You both seem to be arguing about what constitutes stable. And there are 2 different definitions: stable as defined by the upstream source and stable as defined in portage.<br><br>In this case, the &quot;upstream stable&quot; is 
0.9.3 and the &quot;portage stable&quot; os 0.8.<br><br>Not appreciating the distinction, Maxim was asking why he's not getting the latest stable (expecting the &quot;upstream stable&quot;).<br><br>Alexander's comments reflect the &quot;portage stable&quot;, but don't take in to account that portage does not always keep up. In fact, in this case it's languished rather badly.
<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">0.9.1 was added to bugzilla (<a href=""></a>) in Apr-05<br>It looks like it was added to portage in Nov-05
<br>It's been in portage for 11 months, with no bugs filed against it, and it's still ~x86.<br><br>0.9.2 was added to bugzilla (<a href=""></a>
) in Dec-05<br>It l was added to portage in Feb-06<br>It's been in portage for 8 months, with no bugs filed against it, and it's still ~x86.<br></div>

<br>Now, Darren has added a bug for 0.9.3 and a month later, it's still waiting to get added to portage.<br>His issue is 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 should have been stable by now.<br><br>So, while Alexander is technically correct, (emerge is doing exactly what it should) this not a good thing, because portage is still delivering older, buggy code. Unfortunately, getting ebuilds marked stable requires the intervention of a Gentoo developer and while the documentation says what *should* happen, it does not say what to do when something falls through the cracks.
<br><br>I would suggest Darren look through the develoiper list (<a href=""></a>) for developers handling media-sound. Add them to the cc list on the 
0.9.2 ebuild and add a comment asking that it be marked stable. And ask for the 0.9.3 to be added as ~x86<br><br>dcm<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/19/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Alexander Skwar</b> &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt; wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Darren Kirby &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;:<br><br>&gt; Quoth the Alexander Skwar<br>&gt;<br>&gt;&gt; Darren, on the other hand, seems to have<br>&gt;&gt; some misunderstanding about how portage works.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; Stop being so bloody obtuse and read my response to Willie. I know perfectly
<br>&gt; well how portage works. I am taking issues with your vague responses which<br>&gt; are open to several interpretations.<br><br>No, they are not. I said, that it is unreasonable to expect, that<br>emerge should offer a version other than 
0.8 of dir2ogg, as that's<br>the latest stable. Or rather, I asked maxim why he thinks, that<br>a version, other than the latest stable (ie. 0.8), should be<br>offered.<br><br>&gt; You would be well served by writing a clear and concise response
<br><br>I did. If you try to interprete it somehow and you get it wrong,<br>than I'm terribly sorry for that, but that's just not my problem.<br><br>&gt; rather than<br>&gt; another open-ended question if you want to get your point accross.
<br><br>My point is, that emerge offers, by default, to install the latest<br>stable version. I wanted to make maxim think about why he expects<br>a different version.<br><br>&gt;&gt; Just because there's<br>&gt;&gt; a newer version of some program out there in the wild, doesn't mean,
<br>&gt;&gt; that it'll be available to emerge/portage through some sort of magic.<br>&gt;<br>&gt; That's certainly not what I think,<br><br>I didn't say so, did I?<br><br><br>Alexander Skwar<br>--<br>&lt;rcw&gt; those apparently-bacteria-like multicolor worms coming out of
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;microsoft's backorifice<br>&lt;rcw&gt; that's the backoffice logo<br><br><br>--<br><a href=""></a> mailing list<br><br></blockquote></div><br>