2008/1/14, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon@gmail.com>:
On Monday 14 January 2008, Elyahou ITTAH wrote:
> Hi all,
> I sought how to make pass my emerge's starting from a tunnel
> configured with Putty but did not find nothing  interesting.
> How can i do this ?
> Thx ;)

Are you using putty on windows then?

Log in with putty, you will get a bash session. Become root, run emerge.

If this doesn't work, then post back with FULL error messages, the
process you followed and where it failed.


Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com
gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org mailing list

Thx for the Answer but  I think I asked the question wrong. I Use Putty to bypass a HTTP proxy who do not let emerge Work.
So i wan't to run portage in my pc, not in the remote one. But i wan't to sync passing the SSH tunnel who is configurated to listen at the port 8080 of my localhost.