True, but my point is that when you need to have a workstation ready as soon as possible and you are not a linux expert (again, my case) it would be advisable to use an installer. Anyway, if you look at my previous post you will see that i tried the minimal CD and fail miserably, maybe ill re-post that error on a new thread with a more accurate subject.

2007/9/10, Randy Barlow <>:
Rafael Barrera Oro wrote:
> However, when you are not a linux expert and want to
> set-up a gentoo workstation fast (my case) i think it would be
> convenient to use a graphical installer and then, with time get to know
> the basic install and all the concepts behind it.

I would argue that you can much more efficiently learn Linux and Gentoo
by going through the install process by hand rather than using a
graphical installer.  Then you see the pieces of the puzzle as they come

Randy Barlow
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