
On Dec 7, 2007 3:56 PM, Stroller <stroller@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:

On 7 Dec 2007, at 13:29, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Emil Beinroth <emilbeinroth@gmx.net> wrote:
>> there is a virtual/editor package in the tree, that selects nano
>> as the
>> default choice.
> How does it do that? How do I make it select something else?

I think you simply emerge vi (or vim or emacs or joe or whatever) and
then portage will no longer try to emerge nano (or any other editor).
Yes, I know. That's one way. But why am I able to "preselect"
the virtual/mta by editing the virtuals file and why can't this same
thing be done for virtual/editor? Basically, I'd like to *preselect*
what should be taken as a virtual.

Best regards,
