Alan McKinnon wrote:
After my long time away from Gentoo, I thought perhaps some packages that always took ages to compile would have improved. I needed to change to ~amd64 anyway (dumb n00b mistake leaving it at amd64). So that's what I did and let emerge do it's thing.

chromium has been building since 10:14, it's now 21:16 and still going so 9 hours at least on this machine to build a browser - almost as bad as openoffice at it's worst (regularly took 12 hours). Nodejs also took a while, but I didn't record time.

What other packages have huge build times?

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

I have some software you don't likely use that takes a while but one that is common is qtwebengine or something.  If it's not that one, it's qtweb something.  It takes about 4 hours, sometimes 5 or so. 

I think the software takes longer to compile so that we will build new rigs.  ROFL 


:-)  :-)