On 1/11/07, Uwe Thiem <uwix@iway.na> wrote:
On 11 January 2007 14:05, Ralf Stephan wrote:
> > I was being very ambiguous the first time and I apologise. The problem is
> > that I have some readily written texts in Windows doc format which
> > contain mathematical formulas and I need to be able to read them.
> Not knowing if it's possible to read that with OpenOffice,
> I would advise you to rewrite in LaTeX. It's a good way to
> learn the typesetting and you'll love how it looks. If you
> care for your text use LaTeX. Do you think all the scientists
> who put their preprints on arXiv.org can be wrong?
People, this poor guy has some documents, most probably *not* written by
himself, he needs to read. Advice to re-write his documents is completely
besides the point!
Vlad, if you don't mind, please send one of your docs (a small one, not more
than 100KB, I am with a modem) and I'll tell you whether they can be rendered
properly in kword or OpenOffice. I'll let you know about the outcome. If you
send it, please do so off-list.