web servers, dns servers, and > will ensure security. > > I did find one Debian-centric security document: > http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto > > Alternatively, since this machine is only going to be a firewall > & ethernet router so rather than securing a complete Gentoo system > I could just use a 'firewall cd' installation, if one exists > as a Gentoo derivative. > > Any other ideas or recommendations on documents or firewall install > config on gentoo or a gentoo derivative are most welcome? > > Note: my firewall experience is mostly with openbsd. > > > James > > -- > gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list > >