There are.many good docs on the web about it. Yes much of this is just resistance to change. -- Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. Sebastian Pipping wrote: Hello, On 07/05/2012 08:28 PM, Grant Edwards wrote: > On 2012-07-05, James wrote: >> Has anyone seen/tried this guide? >> >> >> >> The devs seem to be moving along with migration to grub2. >> >> as evidence in the gentoo-dev thread. I curious if folks are going to >> follow the docs, or are we each going to wing out way to grub2 with >> the legacy installs of gentoo? > > I plan on dragging my feet for as long as possible, and won't switch > until I'm forced to. And by "forced to" I mean that grub-legacy > simply won't work anymore -- regardless of whether there's a Gentoo > package for it or not. a few weeks ago I was one of those people about to stay away from GRUB 2 as long as possible. What I didn't know is that part of what I knew and disliked about GRUB 2 was (only) specific to Debian, the fact that you no longer edit /etc/grub/grub.cfg directly: you edit parts that are combined for you. Short version: if it's fear of the unknown with you too, I recommend getting to know that beast a little better. You'll either end up with many good arguments against it or find out that it's better than you expected in the beginning. My guess is the latter. Anyway. Give it a try. Best, Sebastian