Am Sun, Dec 11, 2022 at 08:44:42AM -0700 schrieb Mark Knecht: > Also, I think there are ways for you to build complex pools like a RAID0 > from your 6TB and 8TB drives, and then a RAID1 using the RAID0 and your > 14TB drive but I've never tried it because mine don't have enough drive > slots for that. After a longer fruitless search on the interwebs (I ddidn’t want to start up my NAS just to check this) I finally found the right search keywords and found a reddit thread about that. And it even throws LVM into the discussion. ^^ Also : “Here's a definitive answer from the man page for zpool. Virtual devices cannot be nested, so a mirror or raidz virtual device can only contain files or disks. Mirrors of mirrors (or other combinations) are not allowed.” I would advise against a JBOD pool anyways. Because if one drive dies, the whole JBOD is gone. That goes for ZFS and probably for LVM, too (though I am not sure how writes are distributed across JBOD disks). If the goal is redundancy, you could buy a second drive to match the size of an existing one and build a mirror. If redundancy is not a goal, then use the drives separately like you do now. If one fails, then only its content is gone (or even just the files sitting on the broken sector). > Also, turn on compression. It saves me between 15-20% so 14TB becomes 16TB > storage. YMMV. Video files don't compress, at least not much. Data files > generally do. It doesn’t hurt to switch it on, especially with lzo. But with video, the benefit will be negligible. When storing a block of data (a “record” in ZFS speak), it is passed through the compressor and only if the compression gain is above a given threshold (10 % methinks), the block is written to disk with compression. What is more relevant in filesystems for big files (i.e. videos): set the record size to 1 MB. The default is 64 kB, IIRC. Each record requires one block of metadata (which includes the record checksum). So bigger records → fewer meta blocks → better storage efficiency. If you use big records for small files, then efficiency goes down a little. It’s a similar (but a little more complicated) principle as when you write a 100 byte text file to a file system that uses 4 kB clusters. That file will still use up 4 kB on disk. The record size can be set per-dataset. So in your pool you could create a dataset with a smaller record size for office documents, images and music, and another dataset just for videos. > Hope this helps. I think you'll find TrueNAS fun actually but there is a > learning curve. I've used it for about a year and barely scratched the > surface. The main reason for me why I would wanna use it as opposed to a standard Gentoo install: the OOTB web interface to manage all sorts of accounts, access and permissions under one nice hood. -- Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’ Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network. A fermata comes to the doctor: “I can’t hold it any longer...”