Ok, thanks Christoph.

I'm just trying E17 for the first time now, and the first impression is good.
However, there a weird behaviour with the mouse. The mouse pointer disappears very frequently, crashing from time to time one application. xterm blew aways few minutes ago. In fact, this is the second time I'm writing this mail, cause 1 minute ago E17 crashed and I was send back to entrance.
So, from these, does it look like a bug, mouse bad-config or something else?
I dont know if I dare to open xterm again to post here my xorg.conf...
Any idea?


On 8/4/05, Christoph Gysin <cgysin@gmx.ch> wrote:
Fernando Meira wrote:
> Also found other scripts to compile directly from cvs, without using
> portage. Can anyone tell me what the advantage of doing so?

I'd suggest using portage since it allows you to uninstall, query information
and doing other nice package managment stuff.

> Christoph, is there so many modifications to update E17 every day? What
> about once a week?

I update about once or twice a week. Mostly after raster has commited some new
stuff. See [1] or [2] for news on e17.

[1] http://www.get-e.org/Main/News/
or via RSS: http://www.get-e.org/Main/News/feed.xml
[2] http://www.edevelop.org/

You could also watch for CVS changes yourself:

$ cd /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src/e17
$ cvs -nq up
$ cd /usr/portage/distfiles/cvs-src/misc
$ cvs -nq up

Every line starting with 'U' got updated.

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