On 8/9/05, Sean Reiser <sean@seanreiser.com> wrote:
> I'll erase my windows partition and merge it with gentoo's one. I'll
> end up with ~15Gb for gentoo... which seems to be fairly acceptable.
> In a future stage, I might convert my "share" partition from FAT32 to
> a linux like. By the way, I use reiserfs on my gentoo's partition.
> Will I have problems to resize it?
Even though reiserfs lets you do it I wouldn't resize the volume with it
mounted (seems far too risky for my gut). As I mentioned I would do a
backup first (can't stress that enough). Any time I've done this type
of work I have booted from a live CD, backed up (and verified), scrogged
and repartitioned, and then restored.
FileSystem Caveat: Although my last name is Reiser, I am not related or
associated with reiserfs (or to Hans himself). Do not believe that I
know more about reiserfs based on the strength of my last name.
Good Luck.