I'm not bringing help, sorry.
Just started using wine few days ago and I was wondering of what to do
when an app doesn't work.. I read on the user guide that
WINEDEBUG=+loaddll would tell me what dlls are missing.. though I never
got any reply from that option. Does it go to any log file or something
like that?
Anyway, the main question is, when something doesn't work "à lá windoz"
(next>next&it's ready) what can we do? How can we work around
that for getting it to work?
For example: although I haven't tried yet, Dreamweaver MX would be one
app that I would be interested on... It is just "wine setup.exe"?
Michael Crute wrote:
> Yes Flash 5 and I believe that even MX works anything before they
> started adding activation. Though I believe this is not without its
> flaws (i.e. I have heard the color chooser crashes the program) in
> either case it definately works. I ran DW MX under Wine for the
> longest time without any major issues.
Cool! Im getting an install isue though, I mount the cdrom, then use
wine setup.exe
But I get an error... Something about ikernel not being located, I believe.
> -Mike
> On 8/23/05, *Ian K* <omega_2_1@yahoo.ca <mailto: omega_2_1@yahoo.ca>>
> wrote:
> Michael Crute wrote:
> > Nobody has yet to get any of Studio MX 2004 working under Wine. The
> > issue (so I have been told) is the activation system doesn't
> play real
> > nice with Wine. Perhaps if you are skilled in the black art of
> > cracking you could hack out the activation routines and make it
> work?
> > (Note: for personal use only please, I don't advocate software
> piracy)
> Ah. Well no, I dont like illegal software. Um, I have Flash 5,
> does that
> work under Wine?
> Thanks!
> Ian
> >
> > -Mike
> >
> > On 8/23/05, *Ian K* <omega_2_1@yahoo.ca
> <mailto:omega_2_1@yahoo.ca> <mailto: omega_2_1@yahoo.ca
> <mailto:omega_2_1@yahoo.ca>>>
> > wrote:
> >
> > Hey all,
> > Has anyone been able to get the trial working under Wine?
> > Also, because I would use it under Wine, would it be easy to
> uninstall
> > the trial and re install it after 30 days? :)
> > Ian
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > ________________________________
> > Michael E. Crute
> > Software Developer
> > SoftGroup Development Corporation
> >
> > Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
> > "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"
> --
> ________________________________
> Michael E. Crute
> Software Developer
> SoftGroup Development Corporation
> Linux, because reboots are for installing hardware.
> "In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?"