Am Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 06:02:47PM -0500 schrieb Dale: > > The /mnt or any other /* directories will show up both when you click the / > > partition Label on the 'Devices' side panel section and when you click Root in > > the 'Places' section. > > > > True but I rarely use that panel, pane or whatever it is called.  Once I > open /home and go a couple layers, the list gets VERY long.  It's so > long that I tend to use the mouse pointer and the scroll bar to move.  A > mouse wheel scroll would take a long time. You can hold the shift key while turning the wheel, this will cause it to scroll by page, not by three lines at a time. That’s a very nifty feature since at least KDE 3 (that was when I started my “Linux career”). > > It seems the top directory in the Folders side panel is dynamically adjusted > > when you decent through its subdirectories. Have you played with: > > > > Settings > Configure Dolphin > Startup > Show on startup > > > > to see if you can set / in there? I don't know if this might affect it > > permanently, rather than on startup, but its worth trying. > > > > Alternatively, is the dolphin window and size of fonts/icons as large in this > > desktop as it was in your old desktop? > > > > I tried that too.  It still does the /home/dale thing when I go into my > home directory.  There has to be a setting somewhere since it works on > my old rig.  I just can't find it.  I may boot the old rig and compare.  > Maybe when I enable/disable something some new settings show up somewhere.  First I wanted to write that I don’t really believe there is an option for this. So you could simply go to home (with Alt+Home) and one level up with Alt+Cursor, so the folder panel goes back to root mode. And then I had one more look and simply clicked around a bit. I’ve never really used the folder panel; I usually stick to the Places panel. I noticed a suspicios menu item … and Heureka! Just right-click any folder in the panel and uncheck “Limit to home directory”. > If only.  I'd have to connect everything back up to the old rig so I can > boot.  Right now, nothing plugged into it.  I need to do some things on > it tho.  Drag out the old keyboard, spare mouse and various other > things.  Hmmmm, where am I going to put a monitor tho????? You could try headless with SSH, if it’s just moving files around that needs to be done. > >> Anyone have a idea how to make Dolphin lock the panel at / and it not > >> switch to /home/dale view?? I'd think locking is enough but maybe the > >> lock setting isn't working and it is a bug. The “lock setting” is for locking the sidebar layout, not its content. > >> P. S. Liking the new rig. Sometimes my main monitor blinks off and > >> back on again. I can't figure out why yet but I'm working on it. > >> Swapped cables so far. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. :-) > > Probably some power Energy Star® saving feature on the monitor? :-/ > > > Well, it does it when I'm actually doing things like typing a email or > something.  Plus, most energy saving stuff is disabled.  It has to stay > on so I can watch TV anyway. Media players usually inhibit the suspend signal to the monitor anyways. -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. What were peanuts used for before there was TV?