Hello, Gentoo. [ First an older post, but without quoting >s on the lines. ] On Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 18:56:27 +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote: The topic of this post is my kernel patch which enables soft scrolling on Linux tty's with and , and also enables the GPM mouse utility on those scrolled regions. Currently, the patch I posted some months ago works on all 6.1.x kernels, and very likely works on 6.2.x, too. In kernel 6.3.1, some significant refactoring was done by the kernel people, necessitating a new version of the patch, called 6.3.11-GPM.20231004.diff. I've tested this on 6.3.11 and 6.5.5. Just a quick reminder of how to use these files for anybody else who might be interested: (i) cd /usr/src/linux-6.3.11-gentoo, or similar. (Or ...-6.1.x-gentoo). (ii) patch -p1 < 6.3.11-GPM.20231004.diff (or the other one). (iii) Configure the kernel as normal. Additionally, under Device drivers/Graphic Support/Console display driver support, enable CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_SOFT_SCROLLBACK, set the buffer size to taste (it's default is 128 kB) and accept the default enablement of CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE_SOFT_SCROLLBACK_GPM. (iv) Build the kernel and install it into your boot manager. (v) Reboot and enjoy! You can now use GPM in scrolled consoles. Just a warning: if you copy your kernel .config from a 6.1.x kernel, and use make oldconfig to generate a new kernel for 6.3.x etc., you will have to enable CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT, otherwise your USB keyboard and mouse will be dead on bootup. ;-( The usual disclaimers apply, here. If this patch breaks anything for you, you get to join the pieces back together again. But if this does happen, please let me know, so that I can try to fix the bug. My only promise is that there's nothing malicious in the patch. As well as 6.3.11-GPM.20231004.diff, I'm reposting 6.1.8-GPM.20230203.diff for anybody new here who wants to try it on the current Gentoo 6.1.x kernel. -- Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany). I've adapted this patch for kernel 6.6.13. All of the parent post still applies, with the exception of the version numbers. The main patch for the new kernel is 6.6.13-GPM.20240123.diff. Additionally I've attached a smaller patch which fixes what to me was a little glitch in the gpm utility. This was that on a triple click to select a whole line (or sequence of lines), the (last) line got a linefeed appended to it. The effect was that if you wanted to hoik a line out of some screen output and execute that from the bash command line, you couldn't edit it first. So with this patch, you no longer get that annoying linefeed, and the highlighting is adjusted accordingly. This patch is (as far as I'm aware, without testing) independent of the main GPM patch. If anybody still needs them, I've still got the patches for the 6.1 kernel, and the 6.3 and 6.5 kernels, and one or two earlier kernels too. Have fun! -- Alan Mackenzie (Nuremberg, Germany).