
On 8/8/05, Tero Grundstr� <tero@vuosaari.hai.fi> wrote:
On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Fernando Meira wrote:

> Hi Tero,
> what I meant with "redo my partitions" was in the way that I will expand
> my gentoo partition (or try to).
> I have:
> # df -h
> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda4 4.6G 3.8G 803M 83% /
^^ *might* be enough for a minimal system, but not for your compiles or

Yep. I don't pretend to have a minimal system. In fact, my laptop is the only pc I currently use, so it has to have everything I need.

> udev 252M 808K 252M 1% /dev
^^ Why a separate partition for /dev? This is complete waste. Especially
with that size.

As Neil said, it is a virtual filesystem. I didn't create it. What I did create was the swap partition with 512MB (the same size as my RAM) and it looks like it is split into two: "udev" and "none".

> /dev/hda5 23G 20G 3.3G 86% /mnt/share
^^ You'll *never* need that much space in here. Do not have this on a
separate partition. Maybe you could make this partition your /home ?

Well, this partition has the purpose to hold all my documents and stuff. My idea was to have a partition only to windoz and its programs, another to gentoo and its programs, and then this one accessed by both side. It started to be my /home but I had some problems with permissions in the beginning that I couldn't solve, so I had to move /home back to gentoo partition.

> /dev/hda1 9.8G 8.0G 1.8G 82% /mnt/windows
^^ Complete waste ;)

ehheh.. .yes! The problem is that I need some things from there. I really can't wait for the day when I don't waste disk space with crap.

> what are the advantages of pointing PORTAGE_TMPDIR and DISTDIR to other
> partitions?

The idea is, ofcourse, to give your compiles and distfiles more room.
This in turn would free up space for your system.

Ok, but that is assuming that I can point them to other partition. But if I have other partition available, I can just merge it with gentoo's one and keep everything together. It would be the same, right?

> thanks for the localepurge tip:
> - Total disk space freed by localepurge: 48448K (not bad ;)

Yeah, it's great. BTW, check out the 'userlocales' USE flag for glibc too.
It will speed up the compilation and save some space.

I'll have a look to that.