On 9/28/05, Tamas Sarga <tamas@wansite.homelinux.net> wrote:

On Sun, 25 Sep 2005, Fernando Meira wrote:

> Hi,
> I been using ccache for sometime since its mail goal is to speedup common
> compiling sets.
> This is great when updating several packages.
> However, every time that a package is to be emerge/updated my system waits
> for ccache some long minutes. This happens twice, at the emerge start and
> end. For some small packages, it takes more time to handle ccache than
> compiling the package itself... so I wondering if this is normal, or it is
> something mis-configured?
> Here is how it looks:
> >>> emerge (2 of 10) media-sound/cdparanoia- 3.9.8-r2 to /
> * Adjusting permissions on ccache in /root/.ccache
> * Adjusting permissions on ccache in /root/.ccache
> >>> Downloading ftp://ftp.tu-clausthal.de/pub/linux/. ..
> (...)
> >>> Completed installing cdparanoia-3.9.8-r2 into
> /var/tmp/portage/cdparanoia-3.9.8-r2/image/
> >>> Merging media-sound/cdparanoia-3.9.8-r2 to /
> * Adjusting permissions on ccache in /root/.ccache
> (...)
> Fernando


I also use ccache for a some time.
I use

ls -la /var/cache/ccache
drwxrws---  18 portage portage    4096 Sep 25 16:29 .
drwxr-xr-x   7 root    root       4096 Oct 14  2004 ..
drwxr-sr-x  18 portage portage    4096 Oct 24  2004 0
drwxr-sr-x  18 portage portage    4096 Oct 24  2004 1
drwxr-sr-x  18 portage portage    4096 Oct 24  2004 2

My portage user is portage.

I haven't got the mentioned problem.
What are your settings?

Tamas Sarga                             Sárga Tamás

thanks for replying..

My setting are:


Portage user is also portage.

# ll .ccache/
total 14
drwxrwS---  18 root portage  576 Sep 29 00:21 .
drwx------  19 root root    1032 Sep 29 23:39 ..
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage    0 Aug 25 13:32 .keep
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:48 0
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:35 1
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:43 2
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:42 3
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 22:00 4
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:42 5
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 20:55 6
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:42 7
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:55 8
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:43 9
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:37 a
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:44 b
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:48 c
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:43 d
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 21:49 e
drwxrwsr-x  18 root portage  456 Sep  3 20:55 f
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage   66 Sep 29 00:21 stats
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage  120 Sep 24 22:32 tmp.hash.nandux.29184.gcno
-rw-rw-r--   1 root portage  120 Sep 12 00:13 tmp.hash.nandux.6642.gcno

# du -sh .ccache/
965M    .ccache/

 # ccache -s
cache hit                           4569
cache miss                         32736
called for link                     3200
multiple source files                  7
compile failed                       618
preprocessor error                   209
not a C/C++ file                    1420
autoconf compile/link               3617
unsupported compiler option         1214
no input file                       2570
files in cache                     65472
cache size                         960.6 Mbytes
max cache size                       2.0 Gbytes

Can it be just because it's inside root's dir?
