Hi all,

I have a strage problem, some month ago I bougth a new laptop (Core2duo 1,83 Ghz + Geforce 7600).
The first thing I did was installing gentoo, and after X was finished I installed the nvidia-driver an run glxgears to see the difference between my old desktop and my new laptop.
I got about 10000.000 FPS and was happy. I continued installing the system and built some new kernels to get all the things working like wlan etc.
some days later I run glxgears again and was shocked of the glxgears output:

31189 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6237.635 FPS
31163 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6232.600 FPS
31178 frames in 5.0 seconds = 6235.511 FPS

since this time I never got more than 6400.000 FPS, I `ve tried to install newer versions of nvidia-driver and the nvidia-driver from the nvidia page but its not going over 6400.000 FPS. After some time I thougth maybe it didnt run faster the first time and I was remembering wrong but than I saw a forum entry from someone with the same notebook running fedoracore and he postet his putput of glxgears and got about 10000.000 FPS.

Has anyone any ideas what the problem could be???
I dont want to install gentoo again because everything else works fine.

Thanks and Regards
