Hey list, I am looking for an as-simple-as-possible setup for local mail delivery. What I mean by that is: the mail shall go into /var/spool/mail locally, which is why I deem it overkill to set up and run a complicated smtpd daemon with its own config file language. At my previous employer we used mda on our Ubuntu-based machines, but this is not available in Gentoo. It did extactly what I am looking for: receive mail (most importantly from cron) via pipe and put it right into the spool file, so I can see a message upon login and read it with mutt. That’s all I need, so I can get summary reports of zfs snapshots, smartd messages and so on. I was looking through wiki articles, but they all employ the usual beasts postfix, courier and so on. Do you have any recommendations? Much obliged. -- Grüße | Greetings | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. If nothing works anymore, read the manual already.