On 8/7/05, Benno Schulenberg <benno.schulenberg@gmail.com> wrote:
Aaron Nichols wrote:
> The way I'm able to recover this is to boot to the live CD,
> fsck.jfs/dev/sda6 and then reboot
Do you have an /sbin/fsck.jfs on your root partition? Because here
it doesn't exist. Hmm, you did emerge jfsutils?
The problem I had here with reiserfs upon an irregular shutdown,
was that the root partition mounted okay, replaying several journal
entries, but the boot scripts refused to mount the home partition,
seemingly because it was uncleanly unmounted. I've sidestepped
this by changing the localmount script, to simply explicitly mount
the home partition, and now all is fine after a lockup (experiments
with a driver): journals get replayed and it boots on.
Maybe the scripts are doing something similar wrong for you, but
for the root partition, refusing to mount it because it is unclean
and it gets confused by the journal?