<div>Hi holly, uwe</div> <div> </div> <div>Thanx for ur replies ... I was actually trying to install my sound driver when emerge automatically downloaded the newer version of kernel i.e 2.6.12-r10 telling me it has a better support for sound cards.. After the newer version was downloaded in /usr/src/ , i did "make menuconfig" to configure the kernel and save the .config file. Then "make && make modules_install" to compile the kernel. </div> <div> </div> <div>After that i compiled the kernel and copied it to the /boot directory. But forgot to update the grub.conf file ... When rebooted the system i tried to start the X server but it always shows the same message till now..I thought there maybe some problem with the newer version. Then i realize i havent updated the grub.conf file and this was my older version being loaded so<em> </em>i make the link "linux" point towards older version.</div> <div> </div> <div>When i do a uname -a it shows me the older version i.e 2.6.12-r6 of the kernel . Before that my Xserver was working fine. Does updating to new kernel effect the configuration file of Xserver. I have attached my Xserver's Log file. When i execute /etc/X11/X it a gui window does appear with a mouse pointer but nothing happens after that. When i go back to the terminal i see the same message being displayed </div> <div> </div> <div><font color="#550055">Using vt 7<br><br>Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!</font><br> </div> <div><font color="#550055">Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved!</font><br><br>What should i do now ??</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>Thanx and Regards</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div>Rajat</div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div> </div> <div><span class="gmail_quote">n 9/27/05, <b class="gmail_sendername">Holly Bostick</b> <<a href="mailto:motub@planet.nl">motub@planet.nl</a>> wrote:</span> <blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="PADDING-LEFT: 1ex; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid">Rajat Gujral schreef:-<br>> hi<br>><br>> i am a newbie in gentoo and for the first time i tried to upgrade my <br>> kernel from 2.6.12-r6 to 2.6.12-r10 , but the kernel was not upgraded<br>> .<br><br><br>When you say you tried to upgrade your kernel, what do you mean to say<br>that you did?<br><br>If you did something like<br> <br>emerge -uav gentoo-sources<br><br>that doesn't 'upgrade your kernel', it downloads and extracts a newer<br>kernel to /usr/src, where you would then have to configure, compile, and<br>install it, either manually, or using genkernel. After which, you would <br>possibly need to edit your bootloader config files (grub.conf or<br>lilo.conf), to inform the bootloader that a new kernel was available.<br><br>If you didn't do any of these things, then you haven't upgraded your<br> kernel-- Gentoo is not a binary distro where you just download and<br>replace the previous kernel binary with a new one, as you would in<br>Mandrake or SuSE or Fedora Core.<br><br>> Now when i boot my system with the older kernel i am not able to <br>> start KDE .. Whenever i write startx on the terminal i get the<br>> message<br>><br>> Using vt 7<br>><br>> Symbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module<br>> /usr/lib/modules/extensions/libdri.a is unresolved! <br><br><br>What video card do you have? If an ATI or nVidia card using the<br>proprietary drivers, you would need to re-emerge those drivers against<br>the new kernel when upgrading.<br><br>Are you sure you're booting to the older kernel? After booting, and <br>logging in, don't type startx, but instead<br><br>uname -a<br><br>What kernel does it report?<br><br>HTH,<br>Holly<br>--<br><a href="mailto:gentoo-user@gentoo.org">gentoo-user@gentoo.org</a> mailing list<br><br></blockquote> </div><br>