On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Florian Philipp <lists@f_philipp.fastmail.net> wrote:
fei huang schrieb:
> I don't have any "xdm", "gdm" stuff but would like to start my windows
> manager directly at startup, cause I'm the only one that use it.
 You know that this is a possible security thread? Anyone who has access
to your computer can simply press Ctrl+Alt+F1 and enter the console
session you used to start x-server.
Locking your X-session won't help against that.

I don't think so - with the local.start method that he's talking about, the Virtual Console isn't logged in - X is started in the initscripts, not from a logged in console...

Fei - try checking the value of the "HOME" and other environment variable with the local.start method - I think that, since the initscripts are not running in an "interactive" login prompt, some necessary env vars are not being populated correctly. Maybe if you changed your su command to "su myuser -c "source /etc/profile && startx &"?

