2008/1/14, Etaoin Shrdlu <shrdlu@unlimitedmail.org>:
What application is running on the remote box, port 443? A SOCKS server
or something else?
OpenSSH, which manage the redirections alone.
What kind of machine is "", where putty is running? It's
likely a windows box, but now putty exists for linux too.
Is this the same machine you want to run portage on? If not, is the
portage box on the same network as the putty one?
I am on Linux :P and the configuration is my Gentoo Installation. 127.O.O.1 is my machine where putty is running, Xchat run with this proxy configuration: Socks5 Many tests, this solution worked. Thx for that ;)
But I am interested on a global configuration who pass all connection by the SSH tunnel.
How i can do that ?