
This is my first week with Gentoo.
I'm running Gentoo Base System version 1.6.14 on a  x86_64 Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.66GHz.

I have Apache 2.0.58 installed.
I would like to install mod_proxy. I need it.

When I do a emerge --search mod_proxy, all I get is :
*  www-apache/mod_proxy_html [ Masked ]
      Latest version available: 2.5.1
      Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ]
      Size of files: 8 kB
      Homepage:      http://apache.webthing.com/mod_proxy_html/
      Description:   An Apache2 DSO to rewrite links in html pages behind a reverse proxy
      License:       GPL-2

So it looks like I cannot install mod_proxy through emerge.

Do I need to recompile Apache?
Or is there another way?

If I need to recompile Apache, how can I know which options where used for the original installation of Apache? I would like to keep the exact same config + mod_proxy.

Any help would be much-much-much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,