It is a running gentoo system in this case
But it doesnt make a difference to me. I want to know generally.
anyway I will try what everyone wrote here and we'll see how it goes.
Thanks again.
Benyamin Dvoskin wrote:
> Hi All ,
> I've been wondering how one can clone an entire gentoo system and copy
> it to another physical machine , while the original system is still
> running ( means , ghost , acronis and other tools that force me to
> shutdown the system are not acceptable )
> So , someone told me to try just "tar" the whole system to the other
> machine and "untar" it there.
> The question is how can I do that ? what are the correct attributes and
> flags ?
> Or maybe someone have other ideas ?> Thanks
> Benyamin
Could you be more specific about the destination machine? Is it already
running some Linux distro, or is it a new machine with no OS? If it's
the latter, you'll have to be more careful with the boot procedure,
kernel options, etc.