Sorry forgot to attach the log :((


Hi holly, uwe
Thanx for ur replies ... I was actually trying to install my sound driver when emerge automatically downloaded the newer version of kernel i.e 2.6.12-r10 telling me it has a better support for sound cards.. After the newer version was downloaded in /usr/src/ , i did "make menuconfig" to configure the kernel and save the .config file. Then "make && make modules_install" to compile the kernel.
After that i compiled the kernel and copied it to the /boot directory. But forgot to update the grub.conf file ... When rebooted the system i tried to start the X server but it always shows the same message till now..I thought there maybe some problem with the newer version. Then i realize i havent updated the grub.conf file and this was my older version being loaded so i make the link "linux" point towards older version.
When i do a uname -a it shows me the older version i.e 2.6.12-r6 of the kernel . Before that my Xserver was working fine. Does updating to new kernel effect the configuration file of Xserver. I have attached my Xserver's Log file. When i execute /etc/X11/X it a gui window does appear with a mouse pointer but nothing happens after that. When i go back to the terminal i see the same message being displayed
Using vt 7

Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module  /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!

Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module  /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!

What should i do now ??
Thanx and Regards
n 9/27/05, Holly Bostick <> wrote:
Rajat Gujral schreef:-
> hi
> i am a newbie in gentoo and for the first time i tried to upgrade my
> kernel from 2.6.12-r6 to 2.6.12-r10 , but the kernel was not upgraded
> .

When you say you tried to upgrade your kernel, what do you mean to say
that you did?

If you did something like

emerge -uav gentoo-sources

that doesn't 'upgrade your kernel', it downloads and extracts a newer
kernel to /usr/src, where you would then have to configure, compile, and
install it, either manually, or using genkernel. After which, you would
possibly need to edit your bootloader config files (grub.conf or
lilo.conf), to inform the bootloader that a new kernel was available.

If you didn't do any of these things, then you haven't upgraded your
kernel-- Gentoo is not a binary distro where you just download and
replace the previous kernel binary with a new one, as you would in
Mandrake or SuSE or Fedora Core.

> Now when i boot my system with the older kernel i am not able to
> start KDE .. Whenever i write startx on the terminal i get the
> message
> Using vt 7
> Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module
> /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!

What video card do you have? If an ATI or nVidia card using the
proprietary drivers, you would need to re-emerge those drivers against
the new kernel when upgrading.

Are you sure you're booting to the older kernel? After booting, and
logging in, don't type startx, but instead

uname -a

What kernel does it report?

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