Am Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 05:53:03AM +0000 schrieb Wols Lists: > On 21/12/2022 02:47, Dale wrote: > > I think if I can hold out a little while, something really nice is going > > to come along.  It seems there is a good bit of interest in having a > > Raspberry Pi NAS that gives really good performance.  I'm talking a NAS > > that is about the same speed as a internal drive.  Plus the ability to > > use RAID and such.  I'd like to have a 6 bay with 6 drives setup in > > pairs for redundancy.  I can't recall what number RAID that is. > > Basically, if one drive fails, another copy still exists.  Of course, > > two independent NASs would be better in my opinion.  Still, any of this > > is progress. > > That's called either Raid-10 (linux), or Raid-1+0 (elsewhere). Note that 1+0 > is often called 10, but linux-10 is slightly different. In layman’s term, a stripe of mirrors. Raid-1 is the mirror, Raid-0 a (JBOD) pool. So mirror + pool = mirrorpool, hence the 1+0 → 10. > I'd personally be inclined to go for raid-6. That's 4 data drives, 2 parity > (so you could have an "any two" drive failure and still recover). > A two-copy 10 or 1+0 is vulnerable to a two-drive failure. A three-copy is > vulnerable to a three-drive failure. At first, I had only two drives in my 4-bay NAS, which were of course set up as a mirror. After a year, when it became full, I bought the second pair of drives and had long deliberations by then, what to choose. I went for raid-6 (or RaidZ2 in ZFS parlance). With only four disks, it has the same net capacity as a pair of mirrors, but at the advantage that *any* two drives may fail, not just two particular ones. A raid of mirrors has performance benefits over a parity raid, but who cares for a simple Gbit storage device. With increasing number of disks, a mirror setup is at a disadvantage with storage efficiency – it’s always 50 % or less, if you mirror over more than two disks. But with only four disks, that was irrelevant in my case. On the plus-side, each mirror can have a different physical disk size, so you can more easily mix’n’match what you got lying around, or do upgrades in smaller increments. If I wanted to increase my capacity, I’d have to replace *all* drives with bigger ones. With a mirror, only the drives in one of the mirrors need replacing. And the rebuild process would be quicker and less painful, as each drive will only be read once to rebuild its partner, and there is no parity calculation involved. In a RAID, each drive is replaced one by one, and each replacement requires a full read of all drives’ payload. With older drives, this is cause for some concern whether the disks may survive that. That’s why, with increasing disk capacities, raid-5 is said to be obsolete. Because if another drive fails during rebuild, you are officially screwed. Fun, innit? -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. The boss is a human just like everyone else, he just doesn’t know.