Am Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 04:21:20AM -0600 schrieb Dale: > Michael wrote: > > On Sunday, 23 February 2025 07:53:28 Greenwich Mean Time Dale wrote: > > > >> I do wish mpv had a volume control for audio tho. > > It does. From the fine manual: > > > > / and * > > Decrease/increase volume. > > > > Also, on the GUI, if you scroll with your mouse up or down you alter the audio > > volume. > > > > The keyboard option does work. I didn't know that. I have a speaker > icon that I can click on to mute/unmute but that's it. I'd like to have > a control that I can click on and adjust, or better yet, just show up > all the time. When I scroll the mouse wheel, it moves forward or > backward. I prefer that really. I'm bad to skip forward through bits I > don't want to watch. The arrow keys work but the mouse button is faster > for me. Mpv has many useful and not too hard to remember keyboard assignments that you might find useful: previous/next chapter: ! and @ (and PgUp/PgDown, but I reassinged those) previous/next file: < and > show position: o show file info: i hide video window: _ (I just found that out myself when I wanted to verify some of my entries) Below are some useful entries from my ~/.config/mpv/input.conf. I’m also not very fond of some of mpv’s defaults, like seeking on cursor up/down, so I changed it and added some conveniences on my own: # Seeking mapped to the most universal keys for volume by default? I think not. down add volume -5 up add volume +5 # do the big seek on page keys instead PgUp seek 60 PgDwn seek -60 Ctrl+g show_progress # full screen on middle click MOUSE_BTN1 cycle fullscreen # go back a bit on right mouse button MOUSE_BTN2 seek -5 # volume control with mouse wheel MOUSE_BTN3 add volume +5 MOUSE_BTN4 add volume -5 # some more groupings for seeking and playback speed (big and small increments) F1 seek -60 F2 seek -5 F3 seek 5 F4 seek 60 F5 multiply speed 0.8 F6 multiply speed 0.9091 F7 multiply speed 1.1 F8 multiply speed 1.25 : add audio-delay 0.100 ; add audio-delay -0.100 x add audio-delay -0.100 X add audio-delay 0.100 / multiply speed 0.8 * multiply speed 1.25 - multiply speed 0.5 + multiply speed 2.0 9 multiply speed 0.6666 0 multiply speed 1.5 # and the same on the numpad KP_DIVIDE multiply speed 0.8 KP_MULTIPLY multiply speed 1.25 KP_SUBTRACT multiply speed 0.5 KP_ADD multiply speed 2.0 9 multiply speed 0.6666 0 multiply speed 1.5 s cycle sub +1 S cycle sub -1 a cycle audio +1 A cycle audio -1 Ctrl+a cycle video-aspect-override +1 Ctrl+A cycle video-aspect-override -1 P screenshot # rotate video, e.g. to watch portrait video full-screen e cycle_values video-rotate 90 180 270 0 > I have to admit, I keep saying I want to build playlist files for mpv, > smplayer or any other player, and then instead of selecting a large list > of videos, I just click on the playlist file, right click and open with > preferred player would be a good option too if one file would work with > any player. >[…] > I have some videos that have parts in a foreign language. > For those, I have the subtitle files. If I go to a directory and just > do a CTRL + A and try to open with Smplayer, the subtitle file makes it > not want to open because it is not a video file. The file types are > mixed. You could clean the directories up by merging the subtitles into the video files. Avi does not officially support that, but the more modern containers like mp4 and mkv do. If they are not too many, you can do it manually with mkvtoolnix, it has a nice GUI in which you can enter all sorts of metadata, like stream language. But if they are too many, a script for mkvmerge might be better. What numbers are we talking about? > That file, because it has the same name as the video, is buried > in there, somewhere. Then when I added Franks checksum tool, it adds a > file to but I named it so that it will always be at the top. I do a > CTRL + A then click that file while holding the CTRL key to deselect > it. Still, it's a extra step. Having a playlist file would avoid all > of that. To speed up the selection process, you could sort by file type and then select only the relevant block of files, or filter for your video file extension with Dolphin’s Ctrl+I filter bar. > Another reason I haven't done this, I have well north of 600 directories > that I need to create playlists for. It would take a while but I could > create them as I go to them to watch the videos. I just need to find > out how this is done. I'm thinking just doing a ls and piping it to a > file should work. Year, that’s what I thought of, too, when I read this. :) > I may have to edit out any subtitle files but other than that, might > work. Then again, there may be some tool that does this already. > […] > One of these days. At least now I can play my videos and have a clean > emerge after updating. ;-) I wonder, does Frank have a nifty script > for creating playlist files????/ ROFL Hehehe. Not an existing script, but I can scribble a one-liner. ;-) Assuming your video structure is flat (just one level deep): for d in */; do (cd "$d"; ls *.{avi,mkv,mp4,webm} > playlist.m3u); done This goes into each subdirectory and puts a list of all the mentioned file extensions into a file. Amend the list of extensions to your need. This is the inclusive way. The exclusive way is to instead of listing specific extensions, list everything and filter them out: ls | grep -vE '\.(ssa|srt|sub|idx|vtt|md5)$' > playlist.m3u This filters out some subtitle filetypes that I am aware of, amend as needed. -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. begin signature_virus Hi! I’m a signature virus. Please copy me to your signature to help me spread. end